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Sienna pov

I woke up and I decided to check on Harry to see how he was. When I walked in I saw him he was sweating and then freezing. I walked over to the bed and I also got a wet wash cloth to stick on his head.

"Sienna." he questioned

"Yes, go back to sleep it's ok."

With that he fell asleep I stayed with him for a few minutes before I went to go see if Luna was up since it was around 10:30. She was up playing with her toys, she loved to be independent.

"How is Harry mommy."

"He's sick baby, but we can take care of him like I did when you were sick."

"what kind of sickness does he have."

"Well he has the flu. But let's get you some breakfast."

"Cereal please."

I laugh and I walk out to get her a bowl and fill it with her favorite cereal.

"You can go check on harry mommy."

"Ok I will keep watching the show."

I walk into my room and I can tell he feels awful.

"Harry, please drink some water for me I don't want you to get dehydrated."

He sits up and I hand him the water and I watch him drink. Knowing I should go buy some liquid IV for him. I walk to the bathroom and get the thermometer to check his temperature.

"How are you feeling." I ask him sitting down next to him in my bed.

"I want cuddles and I feel like a bus hit me." He spoke his voice raspy.

"I will give you cuddle but not for a long time I have Luna still."

I got into my bed and let him lay on my chest while I kept my fingers running through his scalp knowing that's his favorite. After about 20 minutes I got up to get him more medicine and see Luna.

"Don't leave." he speaks

"You need medicine and I have Luna to take care of too Harry." I try to reason with him


I got out of the bed seeing Luna playing with her barbies and I decided on giving him some vitamin C and mucenix to help with his congestion. I grab everything and walk back to see him waiting for me.

"Here open your mouth." I say holding some vitamin C with a dropper.

He does what I say and then takes the mucenix. I got back into bed knowing he just wanted to be with someone right now so that's what I did that and reminding myself we are just friends. Once he was in a deep enough sleep I pried him off of me and I went to see Luna.

"Hey Lunes how would you feel about going to preschool, it would only be 4 hours long." I ask Luna scared for her response.

"why can't I stay with you."

"Lunes you would be with me before and after you are almost at the age for kindergarten. Fridays would be a me and you day."

"Ok I guess."

"I'll register you, you will have fun and if I'm wrong we can get ice cream."

She nodded going back to playing with her toys while I made some soup for Harry to eat. As I did that I watched Luna play just dance she thought it was so much fun to follow. I walked into the room harry was in with the soup and some crackers.

"Here eat this you haven't had anything." I speak to him handing him the soup.

"Thank you for taking care of me." He says sorta smiling at me.

"Yeah, yeah I better get this treatment when I get the flu from you." I say joking but being a little serious.

"Of course." he says starting to eat the soup.

I walk out of the room sighing I'm exhausted I'm spreading myself too thin, I'm gonna shatter soon.

"Mommy come play a round with me please."

"Ok I will choose a song."

She chose what makes you beautiful and I start laughing.

"Luna did you know Harry was in this band."


"100 percent."

The song starts playing and Harry walks out watching me and Luna dance.

"Luna did you choose this song."

"Yeah, mommy says you were in this band."

"Yeah I was."

"That's cool, are you still sick cause you should play just dance."

"yes I'm still sick bug but when I'm better I'll play with you." he said and smiled at her

"Harry go back to bed you are sick and need rest." I speak knowing he is exhausted.

"Yes mom I'm going." he says walking back into the room and laying back down.

I roll my eyes and decide to make lunes a snack before dinner. I gave her some crackers and cheese and then I went to go check on Harry's fever. I walked in and saw him asleep which I was happy that he was resting. I checked his temp and it did drop which was good but it was still in the high 90's. I took his dishes and brought them out into the kitchen and cleaned them. To say the least I was ready for today to be over I was exhausted. 
"Mommy can harry watch a movie with us." Luna asked
"I could go ask him but if he is sleeping let him sleep." I speak
I walk in and he's up playing on his phone.
"Harry will you come watch a movie with us." Luna asks
"Of course bug which movie are we watching." He says smiling but his voice is still very raspy. Which I found adorable it's my favorite thing.
"Rapunzel  because she reminds me of mommy." Luna says holding Harry's hand walking out to the living room with him.
I smiled at the fact that she forgave him so fast, but I was exhausted and I knew this movie would make me more tired. I could only hope Luna doesn't get what Harry has because I will probably get it worse and so will she due to her asthma. I sat down next to Harry and Luna was next to me resting her head on my legs. I hit play and let the movie start playing while i tried to stay awake.
After the movie finished playing Luna had fallen asleep which I had hoped for since it was getting late. I carried her into her room and woke her up to put on her pjs and brush her teeth.
" Good night Lunes. Sleep tight." I spoke quietly tucking her into bed and giving her a kiss on the forehead.
I walk out and see Harry sitting on the couch talking to his mom. I stay in Luna's room and listen but kinda clean her room to not make it obvious.
"She really cares about you Harry, I hope you can tell." Anne speaks to her son
"I can tell mom I'm really regretting what I did 3 months ago, I wasn't in the right head space and I regret not telling her and hooking up with those supermodels. I know how she felt about all that and I truly don't know how she forgave me." He speaks to his mom.
"She forgave you because she loves you still after everything you've done to her." Anne tells him
"I know and I love her but I feel guilty for hurting her."
I couldn't take it anymore so I walked out, "Harry please stop beating yourself up you weren't ok I still love you and I forgive you and my daughter did too." I speak walking over to him. He looked speechless. " I forgave you when I saw you breakdown over everything you did I came to your concert and I talked to you because Anne and Gemma decided I'd be the only one to pull you out of the funk you were in and they were right." I held his hand
"I love you so much." He spoke.
"I love you too and now go get some rest you are still sick and bye Anne." I say getting up from the couch and grab some medicine for him to take.
"Bye mom, I love you." He spoke ending the call,getting up and walking over to me. "Where are you sleeping tonight." He asks me.
"On the couch, why?"
"Wrong you are sleeping in your bed I can tell you are exhausted now go, I'll be there."
I walked into my room and the tables have turned he was now mothering me from sleeping on my own couch. I get changed into one of Harry's old shirts and get into my bed with him following behind also getting into the bed with me.
"You know I am now definitely getting sick." I say as I rest my head on his chest.
"It will be worth it after this." he kissed me when I look up at him, and the spark was rekindled between us.
"Definitely." I said smiling after I finally felt his lips after what felt like years I missed them.
"Get some rest now love." He speaks as he drifts off into a deep sleep.
I smile and I go to sleep enjoying the sound of his steady heart beating.

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