Chapter 99

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Chapter 99- Camera [Not Texting]


This chapter will feature a camera. This camera is a made up kind of camera with features that cameras probably don't have, I don't know because I'm too lazy to look it up. Like wires, I don't think cameras have wires, but I wouldn't know, again, I don't feel like looking it up.

Tina's P.O.V.

Ugh, stupid hunk of junk! Why won't you work! I punch the camera. Cookie jogs up to me.

"Hey Tina? Are you okay?" Your going all out on that camera," Cookie says. I punch it again.

"The camera will not work!" I yell. Cookie looks at the camera.

"What do you mean the camera won't work?" Cookie asks.

"It means the camera will not work!" I yell. Cookie looks into the camera, she sees that the screen is completely black. She scratches her head.

"Have you tried turning it off an on again?" Cookie asks.

"Yes! Ugh, and we don't have enough time to go buy a new one, we have to get this documentary recorded today!" I yell. Cookie nods in agreement. I look at her face. She had her thinking face on. Okay. Tina, this is your first time ever being in contact to a camera, don't mess this up. Maybe we some wires are mixed up? CLANK! CLANK! Cookie and I turn around. Dave was hitting his robotic arm with a hammer.

"Are you seriously making those loud noises while we're trying to FILM a documentary WITH AUDIO!" Cookie exclaims. Dave looks up and shrugs.

"I mean, I'm here, and I'm not doing anything, so I figures I would just finish up my robotics project," Dave says. Cookie facepalms.

"Do you know how much noise that thing is making! That would ruin the documentary!" I yell.

"So what, the cameras broken, so why does it matter? I could blast an air horn into a microphone and scream happy New Years at the top of my lungs, and it wouldn't make a difference," Dave says. Cookie stares aggressively at Dave. She wanted to punch him. I turn to the camera.

"Maybe some wires are mixed up and it's doing something to the lens?" I Say. Cookie nods, telling me that she thinks that might be it. I run into the supply closet and open the camera. We look at all the wires.

"The wires seem, completely fine," Cookie says. What! Then why is this stupid machine not working!

"But, But-" I begin to say. But a certain noise cut me off. BZZZZZZZZZZZ! Cookie and I turn around. It was Dave again.

"Does he have a f**king chainsaw!" Cookie yells. I clear my throat, calling to Dave. Dave doesn't listen. He just continues to use his chainsaw on his robotics project. I clear my throat again, but louder. No response. I clear my throat louder. Still no response! Maybe I should just yell.

"DAVE!" I yell. Dave jolts up. "I understand that school projects are important, and I applaud you for being responsible and doing it on your free time, but can you not just go somewhere else and do that!" I yell. Dave shakes his head.

"Sorry Tina, I can't, I have detention in here," Dave says.

"Detention? Why are you in detention?" Cookie asks. I turn back to the camera and started screwing in the latch that hid the camera's wires.

"I incinerated a locker," Dave says. Cookie huffs and turns back to me. Okay. Maybe we need new batteries. That's probably the problem.

"What a sarcastic jerk, am I right?" Cookie says. I look at Cookie.

"Cookie, he wasn't being sarcastic, he actually incinerated a locker," I say. Cookie's jaw hits the floor.

"Wha- how did he incinerate a locker!" Cookie whisper yells. That is a good question. How did Dave manage to incinerate a locker. I mean, it was clearly an accident because Dave is at least smart enough to know not to burn a locker. But that raises the question of how he did burn a locker. I shouldn't focus to much on this.

"That's not important, what is important is this camera," I say, "I think maybe the batteries are dead." I Say. Cookie quickly rushes to the supply closet and returns with batteries. While she's gone I punch the camera again for good measure.

"Here are the batteries Tina!" Cookie exclaims. I thank Cookie and replace the batteries. It starts reloading.

"There! It should be good as new," I say. Cookie and I play slide slide slippery slide while we're waiting. After I lost, the camera finishes reloading.

"Um Tina, it's still not working," Cookie says. Wait what! I look into the camera. It's still a black screen!? Cookie looks at me worried. Oh no! What's the problem with this camera!

"There must be some super elaborate thing wrong with this camera!" I exclaim. Cookie nods in agreement.

"Maybe we should bring in Lizzy, she's really smart, she could probably figure this out," Cookie says.

"Yeah! I bet she could get this thing to work!" I exclaim. PLINK! PLINK! PLINK! Okay, this is ridiculous. Cookie and I turn around. Sigh. It was Dave again. He was slowly plinking out every screw he attached to his machine. And he put A LOT of screws. Cookies raises up her fists, I quickly put them back down. I can't let Cookie and Dave get into a fight, mostly for Dave's sake. And I don't want to be anywhere associated with a school brawl.

Dave's P.O.V.

"DAVE!" Cookie yells. I look up at Tina and Cookie.

"Yeah?" I ask. Cookie cracks her knuckles, trying to make sure that I was scared. I honestly don't care.

"UNLESS YOU CAN FIX THIS CAMERA, SHUT THE FRICK UP!" Cookie yells, "Actually! Come up here and try to fix the camera, I want to see you try."

"Why would I want to fix the camera?" I ask. Cookie throws a desk in my direction as a response. I grumble and walk up to the camera. I go up to the very front of the camera.

"This'll be the highlight of my day, watching Dave completely fail," Cookie whispers.

"I honestly don't care about Dave right now, I just want DARNED MACHINE working again," Tina whispers back. I roll my eyes. Okay, now what's wrong-....did these idiots not remove the lens cap? I pick up the lens cap. HAH! They didn't remove the lens cap! I return the lens cap to Tina.

"Next time remove the lens cap," I say as I walk back to my contraption. Welp. Detentions almost over. Might as well start packing up my project.

"Oh that's right the lens cap!" Cookie exclaims. Tina look back into the screen. She seemed shocked that it was working.

"IT WORKS, IT ACTUALLY WORKS! NOW WE CAN ACTUALLY FILM THE DOCUMENTARY!" Tina exclaims. Cookie and Tina embrace. I look at the time. They only have like under an hour to finish recording.

"Hey guys, you only have under an hour to finish recording the documentary," I say. No response. Should have seen this coming. They were in their embracing mode where they stay like that fo 40 minutes and any outside noise just doesn't exist. Welp. Not my problem. Detentions only two minutes away from being over, I'm sure it'd be fine if I were to leave early. No one's even here. I walk off. See. No one even cares.

"MOM! DAVE'S LEAVING DETENTION ONE MINUTE EARLY AGAIN!" I hear Deliah say. What the heck? Yo hold up. How is Deliah here!? We don't even go to the same school!

HE WHAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!" My mom yells. What! MOM! She doesn't even know where the school is located! I hear her start stomping down the hall. OKAY! WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-

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