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Sienna pov
I was beyond happy I called my parents in the morning to tell them that I'm engaged, knowing they support our relationship. Even if it feels like it's too soon to be getting engaged. If anything we could wait a year before the wedding, that's what I think would be best.
"Good morning my love." He says kissing me and pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Good morning baby." I say and snuggle more into him.
"What are you thinking about."
"Do you think we are moving too fast." I asked nervous for his response.
"Sienna, we don't have to get married right away we can wait how ever long for the wedding. I know you're the one for me and that's all that matters, it doesn't matter what others think." He says reassuring me.
"I know but I don't know where I'm going with this." I say picking at my thumb and staring at the white comforter.
"Sienna calm down darling the only people whose opinions matter are our family's don't worry about it." He tells me moving so that we are making eye contact as he tells me trying to help stop the thoughts running rapid in my head. "It's gonna be alright everything will be."
"Are you sure you wanna deal with this for the rest of your life."
"Sienna of course I do I know you and I love you even if you get sucked into overthinking a lot."
"Thank you."
"Anytime darling now how about we get ready and go pick up Luna."
"She told me yesterday that she wants you to take her on a date."
"Well then I guess I'm gonna have to take her on one. Will it be just me and her or will you be joining us love."
"You'll have to ask your date Harry."
We got up from the bed and got changed into some clothes and started our short drive to Anne's house. He kept his hand rested on my thigh while I let my hand sit on top of his, keeping quiet watching him drive. Once we arrive he waited for me at the front of the car so we could walk up together.
"Did your mom know about your proposal."
"Yeah she helped me plan it." He spoke shrugging his shoulders.
"Such a mommas boys." I say kissing his cheek.
"Hush, dork." He spoke opening the door.
Luna run up to us hugging us knowing I've always been with her and we've never been apart.
"Hi Luna baby, did you have fun last night." I asked her hugging her just as tight.
"We played games and ate pizza then I went to sleep." She said and looked at Harry who was crouched down to her height so she could hug him and wrap her arms around his neck.
"A little birds told me that you wanted to go on a daddy daughter date bug." He told her.
"Yes like what you did with mommy."
"Should we let her come on the date."
"No she can hang out with Anne and Gemma like I did." She spoke giggling.
"Okay she can do that. I'm gonna have to plan our date Bug, you better dress cute." He said as she ran off to go tell Anne.
"What are you gonna do for her date."
"Maybe a picnic in my backyard, with some cute sandwiches. More like a tea party." He says asking me what I think about it.
"She will love it, I promise."
Soon Anne was walking over to us excited to know if he proposed last night.
"How was the date night."  Anne asked us and I held up my left hand to show her the ring on my finger. "Oh my god that is a gorgeous ring darling."
"Thank you I love it too. I couldn't believe he proposed."
"He was so nervous."
"I noticed, I thought it was cute cause I was too and I didn't know that he was gonna propose."
"I'm so happy he will be spending the rest of his life with you Sienna. You mean a lot to him I can tell."
"I am too and he means a lot to me too, Anne."
Gemma had gone back to her apartment so I texted her.
To Gemma: hi sister in law.
From Gemma: He did go through with it, omg.
To Gemma: I guess you were right that we were gonna get married.
From Gemma: it was obvious, you could tell by the way you guys looked at each other. When's the wedding.
To Gemma: give me a few months and I'll get back to you.
I turn off my phone and smile at Luna and Harry who are playing in the back yard. He is watching her do tricks in the grass and cheering her on. I walk out into the back yard to watch Luna and be close to Harry.
"Mommy can you do a trick." She asks me
"Yes but it's been a while since I have."
"Try it please I wanna see."
I stand up and I stretch out my wrist and back. I decided on a back handspring, I took a deep breathe and did the trick hoping I didn't hurt myself. I stick the landing and see Luna smiling, I can tell that she wants to learn her back handspring.
"God I thought you were gonna hurt yourself Sienna." Harry spoke
"I'm perfectly fine, It's been probably a year since I did a back handspring and I still got it." I say to him kissing him to make his scared expression go away.
"When is it date time, daddy." Luna asked sitting down between us.
"Um in a hour, we are gonna go back to my house to get you ready ok." He tells her and she shoots up running to go tell Anne that we are leaving so Luna can have her date.
When we got back to Harry's I brought Luna upstairs and I curled her hair and let her wear one of the sundresses I had packed for her.
"Mommy how do I look."
"Like a princess babes."
"Do you think daddy is ready."
"He will come get you, when it's time. How about some lipgloss." I say and she nods sitting in front of me and puckering her lips for me to apply the lipgloss. "Beautiful. And let me go get the door I think he's ready for you." I say walking over to the door to see Harry holding a rose for her and I let her walk over to him.
"Here you go my princess."
"Thank you." She said holding the single rose close to her nose smelling it and smiling.
"Come on Luna bug we got a date to go on." He said reaching his hand out for her to take. I watch them walk out to his backyard and I decided on working out while they were on their daddy daughter date.
"Sienna what are you doing." He calls up to me as I'm working out.
"Working out H." I call down to him.
"Come downstairs please my love."
I get up and walk downstairs and see the two watching a movie.
"Come join us love." Harry said reaching for my hands. I grab his hands and he pulls me down on to the sofa so I would be sitting down next to him, but more on top of him. He kissed my neck smiling on my skin, I lightly smack him since Luna is sitting right next to us.
"Stop it Harry, Luna is right next to us." I whisper in his ear.
"Getting hot and bothered aren't you love." He whispers in my ear now.
"Knock it off, H."
"I'm sorry I will stop."
I leaned back farther on him allowing him to wrap his arms completely around me, as we watch the movie. Luna had fell asleep halfway through the movie, Harry carried her upstairs, tucked her in and then came back downstairs. He laid on top of me and started to kiss me which turned heated very quickly.
"Let's go to be darling we have a long day of traveling tomorrow." Reminding me that we are leaving tomorrow which I was dreading.
"Harry I haven't even packed Luna's stuff or my stuff." I say starting to panic.
"We aren't leaving until late so we will be fine darling I promise I will help you. We will also stop at my moms to say goodbye to her."
"Okay and Harry What are we gonna do for Christmas your family is here and mine is all the way in North Carolina. We also need to figure out what Luna wants from Santa."
"One step at a time love, we will figure everything out. But first let's go to sleep and get some rest and we can talk about it when we are back in the states." He says holding my hand and rubbing circles on it with his thumb to help calm the thoughts in my head. "Stand up we are gonna go take a bath."
"No, I'm fine Harry. Let's just go to sleep."
"Nope bath time."
He carries me up the steps and into the bathroom turning on the hot water adding in some bubble bath mix.Once the tub is filled he helps me in and we just sit in each others company. When the water started to get cold we got out and went to bed, exhausted from the long day we had. We fell asleep within minutes, in each others arms.

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