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Sienna pov
Harry has finished most of his shots needed for the movie. I'm 20 weeks pregnant trying my best to keep my stress levels low. Harry's been home way more and on me about being stressed, I am trying to be calmer I've started yoga not putting as much stress on cleaning like I was. Anne keeps telling me if I want she'll fly out and come help me out which I could never ask her to do that. But I know Harry's weighing the pros and cons in his head. We have decided to find out the gender at our appointment tonight, seeing it's not busy and no pictures could be leaked of me or the kids, seeing I want their life's to be normal as possible.  We've to Luna she took it pretty well seeing, she was feeling a bit unwanted but we explained how much we love her and are planning a mommy,daddy and Luna day for just her to reassure her. But I think it could just be a trip to a private beach and a lunch seeing Disney isn't open yet. But just a day all about her will definitely be best. Brantley was starting to get his molars so he wasn't sleeping he cried most nights and just wanted to be held. He'd only sleep if he was being held so most of the day he was strapped against my chest. Luna would be extremely helpful, helping me with everything around the house. But I know she just wants to be close to me and have attention just like how Brantley is getting attention. But at least Harry would be home from work soon and he'd be home from his shoot soon but then he wouldn't want me doing a ton of things. But now even the slightest bit of pain worried my even if she was just kicking bit terrified me, I really didn't want to lose this baby or any baby I'd have in the future.
"Si, I'm home." Harry says walking in the door taking off his shoes and coat before walking into the living room.
"Hi H, I missed you."
"Daddy daddy daddy, look I can play mary had a little lamb on the piano." Luna says running over hugging Harry's legs.
"Really can you show me in a few minutes after I wash my hands and see mommy real quick." He says kissing her head before walking over to the sink, Luna following him stating attached to his hip now. He came over Luna sitting on his hip while he gave me a kiss and a hug before sitting at the piano with Luna to watch her play which she did amazing at. I got Brantley up from his nap and changed him and gave him a bottle. We relaxed up until the doctors appointment which the kids were going to but they would probably fall asleep before it started. I had the double stroller for both of the kids to sit in. I made dinner before the appointment for the kids seeing Harry and I would eat after. After we loaded both kids in the car we were on our way to the doctors appointment to see if we'd have another little boy or girl. Both kids were up when we made it to the doctor office Brantley was still up it was past his bedtime, we started the appointment Luna was distracted with Harry's phone playing subway surfers, Brantley sleeping. After the cool gel was placed the doctor looked for the heart beat and gender.
"Would you like to know what gender baby you guys are having." The doctor asks us smiling.
""Yes please."
"You guys are having a baby girl, congratulations." She tells us and I have tears in my eyes that are beyond happy and excited to meet this little bean.
"It's a girl, she's gonna look just like you." He says wiping the happy tears from my face, kissing me smiling when he pulls away. I pulled down my shirt getting down, following Harry out to our car. Transferring Brantley very gently so he didn't wake up. Luna still slightly awake but more or a less half asleep. We got home and transferred both of the kids into bed, tucking them in going into our room. I sat on the bed Harry sitting down next to me touching my stomach starting to hear him talking to our baby girl.
"Hi little one, I'm your daddy. I hope you turn out a daddy's girl unlike your brother he loves his mommy a ton." He says talking to my stomach gently rubbing it and places kisses everywhere.
"You can be a mommy's girl or a daddy's girl my little bean."
"Be a daddy's girl." He says before looking up to me smirking.
"Don't be mean H, everything will be fine ."
"I love you, let's get some sleep."
A month later
Harry had arranged an amazing surprise, my family coming down to California to come and see all of us. Harry knows how hard it's been for me to not be able to see them at least once a month.We have had my family come down and meet Brantley and I cried I missed them so much and I was super surprised when they walked through the door. I didn't see them for at least a year. Brantley was definitely shy to go over to the seeing he's only really been around Anne due to the pandemic. Hayden was in remission he's been clear for five months now and he's starting to gain back his weight, Jensen and Luna were enjoying being together once again why Harry an I talked to my parents while we told them stories about Brantley and Luna. We haven't told them the gender of our newest little bean yet since we want it to be a surprise for them.
"So is the next one a boy or a girl." My mom asks us smiling beyond excited, Harry and I look at each other.
"It's a girl." We say in unison smiling, me falling back into Harry's chest while he holds his hand up against my stomach. Feeling our little bean kick like she does most of the time.
"Mama mama." Brantley babbles smiling pointing at me, knowing he's always calling for me.
"Hi Brant, you having fun with Gigi and pop pop." I ask and he bounces himself up and down smiling. Luna cones down with Jenson wanting to go play on the swings, Harry and my dad take them out while I stay in with my mom talking to her.
"He has your eyes, lips and nose." My mom tells me.
"I know but I hope he looks more like Harry as he gets older, I'd like for this one to be my mini me." I say smiling truly hoping Brantley will look and act just like Harry with little features of me around his face.
"He'd be quite the heartbreaker then wouldn't he."
"Probably but he will look how he looks we just have to wait for him to develop more of a personality."
We stand up walking outside Brantley waddling close to me holding my hand smiling. Harry picks him up and sets him into his swing.
"Up up." He babbles I guess that's his first real word other than mama and dada. I sit down next to my mom as we watch the kids play around on the play set. Brantley smiling and giggling. Also at the end of this month Brantley is turning one, and even if we can't have a party I'll figure out something small to do even if it's just some cake and maybe Anne and Gemma coming over. Knowing my mom won't wanna fly back so soon.
"Brantleys birthday is the 23rd."
"Are you guys doing anything."
"Probably just a small cake for him and see if Anne Gemma and you guys could come." I pause "you don't have to if you d9bt wanna fly out again though."
"We can think about it but I'm not sure yet though, I would want to."
"Okay it would be extremely small nothing extravagant."
"I'll let you know though darling"
"Mommy what's for lunch, I'm hungy."
"What would you like lunes."
"Dino nuggets mommy please."
I went inside and started the Dino nuggets, before getting Brantley bringing him inside for his lunch and got him ready for a nap. I fed him baby food which he decided it was better to smack it everywhere and start laughing. I held him for a few minutes  before bringing him upstairs setting him in his crib. I take out the nuggets placing them on plates for jenson and Luna, calling them inside. Letting them eat their lunch while everyone is still outside. Harry comes in wrapping his arms around my waist leaning his neck into mine. "Did you like your surprise, love." He asked me placing kisses on my neck.
"I loved it, thank you. I love you beyond words." I tell him honestly.
"And I love you beyond words too, also you're parents wanna watch the kids and give us a night out."
"Are they sure Brantley is gonna be fussy since he's never with my parents."
"Put him down early then go out."
"Just something small like dinner."
"You'll see relax." He says smiling into my neck, soon interrupted by Brantley crying meaning he'd up and wants his bottle and cuddles. I go upstairs Brantley standing up holding on to his crib reaching for me to hold him.
"You're getting so big brant." I say lifting him out if his crib setting him down on my hip kissing his head before changing his diaper and getting his bottle ready. I fed him still trying to get him to hold the bottle, but he just wants to be close to me. A couple hours pass and I'm now upstairs getting ready for a well deserved night out. I've showered and braided my hair, I put in a dress that hides my bump well and I was ready.
"You look beautiful darling." He tells me smiling.
"Thank you and you look very handsome too H." We walk out to the car saying by to my parents and the kids. Harry had decided on dinner inside of a movie theater. I was beyond happy just to get some alone time with him seeing everything has been so busy lately. But would enjoy this time before our next little one comes into the world. Eventually we get home and just my parents are up waiting for us. We greet them before going upstairs laughing to each other. Ending the night with Harry and I talking to our little one who was very into kicking me throughout the night. Keeping me awake.

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