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Sienna pov
I wake up a few minutes before my alarm and I start to wake up knowing it's not worth it to fall asleep for another minute.
"What time is it Si." He asked when he felt me move
"It's 6:45 H, I'm gonna start getting ready because I won't have time if I stay sleeping." I say and it leave him in the bed making sure to kiss his forehead first. I walk into the bathroom and rinse off to help my self wake up. I get done my skin care and just decide on wearing my glasses today because I'm not feeling contacts, I put on a some mascara and call it a day in the makeup department. By the time I'm done it's 7:05 and I walk into Luna's room and see her peacefully sleeping and decided 5 more minutes won't hurt. By 7:15 I decided to wake her up and she fought me a little she didn't want to wake up and go to preschool. While she ate her breakfast I went to go wake Harry up knowing he had a meeting at 8:30 and we would be gone by then.
"Harry, baby it's time to get up." I say and giggle then kiss his lips.
"I like when you wake me up with a kiss." He speaks his voice raspy.
"I know but it's 7:45 and we are leaving in 5 minutes."
"You can't leave I want you to stay with me all day." He whines.
"I can't H, you know that I have to go to work and so do you. I'm all yours when we both get home." I say
"Okay, fine I love you have a good day at work darling." He says
"I love you too, and have a good meeting text me after." I say and kiss him goodbye before walking out of our bedroom. I make sure Luna has her backpack and lunch while I grab my purse and car keys. I help Luna buckle into her car seat and I start the short drive to her preschool and I walk her up to her class and I can tell that she is anxious.
"Luna, babes look at me." I say and she looks at me. "You will be ok I promise, it's only a few hours the you are back with Harry and I later."
"I know but I don't know anyone." Luna says looking at her feet and I can see the tears forming.
"You know your teacher and she is nice right." Luna nods looking right back at me with tears still in her eyes. "You could try and make a friend be a big girl, you can try to talk to them like they are Jenson ok." I say and watch her nod again, I hug her and wipe the tears that had fell. "Come on, few hours then you are back with us. You'll be alright." I walk her into the classroom and see the teacher waving me off and I wave to Luna before walking right back out to my car to drive to the hospital for my shift. I grab my purse and water bottle and start walking to my department to wait for some xrays to come in. I stay there and wait for an X-ray or for my shift to end.
Harry pov
I was on my way to the meeting and I was dreading it, I knew they wanted me to release something for do something for my name to be spread around. I got to the building and I took some deep breathes before walking into the building to meet Jeff and we would walk up together. I sat there during the meeting and listened to everything.
"Harry would you like to state your opinion." A head of Columbia asked me.
"Yes, is just finished 89 shows and I think I deserve a short break I have nothing to release and I'm going to Tokyo to write some songs for a month then finish in LA."
"You're right you can have a break to write some new music."
I let out a breath and I was shocked but I was only getting this to write music which I have but it's only lyrics no melodies yet. After what felt like years the meeting was over and I walked out to my car and texted Sienna that it went well, I also was gonna tell her that we are only going to Tokyo for a month now instead of multiple but I thought it would be best to tell her tonight. I drive back to the house and I kinda relax knowing it's only 10 and Sienna still had an hour of work and Luna school would end soon. I decided to at least try and write a song but mostly mess around on the guitar.
Sienna pov
I finished my shift and preformed one X-ray and that was it now I was on my way to get Luna hoping she had a good day and at least better than this morning and last week. I listened to old one direction songs on the ride to the preschool, when I arrive I walked in to pick up Luna and she was happy and playing with another kid which I was very proud of.
"Luna your mom is here you can go." The teacher called
I watched Luna pop up and walk to her backpack and grab it.
"How was school babes." I ask her returning the hug she gave me.
"I made a friend her name is Olivia." She told me smiling and I could tell how proud of herself she was.
"I'm so proud of you lunes." I say and I pick her up carrying her out to the car cause I missed her being my my side. On the drive home I played Harry's album which was Luna's favorite. We arrive back at the house and see Harry playing on his guitar and I can tell he is frustrated that he can find the right melodies for the lyrics he's written.
"Daddy, I made a friend." Luna spoke running over to Harry who was smiling at the fact that he was called dad by her.
"I'm so proud of you bug." He said pushing the guitar aside to hold her on his lap so she could tell him about her day at school.
"Are you writing another song about mommy." She asked giggling.
"I'm always writing songs about mommy she's my favorite." He spoke not thinking I could hear their chat while in the kitchen.
"So I am you inspiration Mr.Styles." I say walking over to the two who now were laughing hysterically.
"Of course Ms. soon to be Styles." He says smirking at me.
"I'll take your last name at anytime Harry, so when is it gonna happen." I say smirking right back at him.
Luna left to go play with toys while Harry and I just stayed by each other.
"We are only going to Tokyo for a month now, maybe we will come back to LA or go to London for a little while." He spoke informing me about the decision he had made.
"You can do whatever you want to I'd support you even if you decided to stay in Tokyo for longer."
"I know you would and I love you for that."
"As long as you don't get hurt or make any stupid impulsive decision while away." I say knowing how stupid he can be.
"I'll be as careful as I can. Can you believe she called me dad though."
"I knew it was gonna happen but I just didn't know when."
We spent a hour just talking and soon Luna came down and wanted to play just dance with all of us, it was a dance off and it was funny watching Harry and her battle to the death as he called it. We had homemade chicken nuggets and fries for dinner which I made during the battle to the death, that went on for about 3 hours. By 7:30 Luna was falling asleep so Harry had put her to bed and I was getting tired too.
"we can go to bed you know I don't mind." He said startling me.
"I know, we probably should I'm delirious but I feel bad that I'll be asleep and you will just be sitting there."
"I'll probably call my mom or sister, you had a long day come on you can go to bed let's go."
I got ready for bed and fell asleep on Harry's chest and he called his mom telling her how Luna had called him dad for the first time. Which he was super proud of.

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