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Harry pov

I would be at Sienna's apartment in about 5 minutes. I couldn't wait to hug her or at least help with Luna. I arrived at her apartment and knocked on the door.

"Harry why are you here you have a show." she asked almost crying.

"What no hug for me." when I said that she hugged me tightly. "I knew I needed to come see you so that's what I did."

She let me into the apartment even though it was really late. I saw Luna sleeping where I'd normally sleep and I found it adorable.

"I'm sorry she has been wanting to be close to me after she was sick and had nightmares."

"It's ok. she can stay or I could wake her and let her see me."

"Wake her she'll be excited."

"Hey bug wake up." I spoke to her.

"Harry are you home for good." luna asked me.

"No only for 2 days, then in 2 weeks you get to come to London and see me preform."he spoke hugging her back.

Luna decided to sleep him her bed tonight allowing Sienna and I to cuddle. I've missed her body being against mine.

"Si are you ok. please let me into your head." I asked her

"I'm fine." she spoke

"You are full of it and you are a horrible liar." I told her

"I'm exhausted, my mom is still mad about Luna and I miss you 24/7. The world feels as it's moving way to fast and I can't keep up." She spoke silently letting the tears fall down her cheeks.

I wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Well everything will slow down in 2 weeks when you are with me. You'll be alright I promise."

I held her body close to mine during the night. I felt so guilty that she felt this way. I wanted to know why her mom didn't like Luna she was so sweet, I had a gut feeling that it was stress from Hayden's sickness.

After what felt like hours of thinking I finally fell asleep enjoying the company that I had missed so much.

It was around 8 when I woke up and I saw her still asleep next to me. Her gorgeous blonde hair falling to the side of her face. I went into Luna's room and saw her awake playing with toys in her room.

"hey bug, whatcha playing." I asked her

"Barbies, if Sienna is still asleep I play with my toys till she wakes up."

"That's very kind of you. Would you like some breakfast we could make pancakes."

"Oo can we I wanna help you."

"of course let's go."

We walked out and I had her sit on the counter while I grabbed the ingredients. I mixed most of it letting her help here and there. Once we finished the pancakes Sienna walked out of the bedroom.

"Hi you two." she spoke.

"look pancakes." luna said showing her the pancakes.

"I see did you have fun making them." she spoke smiling at her.


I smiled at the two of them talking they really did have a mother daughter bond. I couldn't wait for my mom to meet and see luna. I watched as Sienna cleaned Luna up from the syrup mess that she had made. I thought it could be fun to take them both out today but I wouldn't want her to be stopped with me. I feel as if I have too much baggage for her.

"Whatcha thinking about H." she came up to me, starling me.

"How I'd love to go out with you but I don't want the baggage that comes with me to effect this whole thing." I spoke letting her know my full thoughts.

"H you know I don't care if we can't go out I'm fine with whatever we do, I love you Harry. We all have our own baggage."

"But I can't take you guys out we probably couldn't even go to the zoo without being noticed by fans."

"It's ok Harry we could go to the private pool that's here, low possibility of being seen."

"Let's do that I wanna spend time with both of you."

I got ready and waited on Sienna to help Luna get ready. I could hear Sienna telling her that she needed sunscreen to go swimming with Luna protesting against it. I saw her running out to me.

"Harry help me I don't want sunscreen." Luna said running to hide behind me.

"You need it though bug. How about if I get sunscreen too then you have to get some too."


Sienna put sunscreen on both of us, Luna giggling at the fact that Sienna did exactly what she did on her.

"See bug it wasn't that bad now we can go swimming." I told her reaching down to grab her hand and looking at Sienna who had her pool bag walking slightly behind them.

Once we reached the pool I put on Luna's floaties and went into the pool with her. Sienna came into the pool too trying to help Luna with swimming but she wanted to mess around. I saw Sienna whisper something in luna's ear and soon luna was doing her best to swim to me.

"Look at you go Bug." I told her

Once she made it to me she latched on to my torso that was out of the water.

"throw me." she spoke giggling

"Ok 1...2...3.." I tossed her into the air and watched her land in the water.

she came up coughing a little and I ran over to her feeling bad.

"Did you swallow some water."

she nodded still coughing a bit.

I picked her up out of the water and she stopped coughing. "All better Bug." she nodded and I could tell 2 hours of swimming has worn her out.

"I think it's best if we go back she's getting tired and I don't think you'd enjoy a temper tantrum." Sienna told me.

"Yeah." I carried Luna out of the water wrapping her up into a towel seeing she is basically already asleep on my shoulder.

I held Sienna's hand as we walked back up to her apartment. Silently hoping none my fans have seen me and taken pictures of me with Luna or Sienna knowing it could possibly hurt their adoption trial.

The rest of the day really just consisted of use enjoying comfortable silence with each other. Luna just wanted to sit and watch movies staying close to both of us.

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