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Sienna pov

I have had Luna for about a week now, she has warmed up to Harry completely it's adorable watching the two play all the time. With all the time I've spent with Luna has really made me fall involve with her personality. She is shy for a good amount of time around new people then she becomes super bubbly and happy. My parents weren't the happiest in the beginning when I told them but they have warmed up to Luna.

"Sienna look I can balance on one foot." she told me she was so proud of herself.

"Be careful honey, there is a cast on your one leg and it will be a bigger ouchie if you hurt both legs." I try to reason with her but she is stubborn just like how Harry is.

"I will don't worry." she told me giggling soon diverting her attention back to her barbies.

"You trying to reason with her is adorable you know." Harry speaks coming behind me as I'm making breakfast.

I smile at him and lean my head into his chest. We stay in that position while I try to make breakfast but I'd rather be in Harry's arms. He would be leaving in about a month and I would be alone with Luna.

"I have to go get luna or at least help her with the crutches." I told harry

"I'm gonna miss you two so much when I'm on tour it's gonna be so long." he spoke and I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"I know but I will come to some of your shows, it will be the hardest when you are across the country." I say frowning at him.

"Could you possibly fly out to the London show, Luna could go meet my mom and you could go see her and Gemma."

"Luna doesn't have a passport."

"I'll get her one, if I get her one will it be a yes."

"Of course it would but you don't need to do this Harry, it makes me feel bad."

"It's just money, Sienna. You are worth spending all my money on."

"You frustrate me Harold." I joke with him but yet I'm some what serious.

I walk out of the kitchen and help Luna since she is still trying to learn how to use her crutches. She is very wobbly it scares me that she could fall but I stay behind her and help her.

"Hi Lunabug." He spoke to her smiling

"Hi Harry, look how fast I'm going." she told him trying to go a little faster but not succeeding

"You are going so fast I don't think I could keep up with you."he spoke smiling at her.

"Do you work at the hospital like Sienna does harry." Luna asked being curious.

"Nope Luna I'm a singer." he told her

"Really, will you sing for me sometime."

"Of course I will just ask me okay Luna."

I smiled at the two I could tell that Luna has also become attached to Harry and when he leaves it's gonna be hard on her and me.

"Luna, Harry is gonna go on tour soon so that means we might not see him for little bit." I told her.

"How will we see harry then." She asked looking at me for an answer

"Well we could FaceTime him and we could also go to a few of his shows." I tell her

"Don't worry Luna, I'll make sure I can talk to you both but you have to watch Sienna for me." Harry tells her

"Okay, harry I'll watch Sienna."

We all sat at the table and ate breakfast before Harry went to rehearsal. I looked through emails and played with Luna. I could really read her well, but really I still didn't believe that I am fostering her and maybe I'll even adopt her when the time comes.

about 5 hours later Harry arrived home and Luna got really excited since her and harry have a strong bond with each other. He would watch her when I got called into work and now I don't have anyone to watch her but I could always put her into the daycare.

"hi darling, I missed you." he spoke hugging me and giving me a kiss.

"Hi bubs, how was your day." I asked staying in his arms.

"good, what did you and Luna do."

"I went through emails then played with her. Harry you do know that you can stay at your apartment here, I don't want you to feel trapped here now that I'm taking care of Luna."

"I'm not feeling trapped at all. I love hanging out with her she is so sweet and you know that we could bring her to my apartment too."

"You're right, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Sienna." he said kissing me walking away after the kiss to go get Luna so she could eat and then get ready for bed.

Once she ate her dinner I helped her get a bath and Harry cleaned the kitchen. I put her into her pjs, and let her choose a book to read before she goes to bed tonight. We both said goodnight to her after her story, she was out like a light. We got ready for bed and watched a movie. We had both been asleep for about 2 hour when I heard screaming coming from Luna's room. I ran to her she was still asleep she was having an awful nightmare.

"Hey.. hey Luna wake up it's ok I promise." I talk to her trying to get her to wake up. she woke up a few seconds later crying and shaking.

"It's ok. come here." I sat in her bed with her and held her close to be rocking back and forth.

"Can you stay with me tonight please." she asked me with her eyes still full of tears.

"Of course, go to sleep I'm here now. I won't let anyone hurt you ok." I told her letting her stay as close as she wanted to me.

She woke up a couple time throughout the night and I didn't leave her side once. I didn't really sleep though but it was ok because she was safe in my arms.

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