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Sienna pov
Harry had scheduled me an appointment for an ultrasound to check the baby's growth. We would be leaving for California again in a month for Harry's new movie. I had gotten the kids ready bringing them over to Annes house while we went to our doctors appointment.
"For Sienna styles?" The nurse calls out and Harry and I standup walking over, following her into the room. She checks everything before the doctor comes in.
"Hi Mr and Mrs Styles, I will be your doctor. I see that you are 8 weeks pregnant, have you had any symptoms."
"Um just morning sickness and nausea." I say
"Okay well would you like to schedule another appointment for the 12 week mark?" The doctor says and I look at Harry because we will be back in California by then.
"Actually we will be back in California by then so I'll schedule it with our doctor there."
" okay well good luck you two, have a nice day."
"You too, thank you." I say getting down from the chair walking out holding Harry's hand as we leave. We drove back to get the kids, seeing Brantley is now walking but mostly crawling so he's a bit of a handful now.
"Hi guys, we're you good for nana." I ask Luna as she hugs Harry and I.
"Yes mommy, I wanna stay in London with nana." She tells me pouting.
"Well missy nana can always visit or we can come see her when daddy isn't filming." I tell her kissing her head. "Stop pouting you still have a couple weeks with nana." I say tickling her seeing her smile appear.
"Ok, watch Brantley please it's nana and Luna time." She says and I get up to take Brantley for their fun time, I sit on the floor same with Harry as we talk and play with Brantley. He's started to act like he's giving hugs but is really trying to bite you or grab your jewelry. But the older he gets the more he looks like Harry as a baby which is adorable. After a hour Brantley was getting cranky so it was about nap time.
"Mommy, daddy can I please stay with nana tonight." She asked us giving up puppy dog eyes.
"Is nana alright with it?" I ask while I'm trying to rock Brantley to sleep.
"Yes I'm alright with it all the time I love this little bug." Anne says
"Okay then you can stay with nana tonight, we are gonna go though and out Brantley down for a nap." I say.
"Okay bye bye mommy and daddy." She says hugging us. "Have a good nap baby B." She says kissing his forehead, before hugging Harry and I once again giving us each a kiss goodbye. We drive home Brantley somewhat sleeping.
"I can't believe we have another on the way." Harry says smiling and I know he wants another girl so that she can be attached to him.
"I know it does feel a little soon though brants only like 9 months old." I say looking in the rear view mirror checking on Brantley.
"By the time this little one is born he'll be 1 years old." He says holding my hand.
"I know but it still feels soon, but there's nothing we can do but love all of our munchkins." I say placing my hand on my stomach that doesn't quite have a bump yet, Harry's hand soon on top of mine.
"I bet Brantley and Luna will love their little sister or brother." He says kissing me before we go upstairs to put Brantley in his crib for the rest of his nap. I changed into a hoodie and sweats that are both Harry's seeing they are so much more comfortable to me. I sit on the couch with Harry as we enjoy the few minutes of silence we have left before Brantley wakes up. Not even a minute into the movie Brantley is screaming crying, I go upstairs his face is red with tears coming down seeing his crib has puke everywhere.
"It's ok Brant." I say trying to soothe him a bit before I call for Harry's help.
"What happened little guy." Harry says at Brantley, looking to see if I wanna handle the crib mess seeing Harry isn't a fan of throw up.
"Put him in his bath seat, something he ate definitely upset his tummy. I'll handle the crib if you don't want to." I say knowing this is gonna be awful since my senses are more sensitive due to pregnancy. I finish cleaning the crib, putting the sheets in the washer and going back to wipe down the crib one last time. "How is he." I ask Harry looking at Brantley whose face is beet red.
"Little fussy, also he has a fever I checked 101 temperature." He says looking back at me before he wrapped Brantley in a towel.
"Mama mama." Brantley says reaching for me and he clearly just wants to be connected to my hip today.
"Let's get a diaper on you." I say putting just a diaper in him to bring down him temp also letting him stay rested on my hip with his head in the crook of my neck.
"He's such a mommas boy." Harry says smiling at me rubbing Brantley back.
"I know and I love it." I say smirking seeing Brantley has a stronger attachment to me when he's sick.
We watch movies me handing Brantley to Harry to get him some water and make a small bottle. "Mama mama." Brantley babbles seeing tears start to form in his eyes. I come back over letting him lay on top of me once again. I give him his little sippy cup filled with water, I help him hold it and let him take a couple of sips, before letting him go back to his cuddle session with me. After his bottle I laid him down in his crib, cuddling up to Harry it was starting to get late so we called Luna to tell her good night then brought Brantley up to our room tonight.

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