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Sienna pov
37 weeks
I wake up with Harry next to me.
"Good morning baby and little one." He says kissing me then my baby bump.
"Good morning." I tell him laying on his chest.
"Did you sleep well."
"Do you wanna try sleeping with a little kicking monster in your stomach the whole night."
"I'm sorry it's almost done and then you probably won't sleep because we'll then have a screaming monster the whole night."
We get up and walk down stairs seeing Anne making breakfast with Gemma sitting outside, Luna still sleeping. I wake up Luna and we go eat breakfast. While I was making sure our hospital bag was packed I felt a cool liquid gush down my leg.. my water broke. "Harry! Nursery now." I yell to him hearing him run up the steps.
"What happened." He says rushing over to me.
"My water just broke and I'm having contractions too." I tell him holding my stomach.
" okay let me get the hospital bag and we will go out to the car and get to the hospital."
"Okay, can we move quick though Harry."
"Yes come one let's go." He says holding my hand helping me down the steps. "Mom we are going to the hospital Sienna water broke, we will call you when we have an update."
"Good luck sienna." Anne calls out as Harry helps me into the car. I sit in the car contractions getting shorter and more painful. We get to the hospital and they send up to the maternity ward and set me up to machines to measure my contractions and check how far I'm dilated. But I'm scared since it's still early the baby's lungs still aren't developed completely yet so he could end up in the icu.
"It's gonna be okay love." He tells me throughout my contractions and I am beginning to hate what he has done to me. All I want is an epidural so I can't feel anything.
"Would you like an epidural, you're dilated to the point where we can give you the epidural." The nurse says.
"Yes please 100% can I have an epidural." I say and soon they are back with the epidural, and I sit forward holding Harry's hands while they give me the medicine making my whole lower half of my body numb.
"Feeling any better."he asks me.
"Yes amazing." I tell him, with nurses coming in and out checking how dilated I am hoping some time soon I'd have a baby in my arms.
"You're ready to start pushing sienna." The doctor tells me while Harry holds my hand. "Okay in sets of three 1...2...3 take a break." She tells us multiple times. "He's almost here one more push, you can do it."
"Almost done baby,you're doing so well." He tell me pushing the hair off of my sweaty forehead. He keeps encouraging me the rest of the time. Soon he's born but he's not crying.
"Why isn't he crying he should be crying. Is he okay." I keep saying in tear from the stress and fear of my baby not being able to breathe. With a few seconds they move our baby our of the room and into the nicu. He is intubated and I'm scared and worried, while Harry is trying to find out something to tell me to calm me down.
"He's gonna be okay si, he's strong calm down it will be alright." He tells me but I know he's also scared shitless. I want to hold our baby and feed him not him being treated in the nicu.
"You're baby boy has some breathing problems he should be alright to hold soon." The doctor tells us Harry stays next to me holding my hand. "We can bring you to go see him, if you'd like."
"Yes can we." I say and she brings over a wheel chair for me to sit in while she brings us to the nicu. We get to the area with our baby in it and I'm in tears he's beautiful, but it broke my heart to see him hooked up to a breathing tube.
"He's beautiful." I say looking at Harry who also has tears in his eyes.
"I know we'll be able to hold him soon, don't worry." He tells me turning my head to look at him while he kisses me.
"He looks like a Brantley.. Brantley Logan." I say
"Perfect, let's get you back for some rest." He tell me as I let go of Brantley's hand and we go back to our hospital room.
"I wish we could hold him." I tell him with tears in my eyes, I am a hormonal mess who wishes she could just hold her baby.
"I know baby soon you'll be able to, I'll have my mom bring Luna over tomorrow for some smiles." He tells me laying down next to me, holding me close to him.
Next morning
I woke up next to Harry sore and in pain just wanting to hold Brantley, hoping today it would happen and he'd be breathing on his own.
"Hi Mrs and Mr Styles, your son is breathing on his own and we are gonna bring him in for you to see him." The doctor says to us and I'm beyond happy to hold him he's a little small but I'm happy about it.
"Okay thank you." I say "we can see him H."
"I know I told you we'd be able to see him soon." He says kissing the top of my head. Soon the nurse brings in Brantley and sets him on my chest and I hold him falling in love with him immediately. He had no hair, green eyes, button nose , slight dimples, 4 pounds 6 ounces. I kept him close to me, never wanting to let go of him. "He's gonna be a mommas boy just like you." He tells me as I hand Brantley off to Harry so he can get some baby time. Anne, Gemma and Luna are coming to see Brantley but we haven't told them his name yet.
"Si, I think he's hungry." He tells me over the screaming baby.
"Okay I'll feed him."I say lowering my top letting him feed, well learn to because he's so little. After he's done I burp him admiring how small he is. "He has your dimples and lips."
"He has your greenish, blue eyes and your cute nose."
"Hi you three, how are you sienna." Anne says standing at the door, Luna holding gemmas hand.
"Good, he's so small." I say still admiring Brantley
"H was the same, have you guys decided yet." Anne asks and I look at Harry allowing him to tell her.
"Brantley Logan Styles." He says smiling standing right next to me keeping a hand on my shoulder before walking over to Luna. "Luna bug come meet your brother." He says picking her up giving her a tight hug before setting her on the hospital bed next to me.
"Do you wanna hold him lunes." I ask her showing her Brantley.
"Will you help me mommy." She asks and I can tell she's scared and doesn't wanna hurt him.
"Of course, put you're arm up on this pillow and I'll set him in your arms." I say as she does what I say, and I rest Brantley in her arms.
"Hi baby brother I'm Luna." She tells him giving him a kiss on his forehead. I see Anne taking pictures of Luna with Brantley, we let Anne and Gemma both hold him, telling us how adorable he is and Luna is in a whole different world as she watches cartoons. A few hours later they left leaving Harry, Brantley and I alone with Brantley sleeping on me Harry and I making small talk while he sleeps. The doctor comes in and tells us that we should be good to go home tomorrow morning, which I was beyond excited about because I hate hospitals. But I was enjoying this time with my boys but I was missing Luna. I needed to learn B's schedule for feeding but I am happy that January 23, Brantley Logan was born.
"Are we gonna tell your fans about b and lunes." I ask
"If you want but we could keep their faces hidden so that their identity isn't anywhere." He suggests
"I like that."
"I could post one of our wedding pictures of me and you."
"That's fine, I just want Luna and Brantley protected."
"They will be, I promise." He tells me before b starts screaming and I know it's time to feed him, gently rubbing his back as I fed him soon burping him before he starts screaming again confusing me. I cradle him rocking him back and forth soothing him. Harry soon held him while I slept. My boobs hurt from feeding but I was happy to have Brantley out of all of this.

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