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Sienna pov
I've been doing my best to help Harry with his album, while doing a bunch of work and wedding planning with Harry. I've realized life is too short and I wanna be able to be with Harry I don't care if people think it's too soon he's the one for me. I haven't figured out how I am gonna get my mom to come see the dresses that I'm trying on, but she still hasn't met Harry's parents. But I'm gonna get it sorted out, we still have about a year until the wedding.
"What are you thinking about love." He asks me as he attacks me with kisses.
"Wedding things, our parents still haven't met each other." I tell him honestly.
"It's alright we will figure it all out, do we still wants a beach wedding or something else." He asked an he is set on whatever I'd like.
"I still would enjoy the beach wedding." I tell him
"Well look one wedding part is decided the venue, I'll find us a private beach that is super private so no paps will find it. Relax we have time." He says passionately kissing me, as a sign of reassurance.
"Perfect, I think Gemma will be my maid of honor." I say because I don't really talk to anyone but Gemma.
"Luna could be the flower girl, Jenson could hold the rings." He says and I smile automatically agreeing with him . After talking for a bit longer we went downstairs letting Luna sleep a little longer. I had work today so I'd be going in leaving Harry alone with her since her preschool is still on break.
"I'm gonna go get ready for work and wake Luna up." I say as I walk up the steps and into Luna's room. I wake her and she goes down to see Harry while I put on my scrubs and a little bit of makeup, I do my hair in a low messy bun. I walk downstairs and say goodbye to Harry and Luna giving them both a kiss. Some of my co workers have found out about my relationship with Harry and asked me questions but I really didn't wanna talk about. I keep going with my day doing scans, I loved my job but sometime sit was extremely boring. I was ready to go home and be with my family, but my mind could only think about wedding dress shopping I was beyond excited to go for it. I wanted Anne, Gemma and my mom to be there and that it. It would be a very small wedding on my side but Harry knew more people than me and trusted more than I did. After 12 hours my shift was finally done I knew Luna would be asleep because it's late. I drove home listening to music pretty loud just enjoying the me time. I pulled up to the house and walked in seeing Harry, he waited for me to come home to go to bed.
"Hi love, how was work." He asks and he walks over to be to give me a hug and a kiss.
"Long and exhausting. How was your day with Luna." I ask him hugging him and keeping myself close to his chest.
"We played the guitar and barbies most of the day." He spoke rubbing my back.
"Well I'm gonna shower, then we can go to bed." I tell him, He picks me up and carries me to the bathroom. I kick my legs telling him to put me down but he doesn't so I stop fighting for him to. He looks at me with eyes basically asking if he could get in the shower. "No funny business, please." I tell him and he automatically accepts, getting in with me. We shower and go to bed, I was completely exhausted but I had another 12 hour tomorrow but I would be home a little earlier.
Next morning
I wake up at 5 in the morning to making it in for my 6 am shift, it would definitely go way slower today knowing that I'm gonna be half asleep.
"I love you, I'm going to work I'll be home around 7 hopefully." I say and kiss his lips.
"I love you too text me when you get to work, please." He says kissing me once again before I walk out the door stopping to give Luna a kiss before I leave. I drive to work preparing myself for another long day. I text Harry when I arrive at work, I start my shift and I wait for people to need an X-ray. On my breaks I text Harry but other than that I do nothing but wait for time to pass. I end up leaving work about 30 minutes early, I drive home and I see Harry making dinner which I'm so thankful for.
"Mommy you're home." Luna says running into my arms hugging me, I knew she missed me because I haven't work these long shifts in a while.
"Hi lunes, did you have fun with daddy." I ask her picking her up and holding her on my hip.
"Yes, he taught me a song. I'll play it for you after dinner." She tells me. I nod and walk over to Harry hugging him and giving him a kiss.
"How was work." He asks me.
"Boring, I didn't really do anything." I tell him "how was your day."
"Okay, I just taught Luna something's on the guitar."
"I know she told me."
"The wedding planner wants to talk with us tomorrow."
"About?" I ask confused.
"Just things we have decided on and I have called your mom and Gemma and my mom to fly in for you to have them go with you to try on dresses." He spoke and my eyes almost fell out of my head.
"Really, did my mom say yes." I ask unsure if he would because of Hayden being sick.
"Yes, took a bit of convincing but I did it. I knew how much you wanted her to be there for you."
"When is everyone flying out."
"February 20th."
"I love you, so much."
"I love you too now let's eat dinner."
We finished eating and I watched Luna play the song that Harry had taught her how to play today. It was adorable she sat on his lap while he told her the cords to play. We spent the rest of the night relaxing with each other.

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