Chapter 97

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Chapter 97- Summer Cleaning (Danny And Lizzy)

Danny's P.O.V.

Man. This place is a mess. I can't believe our friend group meets here everyday. Is that? That's a rat! Ew. This place really needs to be cleaned. I look around. The amount of gunk and junk here was massive. No way I can clean this by myself. I should call for help. Let's see. Tony stinks at cleaning. And Dave is busy. Well. I should pick someone who can make a plan to get this task done efficiently and quickly. *snap* Lizzy! I'm sure she could do it. I sure do hope she's not busy.


Danny: Hi Lizzy!

Lizzy: Hello fellow class mate Danny, how are you feeling today?

Danny: I'm fine, but I need to ask you for a favor.

Lizzy: What is this favor that you want to ask me?

Danny: Well, you know our friend group's hangout spot right?

Lizzy: Yes, I know about the secret room in Blaze's Pizza.

Lizzy: It's a shame what happened to the owner.

Danny: What happened to the owner?

Lizzy: He died on an island. It was an accident that no one really nods too much about. The only information we have, is that he was under mind control.

Danny: That's terrible!

Lizzy: Indeed.

Lizzy: Anyways, back to the task at hand.

Lizzy: What did you want to tell me about our secret room.

Danny: Can you help me clean it?

Lizzy: I would love to clean the secret room, I have been thinking the same thing for a while, but I'm currently tired.

Lizzy: So is there an alternative person you could use, besides me? Maybe one of your friends, such as Tony to Dave.

Danny: I would ask someone else, but Tony stinks at cleaning, and Dave's entering a talent show.

Lizzy: Really? I never took Dave as the kind of person that had the self confidence to enter a talent show.

Danny: Me neither, but he said he's going in to lose, which is why he's choosing to go into the talent show with the talent of having no talent.

Lizzy: But that makes no logical sense. If his talent is having no talent then he would have a talent that is having no talent.

Lizzy: Then again, if he did have the talent of having no talent, then he would indeed have no talents.

Lizzy: Sheesh he picked a weird talent.

Danny: Um, not to be rude, but can we talk about the cleaning.

Danny: Please.

Lizzy: Of course, I apologize for getting side tracked.

Lizzy: You know, this exact scenario reminds me of a story my mom once told me.

Lizzy: When my mother was twelve, she was studying at her grandmother's house. And she was very tired. But, my mother's grandmother wanted her help at cleaning a broken vase. She was tired, very tired, so she was faced with the dilemma of choosing to let herself rest, or help her sweet grandmother clean her vase. In my honest opinion, it's a really hard choice to make because it's between putting your grandmother before your self, or treating yourself and giving yourself some rest. And from my observations, the more tired a human being is, the more that they want to rest. But, my mother put her grandmother before herself and helped her. So, I should do the same.

Danny: So are you helping me?

Lizzy: Yes.

Danny: Awesome! I'm so glad.

Lizzy: Anyways, What areas do we need to clean.

Danny: Um.

Danny: Everything.

Lizzy: Everything!?

Lizzy: I was at the secret room two days ago! There is no way that it could be that dirty that we need to clean the whole thing!

Danny: Well, there's kinda a rat infestation, and they brought a bunch of junk and gunk.

Lizzy: Junk And gunk?

Lizzy: What kind of junk? Candy wrappers? Potato Chip bags? Empty soda bottles? Pizza slices? Broken in half pencils? Smudgy erasers? Deflated basketballs? And what kind of gunk? Molds? Fungi? Alien blood? Normal blood? Limbs? Dust bunnies? Mud? The battery acid Angel spilled everywhere? Be specific Danny!

Danny: Um, I don't know.

Lizzy: What do you mean you don't know? Can't you just look at the stuff and tell me?

Danny: Well, I can't look at this stuff for more then ten seconds without puking, so I don't really think I can.

Lizzy: Is it really that bad?

Danny: Yeah. But I can tell you what one thing is.

Lizzy: What?

Danny: I can see some play-doh on the ceiling.

Lizzy: You mean from the time Dave somehow managed to blow up a desk with play-doh and a lighter? Or the time Dave blew up the the sink with play-doh and some silly string?

Danny: Um, it has some ash marks on it, so I'm gonna assume it's the lighter.

Lizzy: Got it. I'll make sure to bring my protective chemical suits for toxic atmospheres.

Danny: Wha!

Danny: Where did you find one of those!

Lizzy: I did not find these suits, I bought them for seven hundred dollars. I wouldn't just find and take things, that would be stealing, and I'm offended that you think so lowly of me.

Danny: No! No! I didn't mean it like that!

Lizzy: Well then perhaps you could have been more clear.

Danny: Anyways, can you help me clean?

Lizzy: I'm already one minute away.

Danny: Hold up what. How did you get here so fast?

Lizzy: I'm here.


"Wait what?" I say. I look behind me.

"Hi," Lizzy says. I jump.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" I screech. I begin to shake. I look at Lizzy. She raises an eyebrow. Oh man Danny. You shouldn't scream at people. Especially not a girl. I clear my throat. "Um sorry you had to hear my super manly scream," I say. I cringe. Those were the wrong words.

"Yeah, sure...Anyways, here," Lizzy says. She starts pulling out a bunch of equipment from her bag. Lizzy begins to ramble on, "Take this protective chemical suit to protect your skim, this radioactive detector to help you see what's radioactive, this toxic meter to ensure your safety, this gun and this knockout Incase you run into an unfamiliar entity, and this rat poison, for the rats....oh yeah, and this bag to collect the radioactive materials to give to me for experiments."

"Um, your gonna user radioactive material and experiment with it?" I say.

"Yes, it's for research! I might even be able to make a machine that could explain Unicorn's superpowers," she says. I feel sweat begin to form in my head.

"Um, Lizzy, it's radioactive material, let's be smart about this, like ducks, it's probably not a good idea," I say. Lizzy smiles. Her smile's nice. I mean that in a friend way. I chuckle. Lizzy looks at me and raises her eyebrow. "I'm sorry, your smile just reminded me of someone and it just quacked me up," I say. Lizzy frowns.

"You owe me ten dollars for telling me that horrible duck pun," Lizzy says. But before I answer she walks of.

Before Lizzy walked off to far I call to her, "UM! CAN YOU JUST PUT IT ON MY BILL!?" Bu dum crash.

What is your favorite version of Tina? Daycare Tina, Dragons Tina, Heroes Tina, Monsters Tina, or Friends Tina?

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