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Sienna pov
We are leaving London today, I had a bunch of packing to do and even some cleaning. I woke up earlier than Harry and I tried to escape his strong arms that were wrapped around me.
"No don't get up yet Sienna." He says groggily but wrapping his arms around me tighter so I can't get out.
"Harry I have to pack and clean." I say hoping he will understand.
"First things first you will not be cleaning and I will help you pack, it will be ok."
"No I will be cleaning and packing starting now." I say and kiss his lips and take his arms off of me and I go to Luna's room to start packing her stuff. After about 30 minutes I had packed all of her clothes and some of her toys. An hour passed everything of Luna's was packed and her room was cleaned to the best of my ability with her still sleeping. I had moved on to a Harry's stuff I finished some of his stuff not knowing what he wanted to leave in his London house. I move on to my things and pack most of it and make sure I have everything. I join Harry who is still in bed.
"All done love." He asked me when I cuddled up to him.
"Only some of your stuff is left and I packed mine and Luna's and cleaned her room."
"I told you not to clean, I have people who come every week and clean for me it's alright I promise."
"I'm sorry I needed to I felt bad."
"It's ok, now let's sleep for a little longer before Luna comes in to wake us up." He says kissing my forehead and we both fall asleep again.
"Mommy Daddy can we make pancakes or French toast please." Luna said jumping up and down on the bed to wake us up.
"Of course Luna but just stop jumping." I told her and she sat down.
"Okay, daddy what should mommy make for breakfast."
"French toast, bug would you like that more than pancakes." He asked her.
I got up and went downstairs with Luna trailing behind giggling that Harry was following her. I started to make the French toast while Harry brought Luna upstairs to help him pack his clothes.
"Harry and Luna the French toast is ready." I call up to them from the bottom of the stairs, waiting for the two to come running down the steps.
The two sit down at the table and start eating, I join them at the table eating a little bit of French toast. Luna goes upstairs to change and brush her teeth.
"What's the plan for today." I ask him wondering.
"Um when everything is packed and ready we can go over to my moms until our flight."
"That's fine with me, I'm ready to leave whenever you are." I say
"I'm gonna go change then we can go."
I start cleaning the kitchen up from breakfast. While Harry gets ready Luna helps me with drying the dishes.
"Well aren't you two adorable."he says walking into the kitchen. "Stop cleaning, it's ok." He whispers in my ear.
"I wanted to it's ok and we can leave when ever we are done the dishes." I tell him.
He nods and goes upstairs to go get some of the bags, I go upstairs to try and get some and Harry shoos me away since he didn't want me to carry anything. I stuck my tongue out at him and frowned sitting on the couch with Luna who was blabbering  about a bunch of random things not making any sense.
"The car is loaded up and ready to go to my moms house." He spoke to us and I picked Luna up to go out to the car to buckle her car seat. We sang a bunch of songs in the car ranging from Harry's solo to his band music which Luna loved, even though she doesn't understand what it means really. We got at Anne's and Luna went running to give her a hug, she was way more comfortable with Anne than she is with my mom. Harry and I sat on the couch close to each other while Anne and Luna went to go choose a board game to play.
"Can we play go fish." Luna asked smiling.
"Of course bug." He told her as she handed him the cards to shuffle. Luna watched in amazement as he shuffled the cards and passed them out.
We played a bunch of different card games with Luna who would switch teams after every game. She liked being on Harry's team because they would win most times. Soon enough it was time for us to go to the airport which I was dreading even though Harry got a private plane for this trip. We made it to his private plane and Luna went to sleep after take off while Harry and I talked.
"You know I'd love for you to come to an award show with me." He says curious
"I don't know Harry." I say
"I know you don't like being in the public eye, but I would love if my fiancée would come with me."
"Harry I still don't know, I'd love to go with you but i Don't wanna risk people finding where I work."
"Ok simple you are still a mystery from the night out with you and Luna and my fans were everywhere that night."
"Maybe I'll do one for now at least."
"It's a deal we could go to the aria award show in Australia, it's a small one not as big as the others."
"Okay when is it."
"In 2 months, I can get Harry Lambert it design you and me clothes. I'm happy you agreed to one I want to show you off sienna you are beautiful."
"Okay. But other things like Christmas what are we gonna do since our family's are so far apart."
"Maybe have my mom fly out and we could all go to your house for Christmas."
"No Harry I wouldn't want her to fly all the way out here."
"Every other Christmas we go to a different house, like since we went to my moms for thanksgiving we could go to North Carolina for Christmas."
"That's a good idea but I don't wanna leave Anne all alone."
"We could always fly up a week before then fly right to your parents."
"Let's get some rest it's gonna be a long flight."
We fall asleep with my head rest on his shoulder. After an 11 hour flight we were back in LA and exhausted. I unpacked and did laundry for most of the day, cleaning up and changing everyone's sheets. Harry wanted to be attached to my hip and so did Luna throughout the day making getting things done even harder than before. I did get everything done but I was in bed by 8 leaving him to out her to sleep, I was seriously jet lagged so it was easy to fall asleep.
"Hi love, you sleeping." He asked walking into our room. "I guess so Goodnight." He said wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him.

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