Chapter 37

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Chapter 37- MAN-OS AND HIS ROCK COLLECTION!" (Tony and Dave)


To answer last time's question. I'll just say Unicorn Mann. Don't get me wrong. Ryan definitely has cracked more jokes than Unicorn has. The some reasons why I'm saying this is because he's generally funny. His jokes are never unrelated (at least most of the time). And when he's feeling emotion like love, sadness or disappointment, he can still add unintentional humor. I don't want to make this A/N too long, so I'll just stop right here.

Tony's P.O.V.

"HOLY MOLY GUACAMOLE!" I yell, "THAT MOVIE WAS SO GOOD!" Now I know why Dave was so excited to tell us all about the movie. Because it was so good! Tina, who was right next to me, had a look of excitement in her eyes.

"I KNOW RIGHT! I ALMOST FAINTED WHEN MAN-OS COMPLETED HIS ROCK COLLECTION AND SNAPPED, MAKING MEN RAINING DOWN FROM THE SKY!" Tina screeches. I see Tina look at her phone. I think she remembered that she needed to go to Cookie's house, so she booked it out of the theater. Huh. Welp. Looks like I'm walking home. I pull out my phone. Dave had texted me.


David: Did you see the movie!


David: Didn't you love it!

Toony: No it sucked

David: What!?

Toony: I'm just kidding I loved it

Toony: That scene where Man-os throws the moon with a face on it

David: I know right!

Toony: And the way they executed him finally finishing his rock collection. It was great

David: Totally

David: I lost my marbles when Man-os threw Goo-mora off that really small hill

Toony: ME TOO!


David: Hah

David: Wimp

Toony: SHUT UP! You told me that you were sobbing during the scene where Spooder Mayonaise got crushed by one of the raining men.

David: Oh yeah

David: I forgot

Toony: At this rate, I can't for Spooder Mayonnaise - Into the Spooder Verse

David: Same bro

Toony: I wonder how Antelope Man and the Woosp is gonna be

David: I saw a preview of it

David: It's pretty good

Toony: Sweet

David: I also saw a clip of Captain Market, it's pretty good so far.

Toony: Man. Superhero movies are really improving.

David: I know!

David: I loved Justice Leave!

David: The CGI was great

Toony: ...

Toony: Don't talk to me.

David Wait what?


I close my phone. Honk honk. I look up. My dad had arrived. I get up and into the car. I put in my earphones and start to play my music. Man that movie was good.


I'm sorry if you had to bleach your eyes 😂.

Question Of The Day!

Since Ryan had Life, Recess, and Pirates (that sadly is most likely discontinued); Tina has Monsters, Dragons, and Roblox Royal Thingy; Unicorn Mann has Heroes; what do you think Goldy's other series, besides daycare, is gonna be?

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