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Sienna pov
It's been a week since the award show and Harry hasn't spoken out about us dating or actually engaged but only very few people know. We have been shopping for Luna's Christmas gifts from "Santa" she was beyond excited for Santa to come. But I think Harry and I might stay in California because Anne wants to fly in for Luna's Christmas recital as a surprise for her. Harry has been teaching Luna how to play a mix of the guitar and piano, she had a huge interest in music and dance mostly but not wanting to do school which is typical for all kids.
"Hey love." He said coming up behind me, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Hi haz, could we do something today." I ask him knowing that Luna is at school.
"I could use some sienna time if you ask me. How about we go to the beach and get lunch with Luna later." He suggests
"I could use some Harry time too." I tell him smiling, hugging him resting my head on his chest. After a couple minutes in that position he starts to kiss me.
"Now go get ready, we are going to the beach." He tells me lightly pushing me to the stairs to go change. I run up the steps and slip into my swim suit grabbing one of his shirts before going back downstairs.
"Follow me I have a surprise for you." He tells me taking my hand pulling me out to the pool. I feel Harry's hands rest on my lower back. Within seconds he pushes me in the pool.
"Harry why did you do that." I ask him a little annoyed as I push my hair out of my face.
"Because you looked hot in my shirt so I decided a push in the pool would cool you off, silly." He told me laughing
"Will you help me out of the pool, please." I say reaching for his hand which he accepts and I pull him into the pool with me.
"Well why did you do that Mrs. Styles."
"Because you looked hot." I tell him innocently smiling.
"I guess we will have more fun here than at the beach." He tells me and we spend the rest of the morning, swimming and messing around with each other. "So what do you want for Christmas,love." He asks me.
"Nothing being with you and Luna is enough for me. What about you."
"Hmm you to tell me what you want me to get you for Christmas, would be nice."
"Well I don't want anything but to be with you and Luna like I said before." I say kissing his cheek getting out of the pool to check my phone for the time. "Also I'd get out of the pool because we need to leave in 20 to go get Luna from preschools for stop at the store." I tell him watching him get out of the pool and come over to me. We go inside and change before going to go get Luna. Before we leave I get a call from Luna's teacher saying she hit her head and might need stitches.
"Harry, we need to go now Luna is hurt." I call up to him trying not to let the panic set in.
"Okay go out to the car I'll be out in a second." He tells me sounding much calmer than me. When he gets in the car he asks me "do you know what happened."
"All the teacher said was that she might need stitches. I'm nervous what if she has a concussion or even worse needs stitches." I tell him as he drives as fast as he can to get to her preschool. When we arrive he parks and I go into the school to go see where Luna is.
"Are you miss. garcia?" The lady at the front desk asked me.
"Yes, where is she." I respond as I follow the lady into the back room where Luna is crying a little bit and covered in blood. Harry is soon in the back room and I assess the situation while he holds Luna on his lap.
"Lunes I'm gonna take the ice pack off to look. I'm gonna see if we have to go to the doctor." I tell her slowly removing the ice pack off of her eyebrow. The cut was most definitely deep and long so we would be needing to have her go get stitches. "We are gonna take you to the doctor." Harry waits for me to get a new paper towel for her cut before picking her up and bringing her out to the car.
"Mommy I don't feel so good." Luna tells me holding her hand in front of her mouth. I reach for the hospital throw up bags I keep in the car, blowing it up handing it to her. "Mommy it's too bright." I hand her an extra pair of Harry's darken sunglasses, still keeping pressure on her head throughout all that's happened. I sit in the back with Luna keeping a light pressure on her cut, as Harry drives. We get to the hospital and they take us back, Luna is definitely in pain. The doctor looks at her cut and tells us that she will definitely need stitches, the doctor numbs her skin around the cut before starting to preform while we wait for the numbing to start the stitches, he checks to see if she has a concussion. I held Luna hand while she sat on Harry's lap, he held her head still as the had the stitches performed. After about 15 minutes Luna had gotten her stitches with a gauze bandage taped on up,we are scheduled to come back and get them take out in two weeks.
"You did so good bug. How about we got get you some ice cream for being a brave girl." Harry asks her as we walk back out to the car.
"Can we please daddy." She tells him.
"Yes but put these on the sunlight could hurt your head again seeing you do have a two big boo boos." He tells her handing her, his sunglasses. She put on his sunglasses, when we got into the car we buckled her in and I got in the front seat while Harry started driving to the nearest ice cream place. When we arrive he goes into order while I sit in the truck with Luna.
"Mommy my head hurts." She tells me.
"I know lunes it's gonna hurt."
"Can we watch a movie, later."
"Yes we will see, but you have to go right to sleep after and the tv light might not make your head feel better."
"A chocolate ice cream for miss Luna bug." Harry says handing it to Luna.
"Thank you daddy." She said smiling.
Harry and I spilt our ice cream after we finished we went home I took Luna upstairs to wash the blood off of her being extra careful because of her stitches. When I brought her back downstairs Harry had her favorite movie set out and a single light on. We watched the movie while Luna rested her head on Harry's bicep, him keeping an ice pack rested on her head during the movie trying to keep the swelling down so her head didn't have a huge lump on top. Luna soon fell asleep and I carried her upstairs tonight, carefully setting her down and tucking her in making sure all of her curtains are closed. Knowing her concussion symptoms could start tomorrow. I go back downstairs and sit down next to Harry.
"It's been a long day let's go take a bath then go to sleep, love."  He suggests grabbing my hand helping me up as we go into the bathroom. After our bath we got into bed, going to sleep.
Next morning
Luna woke up and her concussion symptoms definitely started. She was nauseous, clumsier than normal, had a headache. I let her just lay in a dark room seeing she was very sensitive to bright light, Harry's house was full of windows. She stayed in her room with the blinds shut Harry coming in very house to hangout with her while I finished up present wrapping and making lunch. I brought up lunch to Luna's room, Harry and I ate with her talking with her keeping her busy, even if she was confused and not feeling her best. We let her try to sleep of off everything. But tomorrow she'd probably feel ten times better. Harry read her stories and let her lay on him for cuddles seeing she really enjoyed being with him all the time. I finished all of her gifts and Harry's, I hid them all from them. Harry and I relaxed together once Luna finally fell asleep for the night.

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