Chapter 56

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Chapter 56- More Advice (Tina and Unicorn Mann)

Requested By: BeastiBoi

Notes: Good idea dude. Thanks.

Tina's P.O.V.

"TIIIIINA!" I hear Goldy yell.

"SHUT UP!" I scream. My gosh. She is just SO ANNOYING! I hate her. I need her to stop bothering me! But how to do that? Well, Sabre's gone, so I can't give her off to him. But I know someone who would willingly take her. Unicorn.


Darth Tina: Heeeeeeey Unicorn!

Unicorn: Yes Tina?

Darth Tina: So, you know how you like Goldy.

Unicorn: Yes, I know this.

Darth Tina: And you know how I wanted Sabre to date her instead of you?

Unicorn: I am painfully aware.

Darth Tina: Well, I've been thinking about it, and I think that you'd be the better boyfriend fore her.

Unicorn: Oh, well thank you Tina.

Darth Tina: So, I think I've got some reeeeaaaaaaly good advice to get you out of that friend zone.

Unicorn: Oh.

Unicorn: Well, no offense, but your advice isn't exactly all that good.


Unicorn: Okay then!

Darth Tina: Just Listen.

Darth Tina: I just want to help you leave the friend zone pal.

Unicorn: You mean you want to help yourself, and have Goldy stop bothering you by making her pay more attention to me, so that you won't be bothered?

Darth Tina: WHAAAAAT!? No.

Darth Tina: I simply have the best intentions for my good old pal Unicorn Mann.

Unicorn: Just yesterday you said that we're not friends, and that we're only people who happen to know each other.

Darth Tina: Well, I mean, things change.

Unicorn: Tina, you are one of the most stubborn people I have met, you do not change your mind that fast.

Darth Tina: Well

Darth Tina: Fine, I just want to get rid of Goldy.

Unicorn: Welp. What do you got?

Darth Tina: Huh?

Unicorn: At this point, I'll take all the help I can get.

Unicorn: It'll also make you happy, and as a person I happen to know, I want you to be happy.

Darth Tina: Oh, well, I just thought that you could give her little hints of your crush on her, be nice, and build up to a big moment.

Unicorn: That's really good advice.

Darth Tina: Really?

Unicorn: Yeah, it seems to be a pretty smart route.

Darth Tina: But I thought my advice wasn't good?

Unicorn: Normally it isn't, but you still do give great and important ides Tina.

Darth Tina: Thanks Unicorn.

Unicorn: Oi, don't thank me. I should be thanking you.

Darth Tina: Heh. See ya Unicorn!

Unicorn: See ya.


YES! One step closer to getting rid of Goldy. This is great. I hope Chicken doesn't mind.

"Hey Goldy," I hear Unicorn say. I sneak around the corner.

"Hey bud" Goldy says.

"I was wondering if you wanted to play UNO upstairs?" Unicorn asks.

"SURE! I'm gonna so beat you with so many UNO reverse cards," Goldy says as she runs up the stairs. I see Unicorn chase after her. Heh. Maybe this will work better than I expected. I sure hope it does.

No One's P.O.V.

Tina thought that she was happy ate the scene because it would get rid of Goldy. Although that is a reason, there was another reason. She has hope. She has hope that her FRIEND might possibly finally get what he wanted...

Question Of The Day!

If you were to create a Unicorn Mann villain, what would you name it?

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