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Two months later

Sienna pov

Today was the day Harry is starting tour I've had Luna for about 4 months now she had really warmed up to me now and she doesn't have her cast anymore. Her foot has healed pretty well she did need physical therapy for a month just to stretch out her foot. Harry has been through it all with me and I was beyond thankful for him. I was also beyond proud of how well his music has been going, I knew his tour was gonna be amazing. He was starting tour in Switzerland, I was worried to say the least. I was taking Luna with me this week to go to North Carolina to be able to see my brother he has been doing better but not completely himself.

"Sienna, Luna come here." Harry called out

"Coming." I spoke holding Luna's hand walking out to harry.

"Harry." Luna spoke running when she saw harry.

"Please don't leave."Luna said almost crying.

"Aw bug, I will see you and Sienna soon I promise you." He spoke as he stay at her level hugging her.

"But that's a long time." Luna said now crying, I felt so bad for Harry he didn't need this right now.

"Bug don't cry I will call you and stop crying princess don't cry." he told her kissing the top of her head.

"ok pinky promise." she stuck her pinky out for Harry and he made the pinky promise.

I hugged him and apologized for him because I didn't think that she would feel this attached. I knew she most likely want to sleep in my bed tonight.

"I hate to need to leave but I have a plane to catch." he spoke frowning.

"text me when you land please, I love you." I told him holding Luna only hip now

"I will don't worry but I'd like one last hug and kiss from my girls." he told us

He gave us a group hug and Luna placed a sloppy kiss on Harrys cheek smiling after she did it. I kissed him on the lips. I wanted to stay in his arms for the rest of my life.

"I love you Sienna grace and Luna may." he spoke opening the door.

"I love you too harry." luna told him

"I love you Harry Edward Styles." I told him smiling but hurting a lot on the inside.

He walked out the door on his way to start the second leg of live on tour. I set Luna down and I could tell that she was sad that he would be away. But I let her choose what we do today since she needs to keep her mind busy.

"Lunes what do you wanna do today." I asked her

"I wanna go swimming." she told me

"Beach or pool."

"Pool please."

"Okay come lets go get you ready then."

I put on her favorite pink swimsuit and grabbed her floaties and a few towels.

"Hold my hand please Luna."

she nodded and grabbed onto my hand. Once we got to the pool I put sunscreen on her and got her floaties on and we walked into the pool. I could tell that she was having the time of her life swimming , but she didn't like having to wear sunscreen but it was best for her.

"I'm tired." she spoke

"Ok lunes we can go, you did a lot of swimming." I helped her out of the pool and took off her floaties and gave her a towel. We walked up to the room and I changed her out of her swimsuit and let her take a nap while I packed for our trip to North Carolina. I went in to wake Luna up because I knew she wouldn't sleep tonight if she took too long of a nap.

I woke her up and checked my phone too see if harry had texted saying that he landed but their was no text message yet so I just kept playing barbies with Luna. I loved seeing her smile when we would play. But I was paged to go to the hospital because they needed someone for X-rays

"Lunes we have to go to the hospital, I need to do some X-rays but you will hang out in the daycare while I'm working is that ok."

"yep but will we come home and check for a message from Harry."

"Of course baby."

I put on my scrubs and fixed her hair into a bun and we left my apartment. I took her up to the daycare and she was definitely shy to everyone.

"Be good, I'll be done soon ok."I told her kissing the top of her head.

"I will."

I walked out and she stood with the lady in charge, I waved and I went down to radiology so I could preform the X-rays as fast as I could so I could bring her home.

after about 4 hours I finished a bunch of X-rays, I felt bad I only was supposed to do a few until someone could come finish the rest for the night. I walked up to the daycare to get Luna and I could tell she was having anxiety being there and that she didn't have any friends.

"Hi luna are you ready to go home." I asked her

"Yes can we I don't like it here." She spoke almost crying.

"It's okay baby we will go home and call Harry ok." I picked her up and carried her out to the car.

In the car I played Harry's songs to help calm her. It did work and by the time we got home Harry was at his hotel so we called him before I got her ready for bed.

"Harry." she said smiling

"Hi bug what did you do today."

"Pool and I went to work with Sienna."

"That sounds like fun bug."

"I didn't like Sienna work, they weren't fun like you guys."

"But its ok cause she doesn't work that much so you get to stay at home with her a lot. Sienna how are you love."

"I'm exhausted and I bet you are too from traveling Harry ." I told him

"Go get her ready for bed and text me when you land tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too, I will and you get some rest too."

I ended the call and I gave Luna a bath washing her chlorine filled hair.

"Can I sleep with you tonight Sienna." she asked me

"Of course I'll put on a movie since I need a shower too then I'll be in bed ok."

she nodded climbing into my bed. I put on frozen and I got into the shower taking the time to sort of relax. I finish my shower and I got into bed and saw that Luna was asleep once again, I was soon also asleep.

carolina |H.S.|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora