Chapter 102

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Chapter 102- Hobby (Goldy and Unicorn Mann)

Unicorn Mann's P.O.V.

Okay. No crime there. No crime there. The bank looks secure. The donut shop looks like there's no robbers. Suspicious. There's no crime. Is this possibly my break? No. It can't be, there's definitely some crime. I scope around the rest of the city. No crime. This really could be my break. I look down. Score! There's a coffee shop! No. I shouldn't. Well, I'll wait just two more hours, then, if there's no crime, I'll take a break. Ding! I take my phone out of my pocket. Huh Goldy texted m- WOAH! I drop my phone. Oh boy, that's gonna leave a mark.


Golden Midget: hay bud!

Lukewarm: Hey Goldy, how are you?

Golden Midget: i'm doing great! summer's been awsome!

Golden Midget: you?

Lukewarm: Kinda boring recently, there hasn't been much crime recently, and I feel like my crime patrols are useless.

Golden Midget: oh. i mean, don't you have any hobbies?

Lukewarm: Of course I have hobbies. Crimefighting.

Golden Midget: i mean like drawing, or sports.

Lukewarm: Goldy, we're in the same P.E. class. You know that I should not try out for sports.

Golden Midget: unicorn?

Lukewarm: Yes?

Golden Midget: what do you do all day?

Lukewarm: Well, I wake up, watch for crime, eat lunch, and watch for crime.

Golden Midget: unicorn, this is summer, your supposed to be having fun.

Lukewarm: But crime never sleeps, so neither will I!

Lukewarm: Instead I'll just have like seventeen cups of coffee sprinkled throughout the night.

Golden Midget: unicorn, all you do is watch crime all day?

Lukewarm: Pretty much.

Golden Midget: that sounds, super boring.

Lukewarm: Hey! Watching for crime can be exciting!

Golden Midget: how is it exciting! all your doing is walking around the city and looking at buildings and seeing if someone's committing a crime there!

Lukewarm: There's a little spice in it occasionally.

Lukewarm: Once I got hit by a cement truck, and then got hit by another cement truck immediately after, and then landed into some trash grounds, and put into the incinerator, then I got squished into a cube, and then I got out of the cube, and then after I got out of the cube, stopped into wet cement and had to cut my feet off, and then after my feet regenerated I got hit by a truck, then a car, and then a motorcycle, and then I landed into a kiddy pool full of oobleck, and some person in a backwards cap hit me with a remote control car.

Lukewarm: See, excitement!

Golden Midget: thats

Golden Midget: not excitement

Lukewarm: I mean, it's excitement to me.

Golden Midget: yeah, bud, you need to get a hobby.

Lukewarm: Well, I guess, but what would I even do?

Golden Midget: maybe you could try drawing?

Lukewarm: Meh, I don't really like drawing.

Golden Midget: what! but think of all the olives you could draw!

Lukewarm: I HATE OLIVES!

Golden Midget: okay okay, chill man.

Golden Midget: maybe you could take up crafting.

Lukewarm: Crafting?

Golden Midget: yeah! like making Abraham Lincoln popsicle stick houses and real shrunken volcanoes!

Lukewarm: Meh, I feel like if I have to go crimefighting then I'd be distracted by my crafts.

Lukewarm: Honestly I think I'd be distracted with any hobby I get.

Golden Midget: but volcanoes!

Lukewarm: Yeah, sorry Goldy, but I'm gonna have to pass on the hobby thing.

Golden Midget: alright alright.

Golden Midget: i'll just go call the president on my banana.

Lukewarm: Got it, bye.


I close my phone. I look around. Still no crime. Maybe Goldy was right. I should get a hobby. RING RING RING! I look down. The donut shop was being robbed. Sigh. Here we go again. I jump off the building. So much for a getting a hobby.

Question Of The Day!

If Angel was to have a crush, who do you think it'd be?

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