Chapter 146

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Chapter 146- Taxes (Olive and Unicorn)

A/N's been awhile. A lot of things have changed in the Ryguyrocky community. And I haven't said anything about it. So I'm just gonna dump all my thoughts here.

Olive needs a voice actor.

Tyan is going somewhere now. Thank goodness.

I really wanted to name this chapter corona time.

New characters have appeared. Sam, Dee, Vee, Nova, and Drew. There's probably more. If there is, they were too forgettable for me to care.

Sam's a b**ch.

Dee and Vee are forgettable to me, but their names aren't.

Are Dee and Vee sisters?

Nova seems like a jerk.

Drew seems nice.

Olive is my favorite

I got worse at writing (I didn't think it was possible either).

Olivecorn is starting to grow on me, I'm still clinging onto Goldycorn.

I just realized Goldycorn is illegal now.

I guess Goldy and Unicorn's friendship just dropped off the face of the Earth. R.I.P.

I missed you all.

No one is probably reading this book anymore.

Tony, Kat, Cookie, Danny and Pip are getting slightly more screen time now.

I need someone to start a campaign to give Olive a voice actor.

Where did Riley, Dart, and Angel go?

I guess Pup's dead.

There was an episode on Derp, but I didn't watch it.

I want Dave to come back and actually have a more unique character. Sal's probably sleeping in a coffin. Lizzy's probably already paying taxes.

I need Olive to get a voice actor

I've grown to understand the Dave x Danny ship, still don't ship it, but I get it now.

What did that note Olive want to give Olive say?

I honestly expected Daycare Academy to be more cinematic like Recess, but it's similar to the traditional Daycare which I enjoy.

Goldy has felt love before!?

They really need to learn to focus on developing the side characters.

Did I mention that Olive needs a voice actor?

I legitimately really like Olive's character.

Olive is more unique than all of the side characters that aren't a**es combined.

Olive needs more screen time.

Is Olive a teacher or a student? I'm guessing teacher.


And that concludes all my thoughts I can muster. So, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Sorry I haven't posted. No real reason, just wanted to take a break. Stay hydrated, wash your hands, don't touch your face, stay at home, *insert other corona related advice*, and let's not let corona kick our butts. I hope you guys have a good day and that your year will be the best it can be. Let's hope that our time stuck in our houses will still be entertaining. I'll try to get uploads going again. They'll be slow, but they'll arrive. Sorry if the chapter's cringe, it'd been awhile since I've written one.

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