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Sienna pov
Harry's flu has finally passed after me nursing him back to health with in this week and we've been inseparable. I signed Luna up for preschool and she'd start next month which I was excited to get some time to work. Harry had a couple interviews so he was away for the week which sucked but I had Luna to hangout with. Harry decided to ask me to be his girlfriend again with the help of Luna, I said yes of course I missed us being together with the boundaries we had put up. I had been working a good amount and Luna would go to the daycare which she understood why she needed too go. I had been doing a lot to help Luna be up to the level the other kids would be at, at the preschool. I spent my days being a teacher and a X-ray tech trying to balance it all.
But today I woke up and I had officially gotten what Harry had and I feel completely awful, I didn't want to do anything but sleep but I had no one to watch Luna. My chest was tight and I knew it was my asthma, my throat hurt, I was full of congestion. But I heard my phone ringing and I answered it not caring to see who it was.
"Hello." I spoke my voice cracking and sounding very raspy.
"Sienna are you ok you don't sound ok." Harry spoke
"I have the flu I'm fine." I say knowing he feels bad that he's not here to take care of me.
"Sienna I'll be on the next flight out." He says and I can hear him moving around trying to pack.
"No you are going to finish your interviews and you will come home when you are done all of them."
"I will not because my last two interviews canceled, so I will be taking care of you in about 3 hours."
I knew he was lying he cancel because he wanted to be here but I didn't have the energy to fight him on this. "Fine, I love you have a safe flight."
"I love you too, don't do too much I'll be there soon."
"Ok." I hung up the phone not wanting to get up but I had to check on Luna. I walked out and saw Luna playing with her toys.
"Mommy are you sick." She asked
"Yeah I have what Harry had." I say walking into the kitchen to make her something to eat.
"Go rest mommy I'm just gonna have some dry cereal."
"No Lunes I'm ok."
"Go sleep I can wake you up in 2 hours. I'll just play with my  barbies and watch tv."
"Ok but how about I lay on the couch while you play barbies."
I laid on the couch and watch the show Luna was watching not falling asleep, after what felt like 5 hours I got up to answer the door and I saw Harry, I smiled and hugged him.
"I tried to make her go to sleep but she wouldn't Harry." Luna spoke informing him.
"Ok well I'm gonna go make sure she gets some sleep and some food in her." He speaks holding up the soup he picked up.
I shiver and Harry puts his jacket around my arms and walks me into my room, giving me some soup. I shake my head not wanting to eat.
"Please just a spoon full, love." He spoke trying to reason with my stubbornness.
I had one spoon full and I had enough I never eat when I'm sick I just want to sleep.
"Get some rest I'll be back in a little to check on you love." He spoke softly pulling the covers over my body and giving me a kiss on my forehead. I fell asleep for hours and Harry watched Luna for me.
Harry pov
When I call her this morning and heard her voice I knew she had gotten the flu. I canceled my last two interviews and I flew to her picking up some soup for her on the way to her apartment. Luna tried to get her to sleep but she didn't want her to be unattended. She also wouldn't eat which scared me a little, knowing about her past. I got her to eat a couple spoonfuls of soup then I let her go to sleep. I played with Luna for about two hours before I went to go check on Sienna who was coughing and I knew it was her asthma.
"Here's your inhaler use it." I say handing her the inhaler.
She uses it and the coughing stops which I was happy about.
"Would you like some more soup."
She nods her head and I got get her a bowl and I heat up the soup bringing it back to her. I sit in the bed with her while she eats. When she finishes I check her temperature which is 100.1°F it's high but I stay with her for a few more minutes before going back out to see Luna practicing writing her name which she loves to do.
"Harry do you love mommy again." She asks me
"I never stopped loving her Luna and I never stopped loving you either." I say walking over to her.
"I love you too Harry." She said smiling hugging my waist. "Look at how well I can write my name."
"It looks so good bug. What else did mommy teach you hide to write." I look down and see her write out Harry Styles.
"It's your name."
"Amazing I can write your name too." I write out Luna Garcia knowing she goes by Siennas last name right now.
"That's cool."
I nod and pick her up and take her to go play some just dance.
"Just dance is my favorite."
"I know it is, but who will win."
"Me I will!" She says jumping up and down.
"Okay we will see but you choose a song I'm gonna go check on mommy." I walk into siennas room and she her still sleeping and I walk out to go play with Luna.
We played about 6 rounds of just dance and for a 3 year old she beat me even when I was trying. I had a feeling she wanted to be a dancer like Sienna. I heard coughing coming from Sienna and I walking her room but she isn't on her bed she in the bathroom. I walk in and she is throwing up, she definitely doesn't have what I had. I rub her back and tell her it's ok while she empties her stomach.
"It's ok Sienna. Tell me what hurts."
"The right side on my stomach it's my appendix." She says
"Ok how bad is it." I say freaking out internally.
"It hurts to move." She speaks struggling cause os the pain.
"I'm gonna take you to the hospital ok." I say and she nods holding her stomach. I text Sarah and Mitch seeing if the can come watch Luna after I take sienna to the hospital and thankfully they are free and they will meet us at the hospital and take Luna back here. I grab pants and Sienna's flip flops I help her out on her pants and I grab my car keys holding lunas hand walking as fast as I can while holding sienna in my arms. I buckle Luna in while sienna holds her stomach in the passenger seat. I drive as fast as I can to the hospital and check sienna in not worried about who gets pictures of all of us.
" Luna I'll be back in a little but Mitch and sarah are gonna take you out for ice cream while the doctors take care of mommy ok."
"Ok." She says walking away with Sarah and Mitch who I now owe big time. I walk into the room sienna is in and she is going into surgery since they need to take her appendix out and make sure it doesn't burst.
"I love you." I say kissing her forehead and letting them taker her into surgery and I go out into the waiting room. I call her family to tell them.
"Hi Mr. Garcia, it's Harry Sienna had appendicitis and she is in surgery right now and she is getting her appendix removed as we speak." I say
"Hi Harry, thank you for telling me will you call me with any updates."
"Of course"
"Ok talk to you soon."
I let out a breathe and wait for a doctor to give me an update.
"For sienna Garcia." A nurse says and I stand up and walk over to her. "She is out of surgery her appendix did rupture though but she will be fine. You can go see her now though I'll take you to her."
"Ok thank you."
I walk in and see her lying there with an IV in her arm. One sight that I don't think I wanna see again.
"Harry is that you." She speaks barely opening her eyes.
"Yes darling it is me." I say walking over to her kissing her forehead. "Get some rest, I'll be right here you are groggy from the surgery." I speak letting her fall asleep again.
I call her dad and tell him that her appendix did ruptured but she is ok and she is sleeping right now and would call him when she woke up.
"Where is Luna." She asked worried about her.
"She's with Sarah and Mitch, she's ok I called them so I could tell her that you were alright. Relax you are ok and so is Luna."
"When can I go home Harry I don't like hospitals."
"Tomorrow darling, do you want me to stay the night with you or stay with Luna tonight."
"Stay with Luna I'll be fine."
The doctor came into tell us that her surgery went well with only the complication of the rupture which they fixed. She would be good to go home tomorrow if she didn't have any complications throughout the night. But I couldn't stay anyway if I wanted to since visiting hours would end soon.
"Come sit with me please." She asked carefully scooting over so I could sit.
I got into the bed and let her rest her head on my chest while I ran my fingers through her hair helping to relax her. When the clock hit 7 I had to leave since visiting hours was over.
"Call your dad after I leave love I told him that you would and I'll text you when I get to your house."
"Ok, I love you. Be safe."
"I love you too." I say as I walked out of hospital room and out to my car. I get in and drive to her apartment to go meet Sarah and Mitch. I walked into the door and I saw all three of them on a couch watching Barbie Luna's favorite. I text Luna that I'm home and will call her in 15 minutes.
"Harry is mommy ok." Luna asked as she jumped into my arms.
"Yes she is bug she can come home tomorrow."
"I miss mommy." She says holding on to me tighter.
"I know but we can call her in 10 minutes."
I walk over to Mitch and Sarah and thank them both for watching Luna while Sienna had surgery. Once they leave I call sienna so Luna can talk to her and she can say goodnight. I get Luna ready for bed and tuck her in giving her a kiss on the forehead and I walk out going into siennas room and go to sleep too exhausted from the day.
Sienna pov
After Harry left I called my dad and he just wanted to make sure I was ok. Then I talked to Luna and I felt bad cause she hasn't not gone a night with out me yet. I already knew my sleep was gonna be horrible but thank god for the pain killers because they make you very tired and would help me sleep. I couldn't wait to get out of the hospital bed and be in my own bed even if Harry wouldn't let me do anything I just wanted to be near him. I fell asleep thinking about the man I love and my daughter.

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