Chapter 25

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Chapter 25- Once Upon A Time (Goldy and Unicorn Mann)

[A/N: Yes, I do understand that I did a chapter about these two a few chapters ago (literally only two chapters ago). But, I love these two.'s another one.]

Unicorn Mann's P.O.V.

Man, I haven't been here in a while. I was in an old home of mine. It's really late, so the kids that would be here were gone. It's good because I don't want to creep any of the kids out. At least, my basement os boarded up so that the kids can't come in. I was digging in my "secret" room. I was trying to get as many plushies as I could. Money was getting tight recently, so instead of buying new plushies, I decided to grab my old ones. *ding* Someone had wiggety texted me. I pull out my phone. Goldy had texted me.


Golden Midget: hey bud

#UnicornsAreReal: Hey Goldy

Golden Midget: so I cant sleep

#UnicornsAreReal: Oh ok. I'll run over real quick and give you a sleep potion.

Golden Midget: um no

Golden Midget: no need to disterb ur work

Golden Midget: i was wondering if u could text me a bedtime story

#UnicornsAreReal: Um sure.

Golden Midget: but what r u doing

#UnicornsAreReal: Oh. I'm at the old daycare collecting my plushies.

Golden Midget: for the children

#UnicornsAreReal: So you what me to read you a bedtime story?

Golden Midget: yep

#UnicornsAreReal: Once upon a time, there was a rebel named Janet. She had her guard dog Kingston, and her hacker friend, Chip.

#UnicornsAreReal: She had her friends Ash, Ryan, and Luke


I flinch when I type that last's personal.


#UnicornsAreReal: Ash was her closest friend. Ash was weird and liked to wear tiger-print armor.

#UnicornsAreReal: Ryan was a tea addict, with super speed.

#UnicornsAreReal: Luke was a person that used his gold locket as a motivator to fight the bad guys.

#UnicornsAreReal: And Janet was the most special person in the universe. She was beautiful, funny, and had a great personality. She was the chosen one who would beat the bad guys. The bad guys consisted of their leader Thomas, and his general, Elan. With help from her buddies, Janet used her super amazing powers to beat the higgitty-heck out of the evil people. There were explosions. Excitement. Once Thomas was defeated, Janet was awarded the Medal of Honor. She was elected mayor. And has he and her friends lived happily ever after. The end.


I wait for her to respond. After five minutes she still doesn't respond, so I assume she's asleep. Ok now back to-

"BOO!" A voice yelled.

"AAAAAAAAA!" I scream. I turn around. It was...Goldy!? She tackles me in a hug. I wasn't expecting it, so we both fall to the floor. We both start laughing.

"I really liked your story," Goldy says. I stare into her beautiful eyes. I hope I'm not blushing.

"Thanks," I respond. She runs off to help me collect some plushies. Heh. She's so adorable.

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