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Sienna pov

I woke up a little earlier to make sure everything was packed for our trip to North Carolina. I don't know how Luna will be on the plane. I'm most nervous about bringing her to my family I feel like they are gonna be disappointed in me. After I check for everything I decide to wake Luna up we have to be at the airport in 2 hours.

"Luna, babes wake up we are going on a plane today." I say gently shaking her

"Where are we going." she asked groggily

"North Carolina, it's where I grew up you can meet my family."

"are they nice like you and Harry."

"Yes bubs, let's get you ready though."

I put her shoulder lengthen hair into a French braid and grabbed her some shorts and a tee shirt to wear. I fed her some waffles and I got into some clothes and I had brought everything into the car and we were ready to leave.Once we arrived at the airport, Luna was very inminidated by all of the people I could tell when she would squeeze my hand.

"It's ok Lunes we need to do security then we can get on the plane ok."

After about 30 mins we made it through security and were almost ready to board the plane.

"When will we get on the plane." she asked me

"In a few minutes babe, do you wanna take a picture for harry to see when he wakes up."

"Yes can we."

After about five minutes of taking silly selfies we got the perfect one and we sent it to Harry. The plane was ready to board and I help her hand as we walked on the plane. I gave her the window seat and I sat next to her.

"Have you been on a plane before." I asked her

"No I'm scared." she spoke and my heart broke for her.

"It's ok the plane will take off and up into the air and then after a couple of hours we will be in North Carolina." I tell her

"will you hold my hand." she asked

"Of course I will."

I held her hand throughout plane ride eventually we landed and Hudson was coming to pick us up.

"Who is he." she asked me when Hudson was getting out of the car.

"That's my brother Hudson, he's nice don't worry."

"Hi Luna, I'm Hudson." my brother spoke and Luna went to go hide behind me.

"It's okay Lunes, she is a little bit shy."

I held luna's hand and soon she did say hi back but she was very quiet.I rubbed her back and put her into the carseat that we use for Jenson.

"How have Mom and dad been hud." I ask him

"Stressed, but Hayden is slowly getting better we hope."

He drove us back to my house and I texted Harry saying I landed. I walked into the house and I was holding Luna's hand.

I got down to Luna's level to tell her that everything will be okay and that it's ok to be shy around new people. She met my parents and Jenson he like having someone around he could talk token though he was 2 years older.

"Hey go play with Jenson, you can talk about Harry. Jenson likes him too." I shooed her off trying to have her become less shy.

"Sienna can I talk to you please." my mom called and I was dreading this.

"Yes, mom."

"Why did you decided to do this you are 21, you know how much baggage having a kid brings along to men. This is one of your stupid mistakes. There is too much going on how can you provide for a child Sienna Grace." my mom yelled at me and I did my best to stay with a straight face knowing people yelling at me makes me want to hide somewhere and cry.

"Mom please I can do this I'm still working. This isn't a mistake she lost both of her parent and she basically became attached to me and I couldn't just leave her." I was on the brink of losing it.

"Sienna you have no clue how to be a mom. Where is your boyfriend not here how long did that last huh."

"He's on tour and we are still together and I do know how to be a mom I've basically raised Jenson. Why can't you just believe in me for once." I spoke leaving the room with tears threatening to fall.

I walked into my room and saw Luna and Jenson being best friends. It made me happy and I sat and listened to the two. But my feelings were definitely hurt with what my mom said to me. I knew this wouldn't be good for my mental health because I would now be overthinking 24/7.

From Harry: How's North Carolina. I love that picture of you and Luna it's my phone background.

To Harry: Not good my mom is getting to me. I wish I was with you. That's sweet I'll have to tell Luna.

From Harry: It will be alight in the end she could just be in shock. How is Luna though.

To Harry: Jenson and her are best friends basically. How are you Harry.

From Harry: I miss you and I'm nervous for my show tonight.

To Harry: Don't be nervous bubs, I know you will do great no matter what.

from Harry: I will darling, but I have to go do soundcheck I'll text you after the show.

to Harry: Good luck, I love you. put on a show like I know you can.

I smile at my phone and I decide on taking Luna and Jenson out to the pool. I brought the two outside and I sit in the pool watching them swim to make sure no one gets hurt. After the two swam until dark. I soon told them that it was bedtime. I got them both ready for bed and I ended up putting them both to bed in Jenson room since he had a bunk bed.

"Goodnight Jens and lunes." I spoke exiting the room turning out the lights.

I got a shower and decided on staying up to talk to harry. He was worth ruining my sleep schedule for. I heard my phone ring which jolted me awake I saw it was Harry.

"Hi." I spoke into my phone

"Did I just wake you, darling." He asked

"No I'm just tired long day. Enough about me how was your show."

"The crowd was amazing but I wish you were there though."

"I wish I was there too but I'll see you soon."

I was trying to be positive for both of our sakes.

"Do Luna and Jenson get along well."

"Very well they act like twins but Jenson is two years older."

"That must be adorable but a lot of work for you considering your always watching Jenson."

"Yeah but it's ok, I guess I'm kinda used to it at this point."

"Ok si, as much as I love to talk to you I know it's late and the kids will most likely wake you up early. Goodnight I love you."

"Goodnight I love you too H."

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