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Sienna POV
It was Wednesday and Luna has had nightmares every night ever since Harry left. I haven't gotten much sleep. But I'd finally catch a break today after work and school I'd get Luna and we would come home before starting the hour and thirty minute drive.
I had gotten Luna into school with no problems. Then I drove into work and would sit there and wait for an X-ray to come in. By the end of my shift I had taken 20 X-rays we were backed up most of the day. I had left a little late which I felt bad about but the preschool teacher said some kids stay late too and it would be ok. I got to the preschool and got in to the school as fast as I could.
"Hi Luna baby I'm sorry I'm late. I got stuck at work." I spoke hugging and kissing the top of her head.
"It's okay mommy but we get to see daddy today."
"Yes we are, now come on let's go home and get everything so we can leave." I say and wave to the teacher mouthing a thank you. I drove back to the house, I grabbed the bags and let Luna play while I got a quick shower and rinsed off my stressful work day.
"Luna did you grab a couple of toys." I call up to her.
"Yeah mommy."
"Okay come on we are gonna load up the car."
We loaded up the car and I checked for everything before going to lock the door and start on the drive by now it was about 6 o'clock. We had finally arrived at 8 o'clock and I woke Luna up and we walked up to the house and knocked on the door. Mitch answered and I could tell he was panicking.
"Luna go play right here. Here are your toys." I shooed her off before. "Mitch what happened."
"Well we might've done some mushrooms and Harry fell out of a window."
"He did what, is he ok. Mitch where is he." I was now panicking.
"He's over here." Mitch said bringing me to him.
My mouth dropped he was bleeding.
"Harry what is bleeding." I ask but he was completely out of it.
"It's his tongue he bite part of it off." Mitch spoke.
"Harry let me see your tongue please."
He stuck his tongue out of his mouth which was bleeding a good amount. I had grabbed a paper towel and held it on his tongue knowing that the tongue does bleed a lot.
"It's only a small part so he shouldn't need stitches but we do need to sober him up." I speak and tell them to leave him out here while I take Luna to a bedroom. I carry Luna up into a bedroom and then go outside and have Mitch help me carry Harry up to the shower so I can wash the blood off of him. Then I change him and let him go into the bed. The effect of the mushroom was starting to wear off thank god. I went and grabbed a water bottle. I knew I'd most likely stay up to make sure he didn't do any other stupid things.
Around 5 am he woke up and started asking questions to me.
"Sienna what happened last night." He asked confused why his tongue hurt.
"You fell out of a window, and bit off part of your tongue. Please don't ever do mushroom again."
"I'm sorry for scaring you because I know I most likely did."
"It's okay I'm just happy that you are ok."
"Ok I'll let you go to sleep I can see the bags under your eyes are really bad so I'm guessing Luna had nightmares and didn't wanna sleep."
"You'd guess right." I spoke moving to lay more on his chest and keeping my eyes closed.
"Go to sleep I'm fine." He said and I fell asleep.
I woke up and it was about 10 and he wasn't in bed with me anymore so I'm guessing he was playing with Luna. I laid in the bed for a few more minutes not wanting to get up even though. Soon I heard Luna and Harry giggling opening the door.
"Good morning mommy."
"Hi baby."
"Daddy made pancakes come eat with us." She said now jumping up and down.
"Ok let me grab some shorts and I'll be down." I say and grab a pair of shorts and follow them downstairs. Once we get downstairs I hug and give Harry a kiss, while Luna finishes her pancakes. I ate some pancake that were surprisingly good.
"Bug, go pick out a swim suit, we are gonna go to the beach." He spoke smiling at me.
"Don't you have work to do H." I asked confused.
"Not right now I can wait because you are here and I want to be with you." He spoke smiling before kissing my lips and dragging me up the steps to go change.
"Harry, your on a work trip I wouldn't have came if you were gonna do this."
"We finished a bunch of songs, calm down darling everything is fine. Let's have a day to ourselves."
"Fine." I spoke fixing my swimsuit top. Luna came in holding up almost the exact bikini that I had on and I found it funny. "Are we gonna match lunes."
"Yes and make daddy wear a yellow swim suit too."
"I will and now you can go play for a few minutes before we leave." I say and she runs to her barbies. "Harry Luna wants you to wear a yellow swimsuit." I call out to him.
"Ok but why am I wearing a yellow swimsuit." He asked confused.
"It's a surprise. Meet us downstairs I'm gonna go put sunscreen on her." I say walking out to Luna's room to get her to put on sunscreen.
Harry comes downstairs in a yellow swimsuit and I look at Luna who is smiling at me giggling.
"Why are you giggling bug." He asked walking over to tickle her to get some answers. He started tickling her.
"Stop it please." She asked looking at Harry who stopped immediately. "We are all matching."
"Really." He was surprised.
"Yeah I wanted us all to match now can we go to the beach please."
We walked out the back and on to the private beach. Luna go on her swimmies and begged to go swimming. Harry held Luna in his arms once the water got too deep for her as a way of support. I stayed close to them both enjoying the time in the ocean.
"Can we go build sandcastle now." Luna asked still holding on to Harry scared of the big waves that would crash.
"Yes bug we can keep holding on to me until we get on to shore."
We walked out of the ocean and went to go build sandcastles. 10 different sandcastle later and we were going to rinse off Luna who was covered in sand and cranky so it was definitely time to take a nap so she wouldn't be more cranky later. Harry put her down while I laid out at the pool waiting for him to come back.
"Hey darling would you like anything to eat?" He asked
"I'm ok just come be with me while she is sleeping." I called out to him.
"Ok I'll be out in a second."
He soon walked out and came to sit with me. I enjoyed this quiet time. Soon we went into the pool since it was really hot.
"How is your tongue, that you stupidly bit off." I asked him wondering if he was ok.
"It's good don't worry about me." He spoke laughing.
"Harry it wasn't funny I thought you were hurt or even something worse." I say in all seriousness.
"I'll never do it again darling don't worry." He said kissing my temple to relax me.
I stayed leaned up against his body in the water enjoying being in his presence, it was like he was enough to calm me down after a stressful day or even week. Eventually Luna woke up and was starving so I made a snack to hold her off until dinner time. Harry had decided on taking us all out to dinner like a family date. I got Luna ready and then I got  ready in a tube top and some bell bottom jeans. Luna had on a sundress and her hair in pigtails, I went downstairs and met Harry with Luna who was standing next to me.
"Well aren't you two the most beautiful girls ever." He spoke smiling and picking up Luna to give her a hug.
"Thank you, look mommy just let me wear my new dress." She spoke smiling and spinning in a circle. "Do you like it it's yellow just like belle from beauty and the beast."
"It's gorgeous Luna bug." He said holding her hand walking her out to the car. "You look stunning Sienna." He said opening the door for me, kissing me on the lips before letting me walk out the door.
Once we got to the restaurant. Harry held my hand and Luna walked in between us holding my hand and Harry's on the walk into the restaurant.
"Reservations for Mr. And Mrs. Styles." He spoke while the hostess nodded and brought us to the table. Once we were seated I looked at him. "Mr. And mrs. Styles, we aren't even engaged yet." I asked him.
"I thought it would be a fun test. I do like the sound of Sienna grace styles though."
"Soon Harry just be patient, we are both still young." I say trying to reason with him because I know he wants to start a family as soon as possible even with his crazy tour schedule.
"Fine Mrs. Styles." He joked and I rolled my eyes at him.
"Look I colored this picture in." Luna spoke showing us the picture she colored in.
"That looks amazing bug." He told her and I agreed.
We ate our dinner and also go dessert. After we paid, we went to leave and it was filled with a mix of fans crowding the entrance yelling Harry's name. I looked at him and I picked Luna up and I could see her getting upset. There was no way of getting out of this separately because we have been holding hands walking up to the door. He kept his hand on my back as we left the restaurant Luna was scared she was hysterically crying in my shoulder. The loud screams and pushing around yelling wasn't ok. Soon we made it out to Harry's car and he apologized about what just happened while I sat in the back trying to calm Luna down from crying.
"It's okay Harry it was bound to happen." I say
I held Luna's hand until she stopped crying. Once we got back to the rental house Harry let her choose a movie to watch as an apology to her. Halfway through the little mermaid she had fallen asleep and Harry carried her up to bed. We finished the movie then went upstairs.
"I'm so sorry sienna I didn't want it to happen that way." He spoke with remorse in his eyes.
"It's okay Harry, don't beat yourself up."
"I don't want your life to change and I don't want Luna to be scared of crowds and yelling."
"It's okay Harry, you can make an announcement if you want or whatever you please just relax and stop apologizing." I say and kiss him to quiet his fussing about tonight. "We can talk in the morning, ok."
"Ok, goodnight I love you." He spoke pulling me closer to him.
"Goodnight, I love you too." I said
Soon we were both asleep enjoying each other's company, with nerves flowing through both of us with what the press will say about me as the mystery girl once again.

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