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Sienna pov
30 weeks
Today Harry was releasing his second album fine line and I'm beyond proud of him and can't wait for the fans to hear it. We stayed up and he sat next to me as we listened to it before everyone else. It was an amazing moment on of our tops. I've been getting up early due to not being able to sleep and the need to nest everything in the nursery, doing whatever I can before the baby comes soon. Harry has built the crib, changing table and dresser.
"How are you baby?" He asks me with his raspy morning voice as he walks into the nursery.
"My boobs hurt and my feet are swollen also back pain." I tell him knowing my milk is starting to come in.
"I'm sorry baby, but it will all be worth it when we meet Harry jr." he tells me joking knowing it pisses me off.
"Worth it when we meet our baby boy, correction. We will decide on a name when he is out of my stomach and I don't feel like a whale." I tell him continuing to fold the baby clothes I had bought organizing them by month.
"You don't look like a whale sienna." He says sitting down next to me hugging me. "Is there anything I can do for you to help you feel better." He says rubbing my lower back,
"That's perfect thank you." I tell him as he continues to rub the sore part of my lower back.
"Anything for you, Luna is still sleeping." He says.
"Perfect let's go watch a movie." I say getting up and grabbing a pair of the sweat pants one of the fifty others I've been wearing all the time due to the growing bump on my stomach. Harry carries me down the stairs bridal style and even though I tell him to put me down. But he's stubborn and doesn't want me doing much. "How have the reaction for the album been." I ask him curious because I love it beyond words.
"Everyone has had good reactions so far, which I'm happy about." He tells me kissing the top of my head.
"Luna's gonna be happy for a new sing to sing in the car." I tell him laughing about how much she loves Carolina and how much attachment she has to the song.
"Which one do think it will be?" He asks me
"I bet it will be canyon moon or golden." I say
"Maybe adore you too. But which is you're favorite love." He says gently rubbing my shoulders
"Fine line or canyon moon." I say, as we hear little feet coming down the steps. "Good morning baby." I tell her as she comes to sit next to us.
"Morning mommy and daddy." She says.
"Guess What lunes." I ask her.
"Daddy released new music do you wanna listen to the album."
"Yes yes I wanna listen." She says cheering as Harry opened up his album that is saved on his phone. He started playing the album as we watched Luna bop her head around giggling and smiling. He started playing golden and she automatically started telling us she loves this sing. We made it through the whole album eventually Luna saying they all are her favorites.
"Daddy you make good music. I wanna be just like you." She tells him looking up at him completely in awe of how much she loved and wants to be like him.
"Thank you Luna bug, you can be whoever you wanna be. But you can definitely be my mini me when ever you want bug." He tells her kissing the top of her head, before she gives him a huge hug.
"I will be a mini you and a mini you mommy." She said pulling us both into a hug.
"Well I think we need to get you ready for school lunes." I tell her holding her hand as we walk upstairs to get her ready hoping she does throw a fit about school like she has been doing. I brushed through her hair and put a clip in it calling it a day, before going back downstairs so she could eat and for Harry to take her to school. There's was a lot of housework that needs to be done so that's my plan for today between laundry for Luna,Harry and me. I spent about 3 hours cleaning everywhere knowing soon I won't have time to do anything.
"Hey missy,I think you might need a small break from cleaning." Harry says standing in the door frame of Luna's room.
"No I'm fine H." I tell him.
"Ten minute break max come on. I don't need you spreading yourself too thin." He protests against me.
"I'm just cleaning Harry I'm ok." I Tell him as he sits down next to me as I fold Luna's laundry.
"I know I know you're nesting I can tell. We still have a few hours till Luna gets home we could go out for lunch." He suggests
"I don't know Harry, no one knows about us or the baby besides our family and friends."
"I promise we will be fine and we can go to a slow cafe or even a restaurant."
"Okay fine, but let me go change." I say and he helps me up from the ground while I go change into leggings and a big sweatshirt that are hiding the bump pretty well.
"where did the bump go." He asks.
"Hiding for protection purposes." I tell him lifting the sweatshirt up showing the bump again. He drive as we went to a private cafe we have been going to for a while. We ate before driving to go get Luna from school. I am exhausted due to my lack of sleep from the big bump not allowing me to get comfortable ever.
"When we get home, go take a nap I can see your exhaustion on your face." He tells me as we wait for Luna to get out of school.
"I know I just can't get comfortable with this bump." I tell him honestly.
"I'm sorry baby, we'll figure something out."
"I love you."
"I love you too." He says before getting out of his car to go walk Luna to the car. We arrive home and I go and try to get some sleep, while Harry makes dinner and helps Luna with homework. We eat and I give Luna a bath before going to bed, hoping I'd be able to get a little bit of sleep before repeating the same routine over again.

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