Chapter 109

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Chapter 109- Two (Ryan and Ryan)


Waffles are just pancakes with abs.

Ryan's P.O.V.

"VICTORY ROYALE!" I exclaim. Tina throws her controller down and pouts.

"Hmph, you got lucky Ryan," she says. I laugh.

"Yeah right Tina, your just salty that you lost," I say. Tina gasps. She looks hurt. Her expression quickly goes from hurt to full rage. Uh oh. I decide not to be an idiot and quickly run out of my room and down the stairs.

"RYAN!!! YOU ARE GOING TO APOLOGIZE TO ME!" Tina yells. I don't respond. I dash to my secret hiding spot in the washing machine where it's impossible to see me. Yikes. I shouldn't have done that. Ding! Shh! Dang it! Let's hope Tina didn't hear my phone. Who is this?


Oldguy: Is this Ryguyrocky?

Ryguyrocky: Yes, this is Ryguyrocky, how may I help you?

Oldguy: Oh perfect, I finally remembered my number.

Ryguyrocky: Your number, like your phone number? Because you can just ask Siri what your phone number is.

Oldguy: Oh yes, let me explain, I'm You form the future! And I used logic defying nonsense to talk to you know!

Ryguyrocky: Oh yes. That.

Ryguyrocky: Makes.

Ryguyrocky: Sense?

Oldguy: Ah Yes, I knew me would understand, here do you want some tea?


Oldguy: Here, I'll send it through the screen.

Ryguyrocky: You'll send it through the screen?


Oldguy: Now do you believe me?

Ryguyrocky: HECK YEAH I DO!

Ryguyrocky: But wait, I've seen movies like this.

Ryguyrocky: Your here to warn me about something!

Ryguyrocky: Oh no!



Oldguy: No you nanny fanny! Of course tea still exists, I just gave some to you.

Ryguyrocky: Oh yeah, that's right.

Oldguy: I didn't come here to warn you about anything!

Oldguy: I just came here to warn you about something.

Ryguyrocky: I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! What's gonna happen to me!

Oldguy: Well, recently I got some of my memories knocked out, and I need to remember them.

Ryguyrocky: Oh, so you came to me, who remembers everything so that you can get them back!

Oldguy: Precisely!

Ryguyrocky: Thats Smart! Good job old me!

Oldguy: Thank you sonny.

Ryguyrocky: Now, What do we need to know?

Oldguy: Well, you know how we had a list of everyone's fears so that we could play pranks on them?

Ryguyrocky: Yes.

Oldguy: Well, I need a list of Derp, Cookie, Lizzy, Danny, Tony, And Dave's fears.

Ryguyrocky: That's oddly specific, but your me, so I bet that there is no alternate sinister motives behind this. And you are 💯% totally me and aren't some evil guy trying to pry information from me.

Ryguyrocky: Give me a sec, let me remember.

Ryguyrocky: Okay, so Derp is afraid of losing Dirt in his life, kinda silly, but it makes for the best pranks.

Oldguy: Ah Yes, how I yearn for those days to return to me.

Ryguyrocky: Cookie is afraid of losing sweets and her friends.

Oldguy: Sheesh, everyone's afraid of losing something or someone.

Ryguyrocky: I know right! I expected something like afraid of octopi, but no!

Oldguy: Please do continue.

Ryguyrocky: Well Lizzy is afraid of the dark, an actual normal fear. I would say that she fears that she would lose all her research, but that's not confirmed, I just think that.

Oldguy: Ah Yes, I believe you accidentally delete her research in the future.

Ryguyrocky: Oh that is awesome!

Ryguyrocky: Sorry, I mean that sucks! Boooo.

Oldguy: Don't worry, all is forgiven.

Ryguyrocky: Got it. Danny. He is afraid of water.

Oldguy: Water?

Ryguyrocky: Yeah he can't swim. Kinda pathetic if you ask me, but hey, everyone's different.

Oldguy: Of course, now what about Tony?

Ryguyrocky: Not entirely sure, but I'm pretty sure it has to tie in with his family and Kat. Probably losing them.

Oldguy: Uh-Huh.

Ryguyrocky: And, to be perfectly honest, I don't really talk to Dave so I don't know his fears.

Ryguyrocky: Sorry old me.

Oldguy: It's fine, I got all the information I need. Thank you Ryan, I'll be sure to tell my doctor.

Oldguy: Also, I need to ask you something.

Ryguyrocky: What?

Oldguy: How would you take out a guard?

Ryguyrocky: Well, y'know. I would do something really interesting and complicated.

Ryguyrocky: I would punch him.

Oldguy: Oh thank you me.

Ryguyrocky: Hey, you were implying that you need to take out a guard? Why would you need to take one out? I mean, I'm sure your living the life right now in the future.

Oldguy: Well I need to steal Oopsie's computer.


Oldguy: I need to get some pills, but the stupid guard won't let me.

Ryguyrocky: Got it.

Oldguy: Anyways, gotta go, by little me.

Ryguyrocky: Bye old me.


Man! This has got me hyped for the future! I bet it's gonna be awesome! I wonder what my flying car's gonna be like! Oooo! Oooo! Maybe I'll even have rocket boots!

"RYAN WHERE ARE YOU!" Tina yells. Rude. Doesn't Tina know I'm trying to have my inner dialogue while I'm hiding from her right now. Oh wait. I'm hinging from Tina! Oh my gosh I completely forgot! Oh man! Welp. I don't think Tina's gonna leave until my mom comes home. But she should be home right I hear my mom enter the house.

"Oh hi Tina, what are you doing here?" I hear her say. I hear mom take her shoes off. Man her shoes are loud.

"I'm just trying to find Ryan, do you know where she could be?" Tina asks.

"Oh yes, he's probably hiding in his secret washing machine spot, here I'll lead you to him," mom says. Oh nuts.

Question Of The Day!

List ALL of your favorite ships. Now, from that list, if you were to eradicate, completely erase, one of those ships. Which ship would it be?

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