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Sienna pov
Christmas is in 2 weeks, Luna has her recital next week and I have been wrapping gifts whenever I can. I was beyond exhausted from everything that has happened. I still needed to get at least 2 more gifts for Luna and 1 for Harry and maybe 2 more for Anne. I haven't been working as much with the holidays, Harry has been recording final cut and deciding which songs would make the final cut. He refuses to tell me anything about the album because he wants to keep it a secret until it's perfect. Basically I spend the mornings alone and the afternoons with Harry and Luna when he gets home from the studio and Luna gets home from preschool.
It's been a week and today is Luna's recital, Harry has left to go pick up Anne from the airport. I woke Luna up a few minutes before Harry would be back.
"Luna it's your recital day, wake up." I tell her as i hear the door open meaning Harry is home with Anne. "There's a surprise downstairs just for you." I say just to help her get out of bed.
"What's the surprise mommy." She asks me when she jumps out of bed and runs downstairs. She runs into Anne's arms when she sees her.
"Well I guess the surprise went well, don't you think." I ask Harry as I lean into his body.
"Definitely." He says rubbing his hand up and down my arm.
Soon I bring Luna upstairs to go get her ready for her recital. I start with her hair pulling it into a ponytail, curling the ends. Then I do the simple makeup the requested on all of the kids. I help her put on her costume, then putting on her head piece.
"Wanna do a fashion show for daddy and grandma." I ask her smiling at how cute she looks.
"Yes can we will you introduce me please."
I nod walking down the steps first having Luna stop a couple steps. "May I present Miss. Luna." I say and Luna starts to do her sassy runway walk she loves to do. Soon she goes to sandwich herself between Anne and Harry.
"Well are you so beautiful, bug." Harry says lifting her onto his lap.
"Thank you daddy." She says smiling
We left the house to go to the place that her dance so pant rented out for the recital. Luna is super excited, to preform.
I sat backstage with Luna until it was time for her to go on then I went to go sit with Harry and Anne who were beyond excited about her group number, not knowing about her surprise solo her teacher gave her today. We watched Luna do her dance smiling The whole time and keeping everything memorized. After I went backstage, to go put on her second costume. I walk her backstage. "You're gonna do great even if you haven't danced by yourself yet." I tell her kissing her forehead.
"Thank you mommy, are you gonna watch with daddy and grandma." She asks me
"If you want me to I can or I could watch you from right here." I tell her making sure she understands that I will do whatever is more comfortable for her.
"Go sit with daddy." She tells me smiling.
I walk back out to the auditorium sitting next to Harry who is confused why I don't have Luna with me.
"Where's Luna." He asks me I dot respond because the announcer says Luna's name signaling her solo is starting. I watch in awe as she completes her acro solo perfectly. "She had a solo and you didn't tell me." He says questioning me.
"She just got it a few minutes ago, I'm gonna go get her. Then we can go." I say kissing his cheek and running to where Luna would be. When I saw her I picked her up and told her she did amazing out there also that we were gonna go home. She nodded and I helped her change before bringing her out to where we were meeting Harry and Anne.
"Daddy did you like my solo." She asked him smiling, hugging him.
"Of course my amazing dancer." He said picking her up.
He started driving while Anne and Luna talked, I was happy for a well needed dance season break. When we got home I took the makeup and costume off of Luna, also releasing the tight ponytail from her head. She took a nap and so did Anne due to her jet lag. Harry and I enjoyed our alone time.
"How's the album coming along, can I know anything."I ask very curious
"Um I'm just trying to figure out the song line up, which ones will make the cut."
"I wanna hear the songs or even just one." I beg
"No not yet." He tells me. "Let's talk about the wedding instead." He changes the topic
"Fine, what would you like to talk about." I say
"How about when."
"Maybe next November?" I ask
"Would you wanna do it in a church or on a beach, because I know you love the beach." He says.
"I'm not sure. I've always wanted a beach wedding, but I just don't know." I tell him beginning to pick at my thumb.
"We don't need to rush I'm all yours I will always be, forever and always." He says kissing my lips with great passion. We end the wedding talk for now when Anne comes downstairs with Luna who is very smiley.
"Grandma and I are making dinner!" Luna says jumping on top of me and harry.
"Have fun mommy and I are gonna run some errands we will be back in a hour." He says kissing the top of Luna head before letting her run back to Anne. Harry and I go out but I have no clue where he's driven to, eventually we end up at a quiet beach.
"Come on we are going for a walk, love." He said as I got out of the car and held on to his hand as we strolled on the quiet beach. We enjoyed just being in each other's company with just the sound of the crashing of the waves. After 30 minutes of walking we went back to the house to eat dinner with Anne and Luna. We ate and watched a movie after I gave Luna a bath and put on her pjs.  After the movie we all went to sleep, exhausted from the long day.

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