Chapter 115

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Chapter 115- Research (Sal And Lizzy) + Angel x Sal Rant Thing


Last time, I asked what people thought of Angel x Sal. And there was a lot of mixed responses. Some meh's, some I don't ship it, and some it's cute. Personally for me, I'm still meh about it. I mean it's cuteish, but I don't ship it. I feel like it would make for interesting stories. Maybe a person wingman's Angel and helps her to get Sal or something. Me personally, I ship Angel with someone else (which I bet you can't guess who) so I dunno. I'm meh. The thing that's stopping me from liking it is the reason it exists. The reason is is that Angel can game while Sal sleeps. It's a pretty weak reason, and that's basically a relationship based off ignoring each other. Angel would game, and not pay attention to Sal. While Sal sleeps and doesn't pay attention to Angel. And for me, that isn't a relationship that will last. I feel like the way that Ryguyrocky media can make this work is by doing two things. And I'll be throwing in an idea I have to make an interesting story.

A. Add more to Angel besides her being a video game addict, maybe she loves her video game so much that she doesn't pay attention to others, but there is something to Sal that makes her want to put down her video games and just admire him. Maybe there is a certain charm to Sal that she sees and likes, but she just can't place it, making it so that she wants to watch and observe him (basically stalk him) to see what that thing she likes about him is, instead of it being just "oh, this is a relationship that I can completely ignore the person in and play my games." That would set up some interesting conflicts of Sal almost noticing her, and her trying to avoid having other people see her stalk Sal because they might see her as weird because of it.

And B. Make Sal more then just a guy who falls asleep all the time. Yes, he should fall asleep a lot. But I don't think it should be to the point where he just doesn't socialize and always sleeps. Maybe he could actually be always tired, but willing to socialize when he isn't sleeping. That way he could get to know Angel better and develop more of a crush on her. He would actually know more about Angel than just the fact that she likes video games. Maybe make Angel a possible reason to his sleeping problem. Maybe he likes Angel so much that the very thought of her is enough to put him into a happy peaceful slumber. This would damage Sal negatively. He is now sleeping in the middle of class and is failing because of it. He now has to manage his crush on Angel so that he would have a higher chance of staying awake, and try not to doze of about her in class so that he can put attention.

And the idea I wanted to share with you guys. As I said before, add a person who Angel turns to for advice on how to date Sal. But here's the catch, Sal is also turning to the same person to help him date Angel. That would not only set up conflicts for Angel and Sal with their crushes on each other, this also sets up a conflict with the wingman. The wingman is conflicted because he/she is giving advice to two people who have mutual feelings towards each other and he/she is getting all rambled. And a possible plot hole is, if this wingman knows that Sal And Angel Like each other then why doesn't he just tell the other. What if the wingman had promised to not reveal Angel's crush on Sal, and Sal's crush on Angel. Maybe the wingman is simply being torn on the inside knowing that they like each other but can't say anything. Just a thought. Me personally I would choose Dave as the wingman since out of Him, Tony, Lizzy, Ryan, Unicorn Mann, Goldy, Tina, Cookie, Danny, Sky, And Kat, we know the least about Dave. It would give us a chance to learn more about his personality, his hobbies, and his life at home.

And those are all my thoughts on Angel x Sal and some recommendations that Ryguymedia will never see. Good golly that was a lot. I just had a lot to say. If you want to comment your opinion or any feedback or thoughts about what I just said here, go ahead and leave your it in the comments. I love reading them. Anyways, I won't waste your time anymore, hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Have a nice day/night.

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