Chapter 141

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Chapter 141- COH-KNEE-CHEE-WAAAAAAAAAAA (Unicorn And Goldy)

Requested By: adventurouswolf3

Notes: Thanks for commenting this. I'm not sure if you even read this book anymore, but thank you anyways. I remember having a lot of fun writing your New York one, so I was sure I'll have tons of fun with this. And I was right, this was tons of fun to write. Thanks. Also, I don't know to much about Japan. So for comedic purposes that hopefully came out funny, I took certain items I didn't know literal. So if anyone is Japanese and reading this and I offend you, I'm sorry, I did not mean to.

Goldy's P.O.V.

I trudge out of the shower. Towel around my waist, and absolutely too tired to play ForkKnife. I rub the side of my face. It still hurts. But hey, at least that shower was super lit though. Not too hot, and not too cold. Just how Goldilocks and I like it. I flop down on my bead. I did a barrel roll and landed on my pillow. I look towards my dad. He was reading some Chinpanese writing or something like that.

"Hey Dad, how long was I in the shower today?" I ask. My dad sighs as he flips through the newspaper and rocking back and forth in his antique of a chair.

"One hour sweetie," he responds. MAN! ONLY ONE HOUR! AT THIS RATE I'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO BEAT SAL'S HIGH SCORE! Whatever. At least I get to have an awesome vacation while Sal sleeps! HA! Suck on that Sal! I'm still winning! I sigh happily as I go underneath the apartments bed's flower sheets. Today was awesome! So much stuff I never knew! And best of all, nobody was eating tide pods! I even learned that this exact room is where a woman cured a man of a plague by coughing into his bed. I like to call the beds cough-ins. And I'm sleeping in one!

My dad suddenly throws my phone at me. "Here you go," He says, "You have that face you make when you want to text that Unicorn kid." I do? Well, I suppose I do want to text Unicorn. Yeah! I do! I need to tell him about my dope vacation! I can even use that Chinapanese word I learned today! Unicorn is gonna be so impressed with the day I had! Wait.

"Hey Dad, What face do I make when I want to text Unicorn?" I ask. My dad puts down his paper and puts his hand to his chin. He was thinking. He always makes that face when he thinks. It's so wack.

"Well, you sort of go red (like you have a crush on him *cough* *cough*) and smile a really wide smile, heh heh," My dad says, "Only Momma could get you to smile like that, heh heh.....................but that doesn't mean she doesn't still have to pay for child support..." I smile? Huh. Never noticed. Yo, where was I? Oh yeah. I was gonna text Unicorn. I bet he's totes gonna be so jealous when I tell him what I did today!


Golden Midget: coh-knee-chee-wa Unicorn!

Lukewarm: Why hello Goldy!

Lukewarm: Coh-knee-chee-wa to you too!

Golden Midget: you knew what i meant when i said that?

Lukewarm: Of course! As a champion of justice, I have studied up on all languages just in case I ever have to travel to a distant land!

Lukewarm: I can only assume you mean the Japanese form of hello!

Lukewarm: By the way, what keeps you up at this hour?

Golden Midget: this hour?

Golden Midget: whaddya mean broski?

Golden Midget: it's only 5:00 pm.

Lukewarm: Goldy.

Golden Midget: yeah bro?

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