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Sienna pov

today was our last day in London and Harry had a meeting so I was going to spend the day shopping with Gemma and Anne. I really like being around them, both of them are very welcoming people. I knew that Gemma and I were pretty similar with what we like to do which I found funny. We talked about her wanting to get into designing sunglasses.

"Gemma I think you should just go for it in all honesty, You will regret it if you don't do it." I told her with all honesty

"But don't you think people will only buy them because I'm Harry Styles sister." Gemma spoke frustrated.

"Some people might but some people could really love your design. It shouldn't matter that your brother is Harry Styles. We all know that you are the superior Styles sibling,Gemma and you cannot tell him that I said that it will hurt is ego." I spoke

"Tell me again why you chose radiology when you should be a therapist or a motivational speaker." she spoke laughing

"I really don't know I've always had an interest in X-Rays when I was younger. Also the flexible schedule for when and if I have kids."

"You are such a pure soul Sienna."

'Thank you, I guess."

After a few minutes we arrived at the mall and I wasn't a huge fan of shopping I never have been, but I hated more when I was in the relationship with Brayden. I would buy outfits and he would make me return them if I looked slutty, so my outfits were sweatpants and leggings with hoodies and tee shirts. I was going to push the thought out of my head if I found something cute.

"Sienna look at this dress, I bet it would look amazing on you, try it on right now." Gemma stated

I looked at the dress it was black with little flower details all over the dress, with a v-cut neckline. I walked into the dressing room and put on the dress, I fell in love with it even thought it did fall a little short.

"You look amazing Sienna, we are getting you that dress." Gemma gushed over me in the dress.

"Okay lets look around and see if we can find anything for you Gemma."

I walked around and I found the dress that looked the most like Gemma, it was black and white plaid pattern.

"Gemma try this on right now."

Gemma came out looking amazing in that dress. We both made the purchases and decided it would be best to leave the store before they brought the whole store.

We met back up with Anne who was sitting in a used book store reading while we shopped.

"Let's go to this cafe over here, I hear it has good reviews." Anne told us

Gemma and I followed here into the cafe, we all decided on different things. Eventually we did make it back to Anne's house and watch some tv. I might have gotten them hook on American Horror stories. We watched a good amount of episodes before I got a phone call it was from my mom.

"Excuse me for a second I'm getting a call from my mom." I spoke as I walked out into their backyard.

"Hi Mom, what's up."

"Sienna, Hayden is sick very sick it might be best for you to come home for a little bit."

I felt my stomach drop and soon felt like I was going to be sick. I needed to get out of London fast.

"What's wrong with him mom, tell me please." I could feel my body shaking I was scared he is only 11. This is too much for an 11 year old to go through and my parents too.

"Sienna he has leukemia." I heard my moms voice crack as she told me

"I'll be on the next flight home and I'll talk to my boss about transferring to a hospital near home."

"Ok, travel safe. I love you."

"I love you too tell Hayden I'll be home soon."

I took a seat on the ground and put my head on my knees. All I could feel regret, first I texted my boss if she could help me find a job in North Carolina for a few months at most.

"Hey Sienna, are you alright. My mom said you've been out here for a while." he asked crouching down to my level.

"I need to go back to North Carolina Harry." was all I could say before breaking down.

"Ok, you can but what happened that has shook you up so bad."

"H-hayden is sick really sick. I need to be there, I'm his big sister I should be there." I spoke with the tears still falling down my face, not wanting to make eye contact with Harry.

"Do you want me to come back with you and be there for you for a little bit or would you like to go alone." he spoke very calm keeping his hand in mine while rubbing his thumb along my hand.

"I want you there, but I know you have thing to do in LA and I don't want to stop you." I spoke knowing he is famous and I do not want to hold him back.

"I have a few meeting this week, how about I come to North Carolina after my last meeting of the week and I'll be there with you ok."

"Okay, I bought my ticket my flight is at 5." I told him knowing that meant that we just needed to leave in about 5 minutes.

"It's gonna be alright." he spoke pulling me into a hug.

I stayed quiet as he told his mom that I have a family emergency and needed to get home as soon as possible. Anne and Gemma both hugged me and told me if I need anything don't hesitate to call them.

"I'll see you next week, I love you." I told him

"I love you too, text me when you land ok." he spoke pulling me into a hug not caring if the paparazzi saw us. He kissed me and then pulled me back into a hug kissing the top of my head. "It's gonna be alright." he told be before I walked away to go through security.

I kept my head down and make it through security and waited for my plane to board. I knew it was gonna be a very long travel day. I kept music playing to hopefully drown out my thoughts.

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