Chapter 139

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Chapter 139- An Attempt At Socializing (Dave And Shark)


Hey! Shark's in this book! Who would have thought?

Shark's P.O.V.

I begin to swing my feet. I was lying down and looking at the T.V. upside down. Sabre and I were watching out favorite show. Ranger Things. I sigh.

"Hey Sabre, I've been thinking," I Say. Sabre turns to me.

"What do you mean?" He asks. I've been having these thoughts recently. And I can't get them outta my head!

"I've just been thinking, there's so many people at our school! And we don't even know half of them!" I exclaim. Sabre pauses, and then nods in agreement.

"Well, I suppose you're right, but what's your point?" He asks.

"I mean, shouldn't we try to talk to them?" I ask. Sabre just shrugs.

"I dunno, I mean, I could ask Ryan for something random number if you want," He replies. I nod.

"That'd be dope, thanks brother," I say as I shoot some finger guns. Sabre smiles as he hands me his phone. Who's number is this? Dave? Never really talked to him.........Which is perfect! Now's my shot to meet someone new! "Thanks Sabre," I Say. Sabre smiles and high fives me. Alright. Time to see who Dave is. I'm sure nothing could go wrong.


Sharknado: Hey Dave!

Dave: Shark?

Sharknado: Dave! To what's up!

Dave: ........

Sharknado: Dave!

Dave: Sorry.

Dave: I'm just in a weird mood because I'm meditating right now.

Sharknado: Oh, you meditate?

Sharknado: Do you feel peaceful?

Dave: No.

Dave: It just feels like I'm on weed.

Dave: But I'm not sure if it's the meditation.

Sharknado: Good for you?

Sharknado: Anyways, how are you?

Dave: Fine.

Sharknado: .....

Sharknado: Are you gonna ask how I'm doing?

Dave: No, to be honest I really don't care.

Sharknado: Oh come on man! Why are you being so rude!

Dave: I'm not being rude. I'm just being honest in an extremely rude way.

Sharknado: ......

Sharknado: You know what, maybe we got off to a bad start.

Sharknado: Let's try this again.

Sharknado: So you meditate. Is there a specific reason why?

Dave: Well, Angel always complains about how I'm "under too much stress" and I always look so tired and Angel said I should loosen up a bit with some "peaceful" meditation.

Sharknado: And you said yes?

Dave: Well, at first I said no because I don't need f**king meditation.....

Dave: And then she gave me the dang stereotypical puppy eyes. And I couldn't say no.

Sharknado: Yep, she can do those puppy eyes.

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