Chapter 14

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Chapter 14- EXCUSES! (Cookie and Lizzie [Along with a little bit of Tina])

Cookie's P.O.V.

Oh man. Lizzie is gonna kill me. Why you may ask. BECAUSE I BOMBED THE ENGLISH QUIZ. I GOT 0/52 ANSWERS RIGHT! Oh man. Oh man. Oh man. Ok. I'll just make an excuse. No. No. No. Lizzie is gonna be so mad, she had warned me to study for the quiz and I didn't! *ding* I look at my phone. Oh no.


Nerd: How did you do on the English quiz?


Okay Cookie. Text anything, just don't text the truth.


Tough Cookie: Oh I frikin bombed the test.




Nerd: WHAT!

Tough Cookie: Sorry


Tough Cookie: Listen I was busy with basketball, soccer, and karate.

Nerd: That's no excuse!

Nerd: You could have studied on the benches for basketball and soccer.

Nerd: You could have studied while waiting for your karate tournament to start.

Nerd: You had time when you and Tina went to the arcade to play G&G. You could have told Tina that you were busy and couldn't go.

Tough Cookie: Yeah, but it's Tina. She's my best friend and I don't want to disappoint:

Nerd: You could have studied while waiting in line, or when you got ice cream afterwards.

Tough Cookie: How do you know so much about that day? You weren't there.

Nerd: Tina spammed me with texts about how "lit the day was."

Tough Cookie: Oh

Nerd: And you had time while texting me.

Nerd: You could have said you were busy!

Tough Cookie: ...

Nerd: You see, my mother once had a friend who never studied. He would get C's and D's, just barely making it to the next grade time and time again. HE COULDN'T GET INTO THE COLLEGE OF HIS CHOICE! Then when college rolled around, he had the habit of not studying. So when he tried to take the tests, he FAILED. He got kicked out of colleges time and time again. He ended up on the street! If the generous rich man named Phil hadn't given him money, he would probably be dead! I can't have that happen to you!

Tough Cookie: Geez. There's like a really small chance that that would happen. I play sports, so I should be good.

Nerd: But there's still a chance! Better safe than sorry.

Tough Cookie: OKAY! Okay! I get it. I learned my lesson. I'll study. Okay.

Nerd: That reminds me of another one of my mother's friends. She would always say that she learned her lesson after she got in trouble, but she never did. Luckily, she was able to straighten herself. Then, she became a great student. She got into the college of her choice, married a nice, smart man, and got her dream job! See what happens when you do the responsible things in school!

Nerd: Speaking of which, that reminds me about another one of my mother's friends who was able to accompli-


I shut my phone off. Sigh. I mean she was right. I should study. You know what. I will! I'm gonna study for the history final right now. I start to pick up the study guide.......wait. This is boring. I put the study guide down and grab my phone.


Tough Cookie: Hey wanna hang out?

Tina Boe Bina Bina: OF COURSE!


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