Chapter 84

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Chapter 84- A New Adventure (Unicorn Mann)


So, I've been questioning something about this book lately. What is it you may ask? You probably aren't asking, but I'll still tell. The inclusion of Anti in my book. Now, some comments have gotten me down about my inclusion of him. I'm not gonna say who it is because I ain't no snitch. And even if someone begs me in the comments, I still won't. And I'm not gonna say what about Anti I am questioning. I just wanted to get this out of my system because it's been interfering with my writing. Anyways, enjoy the chapter.

"Hey, Unicorn, What was your life before you came to the daycare?"



Luke's P.O.V.

"I already told you Janet, you should take a break," I say. I hear Janet groan.

"BUT I HAVE TO EDIT THE VIDEO!" She yells. I chuckle. She was always so cute.

"Don't worry, I know it sounds extremely hard, but I know you can go to the next door kitchen, and make a coffee for five minutes," I reassure. I hear her laugh a little.

"Thanks man, I really needed someone to tell em to do that," she responds.

"No pro-" HONK! I drop my phone.

"HEY! I'M DRIVING HEAR!" A random driver says. I look at him and then to the traffic lights. The light was red.

"Um, sir, the light is red, you were supposed to stop," I say. The driver rolls his eye.

"Oh, look I've here, WE GOT OURSELVES A SMART ALECK!" He yells.

"How is obeying the law being a smart aleck?" I ask. The man puts his hands on the steering wheel.

"WELL I'LL TEACH YOU!" The driver yells. Before I get to respond, the man hits me with his car. And then......DEATH. I also think he ran over my phone. Man, I was about to beat my Candy Crush high score too.

I land into a place. A place way to familiar. It's an apartment room. But not just anyone"s apartment room. It's his..... He turns around in his chairs. His eyes go from just emotionless to anger. He stands up.

"Dude! Really? That's the fifth time you died!" He yells, "How many times to I have to revive you!?" There's knocking noise from above.

"HEY! KEEP IT DOWN DOWN THERE!" They yell. Death rolls his eyes.

"Sorry Margret!" He yells. He turns back to me. "Your lucky that you own that bet with me, or I would have already sent your sorry butt to H E Double toothpicks," He says. He then pulls up a screen and starts pulling up times.

"So, which time period are you sending me to doc? Just don't choose 1987 again, I don't like the pizzerias there," I say. Death keeps scrolling through the times. I look through. It's all the dates that I died. 7867, got hit by a flying bullet. 7865, I died with a free sample of bread, 1997, I was looking at the Grand Canyon and you can probably see what happened there, and finally 1987, where my first life was. Sheesh. Those were like four evers a go. I hardly remember them.

Year- October 4, 7867

Luke's P.O.V.

"Yes, I would like to take out some cash from my account," I say. The person behind the desk looks at me. Their name tag said Ley.

"Of course, money is required to sustain one's life, how much money would you like to extract from your bank account?" Ley asks. Hmmm. Well, all I really need to do is get some WackDonald's. So, how about.......I'll just take a 50.

Ryguyrocky Texting StoriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora