Chapter 108

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Chapter 108- Entry

Journal Entry 105


What can I say?..

I'm mad? I'm angry? I'm enraged?..

To be perfectly honest, this is my fault, never should have that Luke punk alive...

Now he's catching on to the plan...

He knows I exist...

I can't have that! I won't have that!..

He could throw a wrench into the system if I don't alter his memories...

But for some reason, he's different...

I tried to delete his memory of the little talk with Ryan...

It worked, but later it crashed, he's slowly regaining the memory...

Very slowly, but he's still regaining it, and that's bad...

I thought maybe my code was simply buggy, so I tried it on something else...

Today I rewinded time by two minutes, it was successful...

I realized something today, by sending Luke back to live in daycare...

It broke something within the world, he's supposed to be dead, but he isn't...

I realize now why my code didn't work properly on Luke...

He isn't a correct entity, the universe considered Luke dead, but he isn't...

My code grasped Luke, but it saw him as dead, so it didn't imply any of the codes I imputed...

No matter, I doubt that he will be much of a nuisance as long as I stop him in the end...

Now that does raise the question, what should I do to him to stop him?..

His friends are easy, I could simply put them in a nightmareous state...

But I'm not quite sure it would work on him...

Luke seems to have a better grasp on what's real and what's merely a hallucination...

Perhaps I need to give him what he wants, then take it all away and put him in the nightmare...

Yes! That could work!..

He could possibly lose his grip of reality if I do that...

It just might work...




Journal Entry 106


Remember when I said that stopping Luke's friends should be easy?..

Well I lied, it isn't...

I forgot that in order to put a person in a nightmareous state, I first have to actually know their nightmares...

Some kids shouldn't be hard, Tina, Angel, Sal, Pup, And Kat should be relatively simple...

But others will be hard...

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