Chapter 94

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Chapter 94- Remember? (Angel And Dave) [Not Texting]



Angel's P.O.V.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't pull on my hair that hard!" I exclaim. I pause my game. And I look up from my switch. Dave gives me the look.

"Listen Angel, this is simply how I braid hair, if you got a problem with it, then you can simply just ask me to stop," He says. I shake my head. Today I'm going to my grandmother's house, and I need to look my best. That's always What gram gram says.

"How do you know how to braid hair?" I ask. Dave chuckles to himself.

"When my sister was younger, she always asked me to braid her hair, it took some time, but I eventually learned how to braid hair really well," he responds, "It's just been forever since I last braided hair, so I suck." Oh that makes more sense............I look at Dave. Is he really the one I should trust for this? Well, mom says I need to tell this to someone, and ask for advice. He's right here, so might as well be him.

"Hey Dave?" I ask, "Can I tell you something?" Dave just nods his head. He must be super focused on braiding my hair. "Well, you remember daycare, and Tina's whole prom thing?" I ask. Dave rolls his eyes. He has told me how much he despised it. He even decided to be the one person, besides Pup, to not have a date just because he heated the idea of prom so much. But right now I need to talk about

"Oh yeah, that thing," he says. I scratch my neck. This is so awkward! Me and Dave are just supposed to be bros. Amigos. Pals. Partners in crimes that we were framed for, and totally didn't actually commit. Not two friends who ask each other for dating advice.

"Well, I've been thinking about how I went with Sal, and it's been getting my head spinning," I say. Dave smirks as if he knows where I'm going. Man! I really want to knock him, and his stupid smug look, out right now, but I need him for this. Also, he's braiding my hair, so I can't knock him out because of that too. Okay Angel, how are you gonna word this.

But before I could even say anything, Dave says, "Your asking me for advice on how to get Sal, aren't you?" My face grows warm. You were supposed to be more subtle about this Angel! And here Dave is, figuring it out in like one minute! Dave figures it out! And he's an idiot! Sure a cool idiot. But still an idiot!

"Y-Yeah," I say. Dave gives me a questioning look, as if I chose the wrong person for this.

"Your asking me? A person who has never been in a relationship?" He asks. Shoot. I really did ask the wrong person. Welp, can't turn back now. He already knows.

"Well, my advice is to just be open and talk to the person straightforward, if they reject, then they're not the one, simple as that," Dave says.

"Your saying I should just confront Sal about this?" I ask. Dave nods. "That's terrible advice! This is high school, your supposed to be a smooth talker!" I yell.

"Well, I'm not exactly love expert 7000," Dave says, "That's simply my advice, if you don't want to use it, you don't have to." Ugh. I mean. My mom always has told me to be straightforward. And Dave seems pretty genuine. But Dave also sucks, and can't be trusted. This is confusion. I'm just gonna put this off till later, I'll text Sal like next week or something. I pick up my game and continue to play again. Dave continues to braid my hair. There's an awkward silence between us. And I don't mean like a normal awkward silence. Me and Dave are normally talkative people around each other, so this was a super awkward silence. After like ten minutes, Dave finally says something.

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