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Sienna pov

After traveling all night I finally made it to North Carolina. Hudson came to get me from the airport, to take me home for a little bit before going to the hospital even though I wanted to go straight to the hospital.

to Harry: I landed, I'll text you after I see Hayden. I love you.

with that I turned off my phone and was sucked into my thoughts.

"Sienna." Hudson spoke pulling me out of my trance.

"hm what."

"How was meeting Harry's parents."

"It was good, um we just really hung out we didn't do much.How is your baseball season going?" Hudson is an amazing baseball player he got a full ride for college and he is most likely going to go into the pros. which makes me proud of him cause he's come so far.

"My season is going good we are undefeated so far." he spoke smiling

"I'm proud of you Hud."

We arrived home and I went up to my room to shower and change out of my gross airport clothes. I went downstairs and saw Jenson and he ran into my arms.

"Hi buddy."

"Hi sisi, where is harry I miss him." he asked me

"Harry had some work to do but he will be coming next week."

I moved up on to the couch and Jenson followed me. I knew that Jenson loved when I was home because I would let him always cuddle with me to watch movies. After Hayden was done with his scans we were gonna go.

from mom: Haydens scans are done you can come maybe leave Jenson with Hudson. Jenson is a little confused.

"Hudson, I'm going to the hospital I'll be back soon." I told him before I walked out of his room.

"Jenson I'll be back soon ok be good for Hudson."

"Okay I will."

I got into my car and drove to the hospital and went to the room my mom texted me to go to.

"Hi Mom." I spoke as I stood at the door

"Hi Sienna, he's a little drowsy but he's good."

I walked into the room and look at my brother who was always happy and healthy. Nothing could have prepared me for this he had gotten skinnier if that was possible and he looked tired but he was still smiling.

"Hi Hayden, how are you." I asked him giving him a tight lipped smile.

"I'm tired and I missed you." he spoke sounding more raspy.

The sight broke my heart, I couldn't imagine how my mom was feeling.

"Mom, Dad go home, shower, eat something and take a nap. I can be here with him ok." I told my parents them nodding in return and walking up to kiss Hayden on the forehead and hug me.

to Harry: I'm with Hayden right now, I miss you.

from Harry: I miss you too, tell Hayden I hope he feels better.

"Harry told me to tell you that he says I hope you feel better."

"Tell Harry thank you from me." Hayden spoke

to Harry: he says thank you

"Hayden go to sleep I'll still be here, I can see that you are tired."

He nodded and fell asleep and I kept an eye on him still in shock with how everything has happened. I have an apartment in LA, a job in LA and a boyfriend. My life was in LA but I needed to be here for a little bit in case something did happen. I decided to scroll through twitter and I saw "Harry Styles spotted hugging and kissing a mystery girl goodbye. Who is this mystery girl?" I rolled my eyes and knew that we were bound to be caught by paparazzi but in that moment we didn't care. I just kept scrolling until I had an incoming call from Harry.

"Hi Harry."

"Hi love, how are you, be honest."

"Overwhelmed is the best way to put it."

"Call me whenever you needed ok I don't care if I'm in a meeting, love."

"Ok I'll keep that in mind Harry."

"How is Jenson taking this does he know."

"Jenson doesn't know that Hayds is sick. But when I got home he asked where you were and why you weren't with me."

"Jenson is adorable, I miss him. How is Hayden right now are you still at the hospital."

"Yes I'm here with him now I spent my parents to go home and get some rest, shower and eat something. They were here all night and day the past two days."

"Make sure you are taking care of yourself, I know how you are, love you put everyone before yourself. Please for me take care of yourself."

"I will Harry, I can try it's just a habit I can't help sometimes."

"Sienna are you still here." Hayden said speaking as loud as he could.

"Harry I have to go Hayden needs me, I love you."

"Okay I love you too darling."

I walked back into the room and saw him holding his hand underlies nose trying to stop his nose bleed.

"Here." I gently put the tissue over his nose and helped him clean off his hands.

"Thank you Si." he spoke

"Your welcome bubs."

I kept my hand over his nose. I was worried about him and my parents this was going to be right, awful there is no words to describe it right now. The only thing I knew was that Hayden needed me. My parents haven't told me how bad the leukemia is but he will definitely need chemotherapy possibly even a bone marrow transfer. I was worried for the most part but I will do whatever I can to help.

Once his nose stopped bleeding I let him choose a movie to watch, he chose the sandlot it was one of his favorites. We watched movies until he fell asleep. I didn't sleep but it didn't matter right now.

Harry pov

I decided to stay in London for an extra day before going back to LA for all of my meetings about tour for this week. I hated the fact that I wasn't with Sienna right now, she is going through a rough time but I know for a fact that she will be ok and when I get into North Carolina next week she will hopefully feel better. I wish I could hug her and her family it must be so rough if Sienna was shaken up this bad I couldn't imagine her mom or dad. I was really regretting not going with her, I miss her and I'm worried for her.

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