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Sienna pov
Evelyn has started to teeth which is a nightmare she's barley sleeping and now she's biting me every time I feed her. Which is a pain, but Christmas break is coming so soon we will have all three little ones home all day everyday for 2 and a half weeks. But Luna is doing amazing with preschool with the circumstances of today. Brantley has been a little angel talking more and walking more but still wants to be by my side at all times. Harry is thinking about doing another movie but I'm still not sure because now I'd have a 4 month old, 1 and a half year old and a 5 year old to watch and it would be a hassle to go and get them in the car to go get Luna from school. But I told him that if he feels like the time is right even if I don't that he could do it and I'd support him all the way. But we'd be needing to move into the London house since that's where filming would be for this movie. But Luna would need to change schools after she's finally adjusted again. Brantley clearly missed Anne and Gemma but we all did truly. I missed my family a lot too, I can't wait till they can meet little Evelyn even though she might be a bit bigger by the time we get to see them again.
"Hey si, go take a break I can handle brant and lunes." Harry tells me knowing I haven't had very much time to myself these days.
"okay thank you." I say walking over and kissing him before going upstairs to shower and treat myself for a bit of relaxation. I start my shower making sure that the water is at a perfect temperature, I wash my hair seeing it's been at least a week since I last washed my hair. I enjoy this shower, I took this time to relax for as long as the hot water lasted before getting out drying off and changing, blowing out my hair for a little bit of change. But I've been thinking that I wanna cut my hair shorter seeing it's at my lower back and it's getting to be a lot and a nice cut and dye would be nice. I'd need too definitely book a appointment, but I'd need to find a day where Harry can watch brant, Luna or ev. One of the younger kids seeing Luna would wanna stay with Harry or even go with me and get a hair cut. Or Brantley would probably be a good boy and sit still and be quiet but I don't think he'd last that long for me to get a cut and dye then blow out. So Harry would probably have to watch them, I know he would I just don't wanna leave him with all three kids seeing sometime Brantley acts up and Ev can be fussy, Luna is the chillest one and easiest. But eventually I went back downstairs Ev on my hip with her head in the crook of my neck, she was being extra cuddly today.
"Hi mommy look we are drawing pictures." Luna says looking at me smiling while Harry is helping Brantley draw, it's adorable,e to say the least.
"Hi mummy, mummy look." Brantley says waving me over repeating himself.
"That's a beautiful picture Brant and Luna." I say standing next to Harry with brant on his leg.
"Thanks mummy, daddy helped me." Brantley tells me smiling.
"Oh really, well he did a good job too." I tell him knowing the kids are getting hungry it's around snack time, I wrapped Ev into the carrier on my body so I could cut up some fruits and veggies for a snack. Brantley soon was sat in his high chair and Luna Ernest to him they were talking a bit about random things. I stayed next to Harry him making faces at Ev watching he start laughing or smiling.
"So I've been thinking I wanna cut and dye my hair." I say to him
"How short do you want it." He asks me cause I know how much he loves my hair.
"Past my collar bones, and I'd just make my hair blonder." I tell him
"You can do it I know people who would come to the house and do it for you or even you could go to the salon. Take a break, relax get dolled up, I want you to feel amazing. Book a appointment I can't wait."
"Wow, you jumped on that train fast."
"Of course I want you to be happy, si you are a amazing mom you deserve it. If it makes you happy I'm all for it."
"I love you beyond words can explain, H."
"And I love you 10x more." He says kissing me then kissing Ev's head smiling at me. I unwrapped Ev and held her, she soon reached out for Harry who gladly took her and held her close to his chest.
I soon went over to brant who was itching to get out of his high chair and go play with his toys. Luna went to go play with her barbies , but it soon ended in them wanting to go swimming. I changed Brantley and Luna came down excited to go swim, Harry was going in with them seeing it was time for me to feed Ev who was crying, letting me know she was hungry. I fed her and soon started on dinner while Harry stayed in the pool with the kids, holding Brantley seeing he was still too little to swim by himself but he enjoyed Harry throwing him up in the air every few seconds while Luna stayed in the shallow end swimming. Once dinner was in I called for them to come in Harry dried them both off before bring them in for dinner. I made everyone's plates while Harry changed brant and Luna changed seeing it would be bath night for everyone seeing they all now smelled like chlorine. After dinner I had started the night of bath time, since I knew they'd be up late tonight. I changed Ev and put her to bed and then moved on to getting brant and Luna to sleep. Gotten Brantley asleep after I gave him a binky and that did the trick. Harry read Luna a bed time story before she was out like a light.
"Hey darling, wanna join me." He asks me and I automatically know that he's talking about the shower.
"Possible." I say smirking, before he comes over and picks me up removing me from my comfy spot on the bed and bringing me into the shower with him. "Harry seriously."
"Yes I want time with my loving, amazing wife." He tells me kissing me, knowing we are both enjoying every second we have together right now, seeing our time is mostly occupied by the three little kids running through our house. We soon ended the night feeding Ev one last time for the night seeing she's getting bigger and doesn't need to be fed so many times throughout the night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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