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Sienna pov
We've been back in California for about a month now Harry has been busy filming, my bump has started to show getting me excited. But every day is basically the same Brantley Luna and I playing out back. Luna's cast is off but she's in a brace if she wants to do any tricks. We play in the pool,do school, barbies and watch tv while Harry is filming. Luna misses Anne a ton, Brantley is confused most times seeing he hasn't been at this house in a while making me feel bad, that this environment stresses him out a ton. I do my best trying to handle everything while Harry is filming but being pregnant again makes doing everything's bit harder now. I'm always exhausted, but filming should be done in a couple of months if everything goes as planed. Brantley has been learning some new words the best I can teach him, he's starting to say dada a little more but still saying mama more mixed in with some screaming, giggling and reaching for anything and everything. I've moved on to child proofing the house when the kids are napping or distracted since Brantley is always trying to get into anything he can get his tiny hands on. I can tell the kids miss Harry a ton since he's always gone early and home late, I wish it would slow down a bit because I need help even if I hate to admit it. My phone dings pulling me away from my thoughts that I'm always trapped in lately.
From Gemma: how are you holding up with everything.
To Gemma: okay a little bit stressed, with everything.
From Gemma: don't hesitate if you need someone Si, everything can always become to much for everyone.
To Gemma: I know don't worry we are all okay, how are you.
From Gemma: recording a podcast about mental health, so little stressed but more care free and happy, I'm addressing these things.
To Gemma: I'm proud of you so, proud my favorite styles
From Gemma: more proud of you super mom.
To Gemma:let's end on that note before Brantley gets into cotton balls again, he's on the move that for sure.
From Gemma: alright text or call if you need anything.
To Gemma: I will but that apply to you too.
I turn off my phone going over to Brantley who is looking at me doe eyed with a smile trying to open the package holding the cotton balls. I walk over taking them from him picking him up telling him that he can't have them setting him down in his area filled with toys. I press a couple of buttons making them light up distracting him while I hide the cotton balls again. Luna comes downstairs holding up her Barbie who's hair is a mess and looks like it's been cut.
"Little miss what happened to barbies hair." I ask her as she walks over to me with a frown.
"I cut it she had a big knot I couldn't get out, now her hair looks bad." She tells me definitely frustrated.
"Well we could fix her hair and she can just have short hair." I tell her knowing it's just uneven.
"Yes please mommy, where's daddy I miss him." She tells me
"Dada dada dada dada." Brantley babbles
"He's working on a movie, I miss him too babes." I tell her as I finish fixing barbies hair. "But look barbies hair is fixed."
"Thank you mommy you are the bestest." She tells me making me smile I chose not to tell her bestest isn't a actual word, not bursting her bubble. I watch her go back to her doll house admiring how independent she has chosen to be. I put Brantley in his high chair for his snack which was puffs and strawberries, I felt a strong pain in my stomach and I knew that isn't supposed to happen. I didn't know what to do Harry was filming and I don't have anyone to watch the kids. I got out my phone and texted sarah and Mitch seeing if they could come. Thankfully they said they can and will be here in five minutes tops seeing they lived extremely close. I told the kids and I went to the emergency room to see if they could do an ultrasound to check on the baby, I was beyond scared right now I wish Harry was here instead of working. I wish he was here holding my hand telling me everything will be alright.
"Hi I'm pregnant and I'm having really strong stomach pains and can someone give me an ultrasound please." I tell the lady at the front desk and she brings me back into the OBGYN area.
"So you're having really strong stomach pains, how far along are you?" The nurse asked me
"Yes and I'm about 16 weeks along." I tell her anxiously twisting my rings around my finger.
"Well let me take a look and we can see if anything is wrong with you or the baby." She says as I lift up my shirt allowing for her to put some of the cool gel on my stomach, rubbing the wand around. "Here's you're baby right here." She says pointing at the screen. "Everything seems okay but I would like for you to stay overnight just to make sure nothings wrong, and nothing throughout the night. I'm gonna admit you." She says hooking me up to some monitors. When she leaves I leave Harry a message tell him I'm at the hospital I had some stomach pains and is getting checked Mitch and sarah are with the kids right now but I'm staying over night for observation. I just hoped he wouldn't freak out and leave work. I see my phone ringing and it's Harry.
"Hey are you okay, how's the baby, how are you." He says speaking extremely fast.
"I'm okay and the baby's okay, they want me to stay over night just to check everything."
"Do you want me to stop by the hospital and bring you anything."
"No I'm but I want you to come I want some time with you."
"Okay I'll be there as fast as I can, I love you."
"Okay I love you too, be careful please."
I sit in the hospital bed keeping a hand on my stomach, feeling a little happier that nothing was wrong with either of us. But I wish I could be home with the kids but this is what's best right now for both of us, at least I'd get to see Harry for a bit.
"Hi love." He says smiling walking over to me kissing me. "Hi to you too little one." He says touching my stomach. He stays with me for about two hours before going home to put the kids to bed and spend some time with them since he's off tomorrow from shooting for the movie. I think he's realized I've been spreading myself way too thin and I need to stop doing that so this baby will be healthy and won't have any problems.
Next day
I woke up and I was able to leave this morning I got home and Harry wouldn't even let me lift a finger. He wanted to make sure I was okay and so was the baby.
"Mommy you're home." Luna says running over to me
"Mama mama mama." Brantley babbles reaching for me, I hold him while Luna stays close to me giving cuddles and kisses.  It was nice to have a family day no distractions just all of us enjoying time together. I felt bad that Harry felt extremely guilty that he's been gone all the time and not being here to help.
"I'm sorry that all of this happened I should've changed my schedule. This is awful Brantley and Luna miss me and you're stressed beyond words can express." Harry says running his fingers through his hair pulling the ends of his darkened hair.
"Stop it's alright, you have a job to do everything is fine H, the pains were normal due to my stomach expanding once again and the little one moving around." I tell him reaching for his hands pulling them down from his hair. "Stop beating yourself up, filming is almost done." I say kissing him.
"I know but I should've been home more." He say looking at me with sadness filling his eyes.
"It's okay, stop it the kids love you, I love you. Every thing will be alright, now stop being sad and kiss me." I say and his lips attack mine while the kids are having a nap seeing they got up early and we're up late last night. But we were interrupted by crying coming from brants room, Harry got up and got him waking up Luna too before coming downstairs so they will both go to sleep tonight at a decent time. I stayed on the couch seeing Harry didn't want me getting up until tomorrow. He wanted me to rest and have some time off of my feet. Our whole day just consisted of movies and cuddles from both of the kids Luna with Harry and Brantley laying on my legs trying to bite me every few minutes resulting in me pulling him up and changing his position giving him a toy to bite instead. This is my idea of a perfect day but we still need to tell the kids or at least Luna that I'm pregnant again, but I'm scared with how she will feel, seeing I did adopt her and knowing she loved just having Brantley and I don't think she's ready for another sibling to join our family yet. By the time it's bed time Harry and I are each carrying a kid up to bed seeing they both fell asleep during the movie.
"We need to talk to Luna about this one." I say pointing to my stomach.
"We can do it whenever don't stress yourself out." He tells me holding me rubbing his hands along my stomach.
"But I don't want her to feel like she is being replaced cause we are having another kid."
"We will talk to her about it and everything will be fine." He says kissing me passionately. "I love you."
"I love you more." I say kissing him back once again before we both end up falling asleep for the night.

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