Chapter 20

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Chapter 20- Quiet (Cookie And Kat)

Kat's P.O.V.

The sunset was beautiful. I was sitting at the beach. It was an abandoned beach. No one ever came here because there were rumors of a shark, but I'm no where close to the water so I should be fine. I was just watching the sunset. I like to come here sometimes, to be alone. Away from people. It was nice. It was peaceful. Not to say I don't like my friends, I just like to have a short time of quiet. And my friend group is the opposite of quiet. Today wasn't too good of a day. I had accidentally landed on Tony and he dropped his lunch. I remember his and my face were very red. He said it was no big deal and I shouldn't worry, but I still feel guilty. Tina kept reminding me about it for the rest of the day. Saying how her brother deserved it, and good job Kat. So I just came here to relax and forget about the bad parts of today. *ding* Someone had texted me. I thought I left my phone at my house. I is my alone time, but they might think I'm a jerk for not answering. Aw man. I open my phone.


The CookieBread Girl: KAT! I'M HAVING A CRISIS!

Katty: Okay?

The CookieBread Girl: I have to go to camp this summer!

Katty: Ok

Katty: That sounds nice.

The CookieBread Girl: YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!

Katty: Oh, I'm sorry.

The CookieBread Girl: No need to apologize, it's just I can't tell Tina.

Katty: Why not?

The CookieBread Girl: I'll be gone for most of the summer, she has planned so many things for us to do during the summer. Now we can't do half of them because I'll be gone. She's my best friend, and I don't want to let her down.

Katty: Um. Ok. I'm so sorry.

The CookieBread Girl: Do you have any advice on what I should do?

Katty: Maybe you could ask her to come to camp with you?

The CookieBread Girl: That won't work, she needs Ryan to be with her too.

The CookieBread Girl: I don't understand why, but she still needs him.

Katty: Maybe ask Ryan to come too?

The CookieBread Girl: Yeah! I'll ask Tina and force Ryan to go to camp with me!

Katty: Your not going to do anything illegal to force Ryan right?

The CookieBread Girl: Well I mean.

Katty: That isn't particularly good if you do something illegal.

The CookieBread Girl: Fine. I'll go the boring route. Ryan can't live without Tina, so I'll get Tina to go. And then Ryan will come along.

Katty: Can I say something?

The CookieBread Girl: Sure.

Katty: If Tina says no

The CookieBread Girl: She won't.

Katty: In case she does, remember that she'll still be your best friend. Even if you are far apart for like 2 months out of the 3 months of summer vacation.

The CookieBread Girl: You're right, but I'm still going with plan A

Katty: Ok then

The CookieBread Girl: Thanks Kat

Katty: No problem.


I turn my phone off. I stare at the sunset. It was amazing. I'm glad that I was able to help Cookie. It feels nice. I remember the good parts of today. I was able to have a normal conversation with Tony without stuttering, I had passed the super hard math test, and someone said my hair was nice today. You know. Maybe today wasn't so bad after all.

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