Chapter 142

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Chapter 142- These Apples Are Rotten REWRITE (Angel and Dave)


This is a rewrite of chapter 29. Also, I've been going back through my chapters recently, you know, for that nostalgic feeling. And I actually realized how much longer my chapters have gotten compared to chapter 1.

Angel's P.O.V.

Yes. It's glorious. It's that time again. The time of freedom, the time of hope. The time that clears all feelings of despair. The time I can call beautiful! Lunch time. FINALLY! I THOUGHT I'D NEVER ESCAPE THAT CLASS ALIVE! FREAKING SECOND MATH PERIOD! WHY DO I EVEN NEED TWO MATH PERIODS ANYWAYS! Whatever. Now I can eat lunch, and all my bad thoughts will wash away. I'll taste the sweet sweet taste of half baked chicken, apples, pears, pasta, smoothies, apple juice, marshmallows, vegetables, sushi, noodles, pizza, seaweed, and one Oreo. Oh yeah. I'm looking forward to that Oreo. I flop down onto the table I normally sit in. Ah yes, that table. There's no time like lunch time that can get me excited for a table of all things. But something's off. Where's Dave! He's usually here before I arrive. Wonder what happened. Meh. I'm sure he's fine. Right? H-he must have just been held up in class. Yeah! It's not like something bad happened to him! GAH! SHUT UP ANGEL! HES JUST LATE TO LUNCH! WHY ARE YOU ACTING AS IF HE DIED!? But he's never late....NOT! He's fine. All you gotta do, is open your lunch pail Angel. Then you'll be fine. Just eat. And you'll be fine.

As soon as I open my lunch box, a devastating sight awaited me. My lunch pail had been infested with ants. I was in a daze. My head was spinning. All of my mind went blank. I couldn't believe it. All of my food was crawling with ants. I can't eat! What was I gonna do!? I could bare all think. I didn't even feel anything as I picked up my apple that had ants all over it. Wait. I picked up an apple with ants all over it!? EWWWWWWW! I snap back into reality and chuck the apple across the cafeteria. Shoot! I could have just contaminated someone else's lunch! Wait. No. There's only one other person here at the cafeteria. And it's Sal.

"Hi Sal!" I exclaim. No response. Whatever. I look back at my lunch. Aw man! What am I supposed to eat! I could go buy some food from the cafeteria. But I don't have any cash, dang it. Maybe I could ask someone for food. Hmmm. Who to ask? Tina, Cookie, Kat, Lizzy, Tony, Danny, Dart, and Skye are all at the gym practicing basketball. Yikes. That really shortens my options. I believe Olive and Riley are at the lab. They're probably busy. Ryan, Goldy, and Unicorn are probably having some geek fair. That leaves me with Dave and Sal. And I guess Derp. I think Derp is busy, eating dirt. Like he always does. Poor kid. He's gonna get some crazy disease on day. And there won't be a level 43 medic to save him. Anyways, back to the options. Sal's asleep, I can see him right now. No way I can ask him even if he was awake. I'd be too nervous.

So Dave. That's my last option. But I don't know where Dave is. How can I talk to him? Hmmmmm. What would Dave say if he was in this situation and he couldn't find me. Think Angel! Think! What would he say? And like that, I could almost hear Dave's voice. (Use your phone dumba**). My phone! That's right. It doesn't matter where Dave is, as long as he has his phone! I hope he has his phone. What if he doesn't have his phone?...

Nah. He totally does. We're teens, we always have our phones. But what if Dave doesn't have his phone? Is there really a way to know? Well. Didn't Dave once tell me that he always has his phone on him?


"Even if I don't want my phone, I legitimately can't leave it at home. My phone always magically finds a way into my pocket when I'm in a chapter."


Yeah! He always has his phone. He said it himself! Not sure what he means by the chapter part though. Whatever, the point is, he has his phone. Let's hope he has some food on him. And let's hope he'll let me borrow it. I take out my phone and open the texting app.

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