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After a week of being in North Carolina it was finally time for them to go back to California. Sienna knew the drill that would help protect her identity and to keep everything as private as possible for them. once they were on the flight she did start to feel relived that one part of the trip is done.

"Hi bubs, I just wanna thank you for coming with me on the trip." She told him honestly

"Darling, I loved it, thank you for letting be tag along."he said kissing her forehead.

Soon they took off and they both fall asleep for the ride back to LA.

Sienna pov

I woke up about an hour before we landed and I spent the time thinking about how happy he made me feel. but then that caused worry because she was afraid of being happy since it can only last on long till something gets in the way. I wasn't a beautiful model like some of the other girls that he has dated before me. I'm normal..nothing is special about that. But I knew that I can't think like that because there has to be a reason that he chose me. To quiet my thoughts I decided to study until we were getting ready to land.

"Bubs we are landing wake up." I spoke to him in a quiet voice.

He looked up at me and kissed me and we both pulled away smiling. Happy with each others company.

"Darling how long were you up for?" he asked me

"Only an hour bubs."

"You should have woke me up"

"No it's ok I did some studying before I take my test that will tell me if I could be a rad tech." I told him smiling.

Soon we landed and it was time for the part that I was dreading, leaving the airport. I knew harry could tell that my anxiety was starting to kick in once we got off the plane.

"It's okay, darling. just keep your head down." he whispered in my ear.

I do as I'm told I keep my head down trying to keep up with the pace that Harry is walking at. Harry kept his hand on my lower back as we exited the airport. after what felt like hours we made it to the car. He took us back to his apartment to stay at for the rest of the day. once it began to get late I decided to go back to my dorm even though I love being with harry I had an early class and it would probably be best to stay at my dorm.

"Harry, I have an early class tomorrow so I am going to stay at my dorm tonight." I told him grabbing my things.

"Let me take you back to your dorm at least Sienna." he begged

"No Harry I'll be fine I ordered an uber, I'll text you when I get home." I walked out of his apartment.

"Be careful." he yelled before I shut the door.

Once I got to my dorm I texted Harry to tell him that I'm safe and at my dorm. I unpacked a little and then I went on to social media first I checked twitter and I saw Harry's mystery girl trending. It was about us being in the airport, no one could tell who I was but now I'm gonna need to be extra careful. I knew that reading the comments about him being see with a girl wouldn't be good for me so I just decided to take my pretest a couple of times so I could get to know what some of the questions would be. my phone started ringing and it was harry.

"hello Harry."

"Hi darling, um I don't know how to put this but don't go on twitter." he said

"I already saw it trending bubs."

"are you ok, I didn't want this to happen. I swear."

"Yes I'm okay harry nothing is wrong. I know that you didn't want this to happen bubs, don't get yourself all worked up ok."

"I won't and you promise you are ok right."

"I promise."

the two talked for a little while longer before harry told her to go to sleep since it was getting late. Soon she fell asleep debating if she would buy an apartment down in LA or go back to North Carolina.

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