Chapter 128

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Chapter 128- Split (Goldy, Goldy, Goldy, Goldy, And Unicorn)

Requested By: adventurouswolf3

Notes: This is an amazing idea. I love every idea you've given me. They're always so details and creative, which is always appreciated. Thanks for commenting. I'm honestly not sure why you don't just write them yourself becuase I know if you were to right it, it would probably 100 times better than what I did. Anyways. Thanks again.

Goldy's P.O.V.

Oh my gosh! It's the fifth golden squirrel! Yes! I knew that Panther swinging through the vines was a good idea! HAH! I bet even Ryan can't do that! I pick up the golden squirrel.

"Okay little buddy, your going in my backpack," I say. I slip the fifth golden squirrel into my backpack with the other four. Alright. That's five, three more to go. Man. I went pretty far into the woods. Oh my gosh! Am I lost. No. Goldy. Just use your animal instincts and you'll be fine. Remember, hop like a bunny, sting like a bee. Yawn. I'm tired. I could really go fro a nap. I look to my left. Great! It's a cabin! Maybe I can rest there. I go in, guns blazing, into the re as someone. They were brewing a potion. It turns around.

"Wh-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" A man yells. I jump back.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH! WITCH!" I scream. Th man's face scrunches up. He grabs a stick.

"FOR THE LAST TIME, I AM A WARLOCK- Y'know What, I don't have time for this," He says. He raises up his stick. I'm assuming it's magic! Ooooooh! Magic! Maybe he'll pull a bunny out if his hat! He points it at me. Wait.

"I DON'T WANT TO BE A BUNNY!" I scream. The witch glares at me.

"I'm not making you into a bunny I was just taking down my Christmas de-Y'know, I'm just gonna curse you for coming into my house," He says, "RANDOM GIBBERISH! RANDOM GIBBERISH! RANDOM GIBBERISH!" The witch exclaims. A spark of red, pink, yellow, blue, and gray flies out of the wand. And it's heading straight towards me!




Unicorn: Yes Goldy? Is something the matter.


Unicorn: Fix you? What do you mean fix you?

Sadness: Well you see. We went out on a scavenger hunt trying to find all of the missing golden squirrels. And while on the fifth squirrel, we....

Sadness: We....

Sadness: We...

Sadness: .......


Unicorn: Oh no no no no no! Goldy, don't be sad! It's okay.

Flirty: Oh darling~

Flirty: I could never be sad around you~

Unicorn: Oh, um Goldy. That's really flirty.

Unicorn: Not that I'm complaining! Its just out of character.

Unicorn: NOW HOLD ON! Why do you have three phones!?

Happy: Make that four buddy!

Idiotic: And ten!

Unicorn: What is going on!

Happy: Well you see, we were going out jolly little ways! And then we bumped into a spooky cabin!

Idiotic: Yeah. Reel spoopy, like a Santa on Halloween.

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