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Sienna pov

I woke up in the middle of the night with a call from one of the nurses, Luna was hysterical and only wanted to see me.

"Harry I have to go to the hospital, I don't know when I'll be home." I told him but I also wrote him a note too just incase he didn't hear me.

I got in my car and drove to the hospital pretty fast. I was worried about her to say the least. I basically ran up to her room and I saw her crying.

"Hey..hey Luna it's okay. what's wrong."

"my leg hurts and I want my mommy."

"I'm sorry let me look at your leg, but honey your mommy isn't here anymore."

"But you remind me of her." she spoke still crying.

I could see that her leg was ok but the pain medicine had worn off.

"What would you like me to do for you then Luna."

"Will you stay with me."

"Of course."

It was now 8am and I was going to talk to a social worker about Luna. After a long talk we decided that it would be best if I did foster her for now and then later on adopt her it was clear that she was going to need some medical watch from here on out. She would be discharged today so I would take her home and let her meet harry if she was ready.

"Hey luna, I am gonna watch you for now."

"Really am I gonna live with you."

"Yes, honey I am gonna take you home with me in a little bit. I'm gonna run out and get you some clothes and a carseat. Then I will take you to my home."

I watched her nod knowing it was ok for me to leave her for a little. I went out and bought a carseat and a few outfits for her to wear for now and some bedding. I drove back to the hospital and signed her discharge papers and helped her get into a wheel chair so we could get to my car.

"Sienna do you have a boyfriend." she asked me

"yes I do, he's very nice."

After a short conversation we reached my apartment and I had her in my arms and a bag that held some of the items I had bought. I opened the door and I saw that Harry was awake sitting on the couch.

"Hi Harry, I have someone you should meet." I spoke smiling and looking at Luna whose head was tucked into the crook of my neck

"Hi I'm harry what is your name." he spoke softly tapping on her shoulder so she would look at him.

"I'm Luna." she said quickly hiding her head back into my neck.

"Luna I'm gonna put you on the couch alright, you can watch tv." I spoke gently setting her down so she wouldn't bang her leg.

I walked over to harry and we talked, I told him what the social worker said and how she is shy and will need some time to warm up to him. I walked over to her and put a blanket over her she fell asleep.

"Sienna how is she, be honest with me."

"She is attached to me and when her pain medicine wears off she starts to scream and she has some medical conditions. They said it was probably the best fir for me to take her in since I work at the hospital and if anything happened I can get her there quickly. Please don't be mad at me I'm sorry I didn't text you that I was bringing her home." I hold him looking away from him when I spoke the last sentence.

"It's okay, I'm not mad at all. She is adorable and I love how much you wanted to help her." he spoke putting his fingers under my chin so we made eye contact again.

"I need to buy her clothes. My mom is gonna flip. So is your mom. I basically have a child." I spoke now stressing scared.

"Everything is gonna be ok. You are doing something good. I have to go to a meeting with jeffery I'll be back tonight." He spoke then kissing me on the cheek.

I nodded kissing him before he left and I made her room that she would be staying in. I made a note to buy her some clothes and toys.

"Sienna." I heard her yell.

"I'll be there in a second."

I walk out and see her shaking, I knew that she was having a panic attack.

"It's ok, Luna come here." I told her letting her move her small body into my arms so I could hold her. We stayed like that for a good amount of time before she needed to go to the bath room I carried her and let her go. I kept my distance since I didn't know how much I could be trusted with her.

I made us both some Mac and cheese for lunch and gave her some medicine. I played with her until Harry came home from meetings. I saw Luna smile when Harry arrived she was warming up to him.

"Hi Sienna and Luna, how was your day."

"It was good Sienna and I played and watched movies." she spoke smiling.

"Really, what movies." he asked her and she looked at me since she didn't remember the names of the movies.

"Barbie princess and Beauty and the beast." I told him

Harry pov

I thought it was amazing that she decided to foster Luna. Luna had dirty blonde hair and green eyes. She was adorable when she was being shy around me and now she has warmed up to me and started talking to me, it was cute. I could see Sienna smiling when Luna started the conversation it made my heart melt. Now I really don't want to go on tour at all I just wanna stay with Sienna and Luna. But I know that she made this decision for a good reason. I couldn't wait to spoil Luna.

I helped Sienna put Luna to bed and I watched the two they really had a mother daughter bond. When we got into our room I let Sienna drift asleep knowing she was exhausted.She told her boss she was only coming in if they needed an Xray tech because she was taking care of luna.

Eventually I fell asleep too enjoying the thought of Sienna being near me. I knew that I wanted her for the rest of my life.

carolina |H.S.|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon