Chapter 17

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Chapter 17-How's It Goin (Danny and Ryan)

[A/N: Im'a be honest, I totally forgot Danny existed up until now. Also, thanks for the support, this book somehow managed to get #1 on ryguyrocky. So thank you.]

Ryan's P.O.V

I was nervous. I couldn't sleep. Me and Tony's G&G teams were fighting each other tomorrow. If I lose, then I don't know what I'll do. I've been practicing for so long. What if it's all for nothing. Well, I might as well wish them good luck.


Ryan: Hey Danny

Duck-Boi: Hey Ryan

Ryan: Just came to say good luck for tomorrow.

Duck-Boi: Thanks, but why wouldn't you say that to one of my other teammates? Why me?

Ryan: Your the only one who is a good sport and won't make some Sassy remark at me.

Duck-Boi: Heh. True.

Ryan: How's the team doin

Duck-Boi: Decent, Dave And Tony are ready. I'm not sure about Sky. Kat is also pretty ready, I'm not entirely sure that I'm ready.

Ryan: I understand. That's how I felt when I fought my first big G&G fight.

Duck-Boi: But you prevailed in the end, right?

Ryan: Nope. I was pulverized. Absolutely annihilated. Completely destroyed.

Duck-Boi: Oh.

Ryan: Don't worry. It'll be fine. It's not like we get punished if we don't win.

Duck-Boi: Well.

Ryan: ?

Duck-Boi: Dave said if we lose that I had to confess to Sky.

Ryan: Did you agree?

Duck-Boi: Yeah

Ryan: Hm. Well then. I have an idea.

Duck-Boi: What?

Ryan: Say that you did confess to her, but in reality you really didn't.

Duck-Boi: You mean lie!?

Ryan: Hey, it's either that or confess to Sky.

Duck-Boi: Um

Duck-Boi: I'll consider it. Thanks

Ryan: No problem.


So Tony's team isn't entirely ready. That's good. My team is fully prepared. I'll have to thank Danny for giving me what I needed to get my confidence back. But first, I'm going to bed.

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