Chapter 68

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Chapter 68- Teaching (Goldy and Unicorn Mann)


Lukewarm: And then, you slap the two onions together, dip it in whipped cream and ketchup, put it in the microwave for seven hours. Then place it gently on some paper, and BAM you now have created the perfect circle

Golden Midget: unicorn?

Golden Midget: how is this supposed to help me with my bad grade in math?

Lukewarm: Math?

Lukewarm: You told me you were failing in art.

Golden Midget: oh. sorry

Golden Midget: i thought i said math.

Lukewarm: It's fine. It's just, I'm not exactly great at math.

Golden Midget: me neither

Lukewarm: Okay.

Lukewarm: So, what is it your struggling with?

Golden Midget: adding.

Lukewarm: ....

Lukewarm: You, in the 8th grade, are struggling.....with adding?

Golden Midget: yah. is that weird?

Lukewarm: Well, kinda.

Golden Midget: oh.

Lukewarm: BUT DON'T WORRY! It'll be our little decree, and I'll help you through it.

Golden Midget: thanks bud

Lukewarm: Okay, so you know how to count on your hand right?

Golden Midget: yes

Lukewarm: Okay, so, using that method, what is 1+1?

Golden Midget: Um

Golden Midget: 4

Lukewarm: No

Lukewarm: So, what you do, is you get one finger right?

Golden Midget: yes

Lukewarm: Now, put another one up.

Lukewarm: How many fingers do you have up?

Golden Midget: 5,555,555

Lukewarm: Goldy...

Lukewarm: People don't have that many fingers.

Lukewarm: Okay, so this clearly isn't working.

Lukewarm: Okay.

Lukewarm: I have one more plan.

Lukewarm: Goldy.

Golden Midget: yeah

Lukewarm: Say What is one your mind right now.

Golden Midget: ........

Lukewarm: TEXT! I mean text what is on your mind.

Golden Midget: potatoes

Lukewarm: Potatoes, got it.

Lukewarm: Now Goldy, What is one potato plus another potato?

Golden Midget: 2 potatoes.

Lukewarm: What is seven potatoes plus eleven potatoes?

Golden Midget: 18 potatoes.

Lukewarm: What is 2,000 potatoes plus 2,000 potatoes?

Golden Midget: 4,000 potatoes.


Lukewarm: That is addition.

Lukewarm: You did it!

Golden Midget: i did it?

Golden Midget: i did it!

Lukewarm: Very good Goldy!

Golden Midget: thanks for helping me bud.

Lukewarm: No problem Goldy.

Golden Midget: with my newfound knowledge, i shall now confront my math teacher.

Lukewarm: Good luck Goldy.

Golden Midget: thanks bud.

Lukewarm: I wish life was as easy as addition some times.


Question Of The Day!

So, I don't quite have enough questions for that Q&A chapter, so, if you want to ask me anything. Just ask in the comments below.

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