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Sienna pov

it's been a month since harry broke up with me but today I was going look at the positive part of going to the court to see if I'm officially allowed Luna's mom. I got ready and Hudson came up to help watch Luna while I'm at court.

After what felt like hours the decision was ready to be announced I was so nervous.

"Sienna Garcia you are now the legal guardian of Luna May." the judge announced I was so happy to become her legal mom she would be with me for good now.

I drove back home and saw my brother with luna.

"How did it go mommy." Luna asked running up to hug me

"I'm officially your mommy babes." I speak picking her up when I finish speaking she gives me a kiss and tucks her head into my neck.

"Congrats Sienna." Hudson says smiling.

I set Luna down and look at my phone and see the flood of drunk messages from Harry. I decide not to answer and just spend time with Luna now she was my daughter I did it, but I do wish Harry was there to witness it. But part of me will always have a place for harry and right now it's telling me he isn't ok mentally and me calling him could make it worse.

After playing around for a couple of minutes I had to get Luna ready to go out to dinner. I also had to pack tonight we were going to go back to North Carolina to see my family and celebrate.

"Luna baby come her lets get you dress we are going out to dinner."

She nodded skipping over to me smiling. She choose the dress she wanted to wear out and she wanted to pick my outfit out too which was adorable.

"Mommy can we match please."

"Of course we can."

I wore black jeans with a pale blue flower top while she wore a dress filled with blue flowers. I finished getting her ready by taking her hair out of the braid, letting the short waves lay at her shoulders.

"All ready."

"yep." she said holding my hand as we walked out of my bedroom. I buckled her into her car seat and Hudson in the passenger seat. I drove to an Italian restaurant and we ate a lovely dinner. On the drove back Luna fell asleep because I don't think she had a nap today so it was bound to happen. I carried her into the apartment and changed her out of her dress into her nightgown with princesses all over it. I kissed her head and walked out to the living room.

"Sienna how are you be honest with me." Hudson ask me and I know he is trying to figure it out.

"I mean I miss him a lot and I'm worried that he isn't in the best head space while he's touring. The videos of him preforming really prove that he isn't ok. I just need time to heal I think."

"You're gonna miss him he was there when you first met Luna and he was the first person who she met so I bet she misses him too."

"She does I can tell she was obsessed with him. connected at the hip those two. I'm stressed with work and everything it all feels like too much almost like I'm being buried alive. I feel like I've taken on too much stuff."

"Sienna you need a break from everything, you are doing good at everything."

"Thank you." I speak hugging my brother.

"You're welcome go pack we leave tomorrow morning."

I started packing and I hear my phone start dinging with text messages from Anne and Gemma.

from Anne: When will you be in North Carolina? Harry has a show there tomorrow he isn't doing well and I think you are the only person who can bring him back down to earth.

From Gemma: I would never ask you to go see him if it wasn't important. He hurt you I understand that but I'm worried about him I'm on your side remember but he isn't doing well.

My jaw drops when I read those messages, I knew he wasn't ok but I can't see him he's seeing someone else I'm just an ex.

to Anne: Anne I love him I truly do I fly in tomorrow and isn't he seeing someone I'm not in the picture with him anymore.

I exhale as I send the message to Anne.

To Gemma: Gem how bad is he be honest.

from Gemma: He hasn't stopped drinking or clubbing since the break up and he doesn't get out of bed unless he has sound check or preforming. He looks awful we are all worried about him they ae thinking about canceling the rest of his tour. please just go see him I can send you tickets and a backstage pass and you'd go after the show.

to gemma: I'll go but I'm not bringing Luna she can stay with one of my brothers. I'm only going because I'm worried and I've seen his performances since the break up.

from gemma: you also love my brother more than yourself so...

to gemma: Gemma I swear I won't go

from gemma: here is you ticket info, I'll send a car to get you tomorrow for the concert. Love you.

I couldn't believe I agreed to that. He needs someone I can tell. I finish packing and I shower and go to bed knowing we have to get up early.

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