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Sienna pov
It's been a day since the donation my back and hips are sore a little but I refused to lay in bed another day. I wanted to enjoy my time with Harry, Luna and Jenson. We decided that we were gonna take them to a play ground then come back and let them go swimming. We got both of the kids ready for the day of fun which was what we had decided on calling it.
"Are you sure this won't be too much for you Sienna. I don't want you do over do it." He tells me trying to reason with me but I want to do this with them.
"Yes I will be fine Harry, stop worrying." I say hugging him to help him stop stressing showing that I am fine.
"Okay come on let's go get the kiddos so we can leave and start the day of fun." He says as he goes to get the kids from the basement. I stay upstairs and get a cooler and put some snacks and waters inside of it. Soon Harry had gotten both of the kids upstairs.
"Come on let's go to the park you two." I say walking Luna's hand and Harry was holding Jenson's hand but the only thing that we were hoping for was for no pictures to be taken of us.
"Swings can we go on the swings please mommy." Luna asked pulling on my arm as we arrived on the playground.
"Of course lets go." I said and Luna ran to the swings and waited for me to come to her so she could get help up on the swing.
I helped her up on the swings and looked over at Harry who had a baseball cap on and sunglasses kinda hiding his face helping Jenson up on the swing, as we pushed the two kids for about 5 minutes before they were ready to go on the slide. I stood at the top of the slide while Harry was at the bottom catching the kids when they started to go too fast. Then we went on to the monkey bars and Harry would hold each of the kids up I tried but I was a little too short so I watched and cheered the kids on.
"Mommy can we go back I'm tired and so is Jenson." Luna asked yawning and i knew it was time for their nap time.
"Of course come on, you guys can nap then we can go swimming ok."
They both nod and we walk back to my parents house, once we get there I put both of them down for a nap. Harry and I decided to just talk.
"So I was thinking I might go away to Tokyo for sometime to help me write and use it as a get away." He says and I know he really wants to but doesn't want to leave.
"For how long, I think it's great for you to go and you should. You deserve a get away Harry." I say doing my best to try and convince him.
"A few months most likely, I could have you fly out and you could come spend time with me."
"You should go Harry we will be fine, you deserve this don't let me hold you back please."
"I know you will be fine but you could never hold me back I just don't want to be without you or Luna."
"Harry you will be able to see us and it's for your job, please go to Tokyo for me."
"Will you please come out to Tokyo at least." He begs
"If it will help ease you into going then yes." I said and lean into his body hugging him. We both know time apart wouldn't stop our growing love for each other it would just make it stronger. "Come on let's go wake up the munchkins so they can swim." I say and he nods following me up the stairs to the room the kids were sharing.
"Hey guys wake up we can eat some lunch then go swimming." I say ask I walk into the room and see them groggily waking up. Harry and I each take a kid downstairs because they didn't want to walk downstairs, we set them on the couch and move into the kitchen to make them lunch. They two ate their sandwiches and then went upstairs to put on their swimsuits. They tried to run out before sunscreen but I caught them. "You two need sunscreen come here please."
"No." Luna and Jenson said in sync.
"Then no swimming or toys for the rest of the day." I say and the two come running over for sunscreen. Once I finish I thank them and look at Harry who was in his swimsuit following the kids outside to help them both put on their floaties. I run upstairs to put on a bikini and use as a time to take in the fact that I was gonna be with out Harry for a few months, I didn't want to think about the possibility that could happen when he goes away. But thought will always be there, it's like we lose connection when he leaves and it hurts a lot. If this would help him write songs the least I could do is support him and trust him. I go out back once I regain my composure and shake off the thoughts. I feel a pair of wet arms wrap around my waist and lift me up into the air and I already know it's Harry trying to throw me into the pool.
"Harry Edward Styles put me down right now." After I said that he dropped me into the water. I came up and gave him a death stare.
"You looked hot so I thought you'd enjoy the water."
"Mommy Harry threw me in too." Luna spoke with Jensen yelling me too in the background.
"I'm sure he did he is a prankster." I say again giving him a death stare again.
I eventually push Harry in and we play in the pool the rest of the day and soon we go inside and change out of our swimsuits and I decide on making spaghetti for dinner for everyone since we were leaving tomorrow to go back to California. Hayden's transplant went well so far but my mom was staying with him tonight and my dad would be home for dinner.
"Harry come help me Hudson can watch the kids." I call out for Harry to come make pasta with me.
"Coming darling." He says running down the steps. I had music playing as I cooked and I was dancing around while I waited for Harry. "Well aren't you adorable." He spoke laughing at me dancing around the kitchen.
"Dance with me." I say before kissing his lips and pulling away smiling as I kept swaying with him. He spun me around and kept swaying with me even when I wasn't facing him while I was cooking. I finished the pasta with no help from Harry he just held me close to him still swaying to the music.
"I love you so much." He says to me smiling at me.
"I love you so much." I say and I stand up on my tippy toes and kiss him. "Ok let's finish this now before my dad get home and sees us kissing in the kitchen."
"Yes boss." He says and I start laughing at him.
We eventually finished dinner and we set up the table and finished everything right before my dad got home. He enjoyed the meal and while I gave Luna a bath Harry decided to have a talk with my dad. But I didn't mind I needed to get Luna ready for bed and she was very stubborn today. Harry has always been uncomfortable with giving Luna baths which I find adorable that he is so cautious with her but I might talk to her about calling Harry dad if her and Harry would like to. I got Luna into pjs and let her go play with Jenson in the basement.
"Hi dad and Harry, whatcha guys talking about."
"Guy stuff." Harry says and I start laughing.
"What type of guy stuff, silly."
"Football." He said and I could tell they weren't actually talking about football cause Harry is a bad liar but I'd let him slide.
"Harry loves the packers dad." I say and my dads jaw drops and I laugh knowing my dads favorite team is the Rams.
"We are gonna have to change your favorite team son." My dad says and Harry gives me a stare and I hug him.
"It's a possibility but it's most likely not happening." Harry says smiling
They spend the next 20 minutes debating which team is better but I stay silent finding this so funny but I won't talk cause I don't want to upset anyone.
"Well you two can keep talking but I'm going to go put the kids to bed it's getting late."
"Do you want help sienna." Harry asks
"If you want but I should be fine."
"I'll come if you'll excuse me I'm gonna convince Luna to go to sleep." He says to my dad and my dad nods letting him know fits ok.
"Luna bug and jents come here it's time for bed." Harry calls out and they come running. The kids follow us upstairs and we read then a bed time story and give them a kiss goodnight, soon they are both out like a light. I walk into my room and tell Harry he can go back to my dad or sit in there while I shower. He decided he'd answer emails from management and call his mom. I brush out my hair and see Harry I can tell he is frustrated with something by the way he keeps running his finger through his hair.
"Hey what's wrong baby." I say sitting next to him in the bed.
"Management issues." He says sighing.
"Care to explain what type of issue maybe I could help you."
"They just want too much from me I just finished touring I want a break, I wanna see you and be with you."
"Tell them that then Harry, you have just finished a two part tour that was 3 months and then another 9 I think they should agree."
"You're right." He says kissing me.
"Come on it's been a long day you need rest and a clear head come on let's go to bed." I say rubbing his bicep and he kept his head on my chest.
"Ok let me just go rinse off real quick." He says going into the bathroom. He is out of the bathroom and comes join me on the bed and I cuddle next to him still rubbing his arm. He is stress and I know he will sleep awfully till he works it out.
"Close your eyes I know you don't like to sleep when you are stress but it will help." I say and he nods shutting his eyes and I don't fall asleep until he is completely asleep. I could feel him roll around the whole night.
"I know you aren't sleeping come with me." I say grabbing a pair of shorts and my car keys.
"Where are we going." He asks as he puts on some shorts and a tee shirt.
"It's a surprise."
I start driving and I was taking him to the beach to calm him.
"The beach." He asks me
"Yes the beach now come on it's dark and quiet." I pull him out of the car and on to the beach to sit in the sand with me. I lay on my back and he follows and I point up at the stars and it's the perfect night to look at them.
"Look right there is the Aquarius constellation." I say pointing up at the sky.
"That's amazing."
I kept pointing constellations out to him until it reached a point where the stars had gotten covered up and I decided we should probably go back because it's almost morning.
"Thank you for doing that with me." He said
"It was no problem and I already knew you weren't gonna sleep or sleep awfully. But we can sleep for probably 4 hours when we get back to the house."
He nods and soon we are back at my house and I walk upstairs with his hand entangled in mine. I pull him into the bed and he falls completely asleep within 5 minutes and soon I drift off too.

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