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Sienna pov
We've been home for a week Anne and Gemma are both still here helping us. Brantley barely sleeps and cry's all the time and has trouble feeding, but we don't know why, we are going in for his check up to see if they can tell us what is wrong with him. Harry drives while I sit in the back trying to soothe him. Eventually we make it to the doctor with Brantley not crying anymore for now. "For Brantley styles." A nurse says and we stand up walking into the room.
"What seems to be the problem here." The doctor asks us.
"He cry's for more than 3 hours a day and he's having trouble feeding and when he does he gags." I tell the doctor while I rock Brantley in his car seat.
"It seems like he's colic and had acid reflux or gerd, colic has no reason why it happens to babies, but it should go away by 6 months. For the acid reflux I'd recommend try feeding in smaller sections for more times during the day and have him sit upright for 30 minutes after feeding." The doctor tells us as he finishes the check up, seeing Brantley is still small for his age, which doesn't help that he won't eat at all really.
"Okay thank you I'll try that."
"You guys are free to go have a nice day."
"Thank you, you too." I say lifting the car seat watching Harry take it from me as we walk hand and hand out to the car. Brantley seems to have calmed down so I move to the front see hoping he will stay calm for the rest of the ride home.
"Take a nap when we get home, you're exhausted babe." Harry tells me holding my hand.
"I can't sleep I feel guilty for all of this, he's not a happy baby. I'm such a bad mom." I say as Harry pulls into the drive way.
"No you're not a bad mom, don't say that he's okay baby." He pulls me into a hug kissing the top of my head. Holding me close to him trying to calm me down. "It will be okay, I know my mom will stay for a few more weeks and gem might even too, we have a support system, let's get you inside and have you take a nap you're exhausted." He tells me knowing he's slept way for than I have. We walk inside and Luna hugs us, I give her a kiss on the head before heading upstairs to put Brantley in his crib that's in our bedroom. I lay down in our bed falling asleep pretty quickly. I'm soon woken up by a screaming baby, knowing it's feeding time for him. "You're doing good Brantley, keep eating." I tell him softly rubbing his back while he eats. He soon starts gagging and I burp him in a upright position for about 30 minutes. I change his diaper before going downstairs with him, I watch as Luna stays playing with Gemma and Anne is outside reading. "You wanna go get some sun baby." I say walking outside to sit next to Anne, while he's still calm for now.
"How are you doing sweetheart." She asks me smiling.
"I'm exhausted and frustrated. He doesn't sleep and he never eats." I tell her.
"That's how it is with colic and acid reflux. It's gonna be hard right now but it will pass and he will learn how to eat and sleep normally it will just take some time." She tells me rubbing my arm.
"Thank you for staying Anne it's been so much help." I tell her
"Anytime I love being around you guys and especially Luna she's such a character."
"I know she is, especially after the break up with H, that's when all the sass came out of her."
"Well she adorable and so it little Brantley."
"You can hold him I think I need some Luna time so she doesn't think I forgot about her."
"Of course I will hold him and yeah Luna might feel like that but she'll be alright." Anne tells me as I hand Brantley to her walking inside to play with Luna, Harry and Gemma.
"What are you doing lunes."
"Playing barbies mommy, do you wanna join." She tells me smiling
"Of course I will darling."
We all play barbies, with Harry soon being kicked for being a bad female Barbie. We soon start making dinner but I go upstairs to feed and change Brantleys diaper, knowing he slept on Anne for a while. I feed him Harry coming upstairs while I'm in the in the middle of trying to get him to eat.
"Is he eating?" He asks me sitting down next to me on the bed.
"No, he's just crying instead of eating." I say taking a breathe. "I've tried to feed him in smaller portions, I feel so bad Harry he's underweight as it is and he just throws up or he gags." I tell him occasionally glancing at Brantley who is staring at me.
"I'm sorry baby, have you tried using a bottle." He asks me
"Yeah, I might try it again and hope it will work." I say handing him Brantley while I go run and get a bottle that I pre pumped. I hear him using a baby voice talking to B about eating and I giggle finding it adorable. "You wanna feed him?" I ask him knowing he, wants to."
"Yeah." He says and I hand him the bottle. I sit next to Harry talking to him while he feeds telling him to stop to purp him so that Brantley will eat better, hopefully. Eventually I went to go put Luna to sleep, while Harry stayed with Brantley. Anne and Gemma went to sleep and I read to Luna until she fell asleep, telling her she has school tomorrow and needs her sleep. I went back to see Harry asleep with Brantley swaddled asleep on his chest, I take out my phone and take a picture making it my phone background, before laying down next to him falling asleep. But it didn't last long until Brantley started crying  I feel like it from stomach pains, so I lightly massage his tummy while he lays in my legs. Talking softly to him, re swaddling him when he stops crying and laying him in his crib with his head elevated.

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