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Sienna woke up before Harry and played with his hair knowing now how much he loves it. She saw his eyes starting to flutter open.

"Good morning sleepyhead." she told him giggling 

"Good morning, how long have you been up love." 

"Um not long why." she said still with her fingers tangled in his hair.

"Just wondering."

She tried to get out of the bed but Harry grabbed her waist and pulled her back into the bed with him.

"Harry we have to get up it's 9 and I have to help my mom make breakfast so you can stay here and I'll come get you when it's ready or you could earn brownie points with my mom."

"I'll come with you give me a second love."

She pulled him downstairs to go make breakfast with her mom. 

"Hey Si, could you guys run to the store and grab the items on the list please." her mom politely asked her.

" Yes mom, just let me go put on sweats and I'll go."

She went upstairs and put on one of the thousand pairs of sweatpants she owns and a cropped tank top.

"Harry do you wanna come with me to the store?" 

"Of course love I've never been driving with you either should I be scared?" he joked with her.

"No I'm a good driver for your information, let's go meanie." she pulled him to her jeep that was sitting in their garage.

Soon enough they were at the grocery store and they both thought that it would be best for him to stay in the car so that where he is doesn't get leaked.

While Sienna was getting the last thing on the list she bumped into the one person she never wanted to see again her ex Brayden.

"Nice to see you're home again baby." Brayden said to her.

"B-brayden I'm not your baby anymore don't call me that." She said wanting out of this conversation.

"Looks like you still are the same old you the pathetic girl." Brayden said pinching her arm knowing it would leave a bruise.

"um I need to go." she told him and left knowing she couldn't go to the car so shaken up like this but she needed to leave or go to the other side of the store. but she was frozen stuck like she was pulled back into her past and she couldn't get out.

she walked out to the car and took a deep breath knowing that she was going act like she was ok  even though she was the opposite of being ok right now.

"Hey love did you get everything." He asked her 

"Um yeah." she told him, she was lying to him and it was going to eat her up.

Soon they arrived back at her house and her mom let her help her with breakfast. While Harry was playing with Jensen in the basement.

"Hey Si what happened at the grocery store you aren't being yourself. you are my child and I can tell when something happens." her mother told her.

"I saw Brayden mom." she said 

"What did he say or do to you Si and did you tell Harry about him yet." her mother spoke with all seriousness in her voice knowing how toxic that relationship was.

"He said that I was still the same pathetic girl I was years ago then pinched my arm really hard and no I haven't told Harry yet." 

"Si, I'm sorry but you are gonna need to tell Harry he should know and let me see your arm."

carolina |H.S.|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن