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Sienna pov
I wake up in Harry's arms one of my favorite ways to wake up minus the part not really being able to do anything since my surgery.
"Good morning love."he spoke pulling my body closer to his.
"Good morning."
"Penny for your thoughts."
"I'm just thinking that's it."
"What do you wanna do today."
"The same thing we've been doing for the past since I can't do much and it's killing me."
"I know but Luna starts preschool today so we get to do that."
"Will you make breakfast while I wake her up and get her ready."
He nods and I smile at him getting out of bed still being careful with my stitches which are still in for another couple of days. I walk to Luna's room at Harry's house which she loves a lot. I dress her in her favorite jeans and a shirt that Harry fit her that said treat people with kindness.
"Well aren't you the cutest little girl ever." Harry speaks as Luna runs over to him to hug him.
"Look I'm wearing the shirt you got me." Luna says pointing at her shirt while she's sitting on Harry's hip.
"I know and I love it." He says setting her into a seat to eat breakfast before we have to leave. He walks over  to me wrapping his arms around me and nuzzling his neck into mine.
"Mommy I'm all done breakfast."
"Okay get your backpack and we will leave ok."
"Ok but I'm nervous mommy."
"I know but you will have fun and then we can get ice cream after school."
"Yay ice cream."
Luna grabbed her backpack and we walked out to the car. Harry insisted on driving us and coming but he wasn't going to come in when I drop her off. I was dreading dropping her off I liked spending time with her all time time she was my mini me and I couldn't wait to have more kids. When we arrive Harry gives her a fatherly speech and I find it adorable. I get out of his Range Rover and help Luna out of the car. I hold her hand as I walk her into the preschool building.
"And what is your name cutie." A teacher says walking over to us.
I nudge Luna so she'll talk. "L-Luna." She says looking back at me.
"Well I am Miss.Green and I'm gonna be you teacher."
I let go of Luna's hand but she looks up at me with tears in her eyes and I know she really doesn't want to go.
"Luna baby it's only a couple of hours I bet you will have a lot of fun with Miss.Green." I say stroking her hair and kissing her forehead wiping away some of the tears that fell.
"Ok bye mommy."
"I love you be good lunes."
She waves and walks away with her teacher and I pick leave the building and go back out to Harry's car.
"How did it go." He asks me once I get in.
"She cried, she was so upset I feel so bad."
"Don't most kids cry when their parents drop them off."
"I know but I hate it when she cries."
"Sienna let's go do something for a few hours to help put your mind at ease cause you are stressing."
"Like what."
"I have some songs I need to record and you could come with me and you could see if you like any of them."
"Ok I can't work so I'll go with you did you write more songs about how much you love me."
"No I wrote the most about Luna." He jokes.
"That's adorable she will love that her favorite person wrote songs about her."
"I'm her favorite." He asks as he keeps his eyes on the road smiling like a child in a candy store.
"One of them you might be in second place to me."
"I can deal with that."
We joke around the rest of the car ride with each other. Once we arrive at the studio I put on my sunglasses to hide my face and identity. We I sit on the couch with him while we wait for his producer, I play with his rings.
"This one is my favorite." I say pointing to his sliver rose ring.
"It's one of mine." He says sliding the ring of of his finger and handing it to me.
"Your fingers are so much bigger than mine it won't fit." I say handing it back to him.
Harry started to mess around with different guitar sounds. I sat there watching him play random songs and singing. His producer finally arrived and I sat quietly not wanting to disrupt the process. After about 2 hours he finished recording a songs and to say the least it was amazing and I couldn't wait for him to release it.
"Wanna go out to lunch my lady."
"Of course Mr. Styles."
We walk out to his car and drive to a restaurant near the preschool deciding to stay there until we needed to go get Luna. I was twisting my sliver ring that I had gotten from my grandma around my finger as I hoped Luna had a good day and broke out of her shell that she keeps herself when around new people.
"You ok there darling." He asks me.
"Yeah just thinking."
"You need to stop over thinking you are letting your anxiety get the best of you relax."
I sigh knowing he is right because I do overthink way too much. I enjoy bringing in his company the rest of the day wE both order food and eat but not too much because we are going to get Luna some ice cream for being a big girl and going to school.
"You know you are a great mom, right even if Luna isn't yours you still treat her like she is." Harry speaks as his emerald green eyes meet mine.
"I know she loves to be independent and do things on her own."
"I know she has really shown that around me."
I smile at him leaning into his chest letting him wrap his arms around me.
"Let's go get Luna it's gonna take 20 mins to get there with LA traffic." He speaks pulling me out of my trance.
"Yes I miss her so much, it's weird not having her connected to my hip all of the time."
We walk out to the car holding hands he opens up my passenger door and I get in. He drives to the preschool and I really hope that Luna didn't cry anymore due to her severe anxiety. Once we arrive I let Harry park and I go up to the classroom to get Luna.
"Mommy your back." She says hugging my leg.
"I told you I'd be back and now we can go get ice cream after I talk to your teacher, go get your backpack please."I say walking over to her teacher. "How was she today." I ask
"She was very shy and didn't talk too much but she is very ahead in the academic area. She did get upset again though after you left but she calmed down a few minutes after."
"She is a very shy girl, I'm sorry if she caused you any trouble with her crying. I should be going she is excited to leave and see her dad."I say not thinking that I just called Harry her dad even though he isn't but I can tell Luna wants to call him that but she is unsure after the breakup. I walk back over to Luna who was waiting for me at the door and I knew she couldn't wait to see Harry.
"Hi bug, how was school." He asks when she gets into his car.
"Ok, I didn't make any friend they all were very mean. But my teacher is nice. Can we go get ice cream now please."
"Yes we can go now Luna don't worry." He speaks making a quick smile at me before returning his eyes back on the road.
We arrive at the ice cream shop and all get ice cream we eat there before returning back to Harry's car to go back to his house that he insists on us staying there until I'm healed completely.  We spent the rest of the night watching movies, I put Luna to bed at 7 since she was very tired and falling asleep on Harry.
Harry pov
When sienna went upstairs I had been looking up similar rose rings to mine that I could give her as a promise ring I had found the one and I ordered it knowing her ring size was a 6. The ring would be here in a week and I would give it to her and I couldn't wait. It was almost identical to my ring but a little less bulky than mine. I knew it was perfect for her when I found it. When she didn't come down stairs after putting Luna down I knew she probably went up to get ready for bed. I walked up to my room and saw her asleep on the bed not even wrapped in covers just laying on top. I took a picture of her and made it my phone background I got ready then I got her underneath the covers. I fell asleep soon after I had her in my arms.
A/N thank you for 1.08k reads on carolina

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