Chapter 107

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Chapter 107- MAD LIBS (Ryan, Unicorn Mann, and Goldy)


Is the reason that Danny and Dave are shipped because their names both start with Da?


Tea With Extra Honey: Hey Guys!

Unicorn: Yes?

Tea With Extra Honey: I FOUND A MAD LIB!

Oblivious: oh cool! what's it called?

Tea With Extra Honey: It's called if I were president!

Unicorn: Okay? Is that all you wanted to say?

Oblivious: no dummy! we're gonna play it!

Unicorn: Oh. That makes more sense.

Tea With Extra Honey: Well, since I'm the best, I'm gonna go first. And since Goldy knows how to play she'll go third. And Unicorn, sorry, but your going second.

Unicorn: I am completely down with that.

Oblivious: alright!

Tea With Extra Honey: Okay, first, I need to say an adjective.

Tea With Extra Honey: Amazing.

Tea With Extra Honey: Okay Unicorn, now you too need to say an adverb!

Unicorn: An adverb?

Unicorn: How about very.

Tea With Extra Honey: Good! Now let's do GOLDY! With an adjective.

Oblivious: okay. let me think of it.

Oblivious: heh.

Oblivious: hey unicorn.

Unicorn: Yes Goldy?

Oblivious: wanna hear my adjective?

Unicorn: Of course.

Oblivious: moist.


Tea With Extra Honey: What happened! Is something wrong!?

Oblivious: no, he just hates the word moist.

Tea With Extra Honey: Oh okay.

Tea With Extra Honey: Then why would you say it?

Oblivious: cuz it's hilarious.


Tea With Extra Honey: Okay, I'm gonna move on and say a noun.

Tea With Extra Honey: Tea. That what I'm gonna say.

Oblivious: but why would you say tea, when u could say banananananananas.

Tea With Extra Honey: Yeah, Whatever Goldy. Unicorn, are you good, can you go?

Unicorn: Yeah, I'm over it.

Oblivious: hey unicorn.

Unicorn: Yeah?

Oblivious: Weenis.


Tea With Extra Honey: Welp, Goldy, looks like your going next because Unicorn isn't ready. Give me a noun.

Oblivious: Ryan.

Tea With Extra Honey: Yes?

Oblivious: that's the noun.

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