Chapter 147

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Chapter 147- Bite (Dave and Angel)


PS. I haven't wrote for Dave in awhile and my headcanon personality for Dave has changed over the ginormous gap in chapters, so if his dialogue feels off, that's most definitely why.

Also. Happy Halloween! Am I late? Yes? But am I really late for Halloween? Yes. Do I have an excuse?............No. but will I say happy Halloween anyways? Yes. Am I gonna say yes again? Yesn't. Un, happy Halloween, happy Thanksgiving, since I doubt I'll be able to get a chapter out by then due to laziness.

Third Person's P.O.V.

"Angelica?" The women asked. Sitting next to the women was her daughter, Angelica Harmony. "Angelica?" The mother asked once more. Her daughter's eyes were glued to the screen built into the seat in front of her. While most of the airplane's movie selections were ironically good movies, but one movie had caught the attention of Angelica. Obligatory Sappy RomCom Title. She had always been a sap for romcoms, a genre known for being unbelievably bad among her classmates. With only the rare gem every 420 (Hah get it because weed-) years. Angelica sat there, blankly, listening carefully to the audio. Taking in every second that the movie had to offer.

"OBLIGATORY ACCUSATION OF CHEATING!" Cried one of the partners. Angel gasped sharply. Angel leaned in closer to the screen.

"Lmao," the other partner responded. Tears begin to form within Angelica's eyes. Such deep dialogue. It truly put her through through an emotional rollercoaster. The screen shows the betrayed partner running off into a dark alleyway with the only light being from the phone of the cast who wasn't supposed to be recording. Within the hallway was a person. The two bump into each other and fall to the ground.

"Why hello, I'm the main love interest and there's probably gonna be a cliche misunderstanding trope and you're gonna think I cheated on you like your previous partner, but I won't because I'm basic in every way shape and form," The mysterious alleyway man said. Angel inhaled sharply, causing her to quickly begin to cough loudly. Multiple SHHHH'S rang throughout the plane. After being snapped out of her trance, Angelica looked to her side to see her mother, still trying to get her attention.

"Oh? Is something wrong mother mommy mama dearest mother mom?" Angel asks. Her mother sighs before telling Angel what she needed to tell her.

"Angelica, the flight attendant is here, they were wondering if you'd like something to eat," her mother said. Angelica looked behind her mother and there appeared the flight attendant. While the attendant had been there, this was the first time Angel had seen them so-

"GHOOSSSSTTT! BE GONE GHOULLL, LEAVE THESE SACRED HALLS OF GIANT METAL BIRD!" Angel shouted while jumping to the walls of the plane. Louder SHHHH'SS rang through the plane. "Sorry," Angel whispered as she slinked back down into her seat. The flight attendant seemed unimpressed and immediately left the aisle. Angel's mother turned to her daughter to lecture her, only to see her daughter once again completely fixated on something. But this time it wasn't the airplane's screens.

A small baby had appeared on the stupid tray thing nobody uses that was in front of Angelica. Angelica slowly began to pick up the baby and lift it up in the air.

"Um, Angelica, I don't believe you should-" Her bother began to say, it was no use. Angelica had raised the baby up into the air.

"It's precious," Angelica said while fighting back tears, "I'll name it Bartholomew." Angelica's still unnamed mother began to pull Angelica down slowly without harming the child. Angelica pushed her mom's hand away. "No mother, you cannot separate me from my son, you see, out mother son bond is like no other, for-" The baby suddenly bit down on Angel's finger, causing Angel to fling the child across the plane out of hopefully impulse.

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